When Feeling Stuck in between the Zones
When its like being stuck on a bench upon a very
important game is in progress where you know your contribution can profoundly
affect things… yet u aren’t ever given a chance to get off the bench and make a
play... or sometimes what of this, if you don’t even know what your
contribution is… or so often how about these, you haven’t been allowed to play
for so long that you begin to doubt and question what that true purpose or real
leading call you ever had was all that true or not …
And I hear you say in your
darkness and giving up moments those very trying times, the sandwich moronic
catharsis of feeling it all and yet not being able to pin down any level of the
sense. I hear you breathing in the sighing moments of morning till night:
and at this point i m like ok
fine I ll just sit on this fuqn bench until the cows come home, i will no
longer try to get in that game, not unless explicitly and powerfully invited..
And in those splendiferous
moments of making no sense at all it is what awakens in the bridge light of the
spirit working already deep within. It is the molding of the clay in the bigger
patterns, the greater levels of being.
No matter how broken or misjudged or out of alignment I feel, it is here
and more affirmed and known : spirit is already working with me and always
i m in thses spaces of such in ordinate funk
is what gets to me or
some it could be your writing, healing poetry, the nature, the walks, whatever
it may be. May be just allowing to release and float and you will know, you
will come home, you will be carried back into the flow by and by. All is well
and you would assured more than ever before.
times all it takes is connecting back to your breath and back into your self
and you are reminded, here you are , in the fullness and glory, so broken and
yet fully whole and you are back in track and flow to take on all you are here
to bring and give. You will be smiling back in the assuredness and
and i just got this from
and I
so do know you will.
you will
have your chance in all this and you will
you will and you will and over and over and over again. Not
only does the big waves of amazing vortex of creation know this but then you
are and you are forever more meant to be. There are ripples in the oceans of
creations and ponds as much needed and didn’t you know. But know that YOU ARE
and you simply being you is where your purpose is met.
You cannot not do your purpose! That’s impossible. You be
your purpose and you are always being that even through the utmost most
deriding stages. If I look into your soul song individually and the truth of
your calling, it will show you the very patterns why you are living your
purpose no matter and your true destiny is lived in every moment no matter what
the outward may come to be or not.
We might be falsely measuring the purpose to the launch of
the book, or a specific element derived in business or earth work or family
life or meeting aspects of relationships or even inner self growth which we
term as real intrinsic core work and not outward. However, all these levels of
balancing the spectrum in the outside are our own aspects of desires and not
part of the true path of purpose that realness in core essence wants us to be.
Of course all these are cool and such desires are amazing and create more of
concrete measures of creations, making more things moving on in earth time
fields. But even then these are not parts of your unique coding of purpose.
What you live and be at purpose level you already and all ready are all that
greatness and living it beyond the patterns of the apparent, you are already on
the path of its fulfillment in the past as much and as much of course in your
present and the future in finite. There is no way you cannot be not it as you
are never without it, you are always it even amidst the most turmoil points of
your life where you feel most out of context from your core self.
You being you, just as you are right NOW is all and every
thing here here needing to be met. And of course with your clear feeling
authentic desires, and so long as we are human we shall always have those, and
be playing in the fields. So there are sooosooo much more and you will indeed
have to give this to the all... often very precious gifts are not found by
greater than easy to be met appointing and some foundational works are at
transgressing processes through the fallow stages. The beauty and light and joy
of such stages may not be apparent to us especially when we are in them but
once present to the true seeing through the patterns, we are shown again and
all over again how these are indeed and always have been opportunities for veil
thinning times, for ever more. Each one of us being bearer of those rich
amazing gifts, the truth of abundance within and out, as we live and so be it
in our true calling and truth. And with each one in our own intrinsic gifts,
the truth of such levels of our own unique offerings are exactly needed in the right
timing for all needed and that’s always true living of our own unique purpose.
Sometimes the galactic troubadors come to find the greater earth core not
matching the frequency of what they are about to give but by going through very
contradictory upheavals experienced in dimensions. These are the real ones
matching the planes and opening the true real new gateways for the new dawn of
humanity as is most needed now. This is what has been going on for you and me
and many such through the short gestures or greater lunges, these are not
awkward measures from the new path breaking creations. But these are indeed
forming the new realness of the truth and reality the new world ordaining is
being created here to give most of.
You are not shunned away but they are being deprived of
course to come to this true union of the new world, bear within that you hold
the re union cosmic pattern right within you. So as you unite deep within the
cosmic semantic semblance right within you, you shall come in the fullness of
the awakened transitioning forbearing as within so without. As you bear the
union of heart and mind and the balanced essence of the cosmic new light of
feminine and masculine and the face of the new changing earth planes you bring
the holy uniting cohesion more beyond than ever, as is most needed. And there are those around like you though in
their own unique forms are in hiding still and facing similar or almost quite.
... Do know and they do go through these phases. Even simpler ones like me do
go through those. You will be met and met beyond, many times more. There are
chances of those not to be left alone and in the human cohesion bonding of
love, for that is indeed the truth. But then know even in our different roles
we are not alone and we have to go through these because of the differing
frequencies in these abject earth realms. In the all pervasive ground you have
met it all. So let it go and just enjoy BEING. What you are and who you are cannot
be taken away from you. You are drained in the physical mental emotional
dimension but it is temporary. in within you are full, over brimmed, over over
pregnant and that is why in expectation of delivery the static energy of the
union as within the womb is not finding its way out. Play in any way you can. Leave
the purpose for just a while and just be you. It will come to be met in the
matching frequencies all over again. i know this seems all contradictory to
what we are meant to be. But this is the part of the greater cosmic labor pain
we go through. Each of the galactic light bringers who are not really of earth
has to go through in this detached realm process. Your purpose is not and
cannot be taken from you cuz you being you is the greatest gift and purpose. What
we are sharing is part of it. Even your womb void is part of it, there is no
other way. Truly. You will come to meet this all in the letting go.
The greater
earth and world will find your gifts in the divine blessings. Purely stay
present and true to you and let

beyond enroll ~*~
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