Living Your HIghest Truth is Creating the Real Changes ~*~

(image via Gilbert Williams: Angel Falls)
Every day i work in every way to make the quietest and sometimes the blazing ever differences in any way life and divine gifts as vested through me would allow me to do more so in surrender, service, work and deep work. This does not come easy but comes from daily stretching out from your comfort zones in some way or other, daring to go and leap ahead, be endlessly immersed in my core passion for growth and expansion, whatever aligns with my highest guidance calls. This generally means not aligning to most of outwardly societal life or anything that does not core lock and connect to my deepest spirit-heart-love, natural raw celebration of life. This means i am the highest gleaner and soul purpose fire light bridger of passions and not going to be in sync with most of the out ward societal , not even most to most any on my own niche and only follow my highest call.
Some say they are envious because i core followed things so early. Well, so early not, i have been given multiple human dimensional lives for sure. Am an old soulshaman and always have been and i have the quickest exit route for anything that isn't aligned to highest growth level purpose which has meant sacrificing the superficial on and on at every inch and level, deep levels of intense devotion in my purpose and alignment to all levels of spirit and divine, being in service 24/7 and most intensely servicing my core passions and purpose for highest aligned endless growth.
So almost every day i also receive and see countless ones who are not daring and committed to finding their core center and growth. Some i can talk to and others i may never be able to touch a hello or base or even ask a simple question and for each one of course we would have our own path to follow. It is upon grace and highest level of your discernment to leave, which path of yours you are to take in your highest alignment. i couldnt be where i am without the soul heart love and support of some real human angels serving me as much is outstanding grace to help me be more and in turn serving the universe while aligning their own purpose, the endless helps from my guides, angels, teachers and over realest of real friends. Over time you learn quicker who the real ones are for you and you are never going to miss a moment's beat with the ones not as committed to growth level as you are or in steady expansion of their own highest call. Not every one is going to be with you or like or love you and that is being real, that is life and growing out more and more if you are committed enough the universe makes way. Hopefully receiving liking or loving from anyone is never going to be a concern as we would more and more be imbibed in LOVE anyway and the usual sense of the ways outward 3d projections would cohort love to be would never be any of our concerns. It is such a deeply fulfilling and nourishing future from every step on and available for all of us.
I have seen then again multiple times forward how the universe supports us in the endless adventure call and in the highest true spirit of love and our deep diving into commitment into our core selves and passions are always answered. That is always a given without question and it comes to you many fold times more.It all comes and depends on your internal and external alignment and how you are doing-being whether coming from your highest purest intention of deep level commitment, heal, change and expand and work from your core aligned purpose, not always from your comfort zones which can keep you in shell numbs for ages and not let you be who you are truly meant here to be.
So deep stretches in to deep love, do that and check in alignment and you shall have and receive it all. ask and so you may shall have. For all and any of us playing at any level in our life and choosing to go and deep dive more.
So if you are truly committed and in the highest alignment of your true heart purpose and mission, you shall make no mistake and go ahead in your truest discernment. When ready and called for, let me know and we can choose the realest highest core most way and alignment how i can support you and your journey, expand your healing path and powers multiple folds levels that which would benefit and serve you the best to the level where you are at.I work with deeply committed and only the serious people all across the world from any level they are at and going the deepest works with them for their highest expansion and we are constantly transforming the micro-macro fabric in our divine purpose alignment. This is my soul path and journey as extended to life mission i am here to bring best for real results for others and to take the highest levels upon the universal and cosmic fabric. We cant do it alone and not meant to and that is why given this human life in trajectory to make the changes to the highest growth expansion any moment given we are presented with the gift of being and channeling through in our dimensions.
To your highest love, healing and expansion ~ choose no less ever, only the highest ~*~
Be open to miracles and conscious creations and the reality you are choosing, be very very heart-soul level surrendered and present and all gifts pour shining blazing through in through the cosmic veils for you ~
Love, ~*~


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