On Starbursting Heart Wonders and Awe

It is a great liberation to have no questions ever. No questions. Ever. The realness is presence would be held strong and close in wonder and awes, curiosity, knowing deep within, all answers reside within.
Dance in your body and multi spectral cells and all levels of awakening happiness in the light beam that bursts through the universal song sequence. It is the deepest anchored knowing of the shamanic all level archives of our past, present , future and no time zones.
The akashic realms so deep eternal and all open are opened to us for all in the new crystalline grid realms.

In these new realms they also show as humanity you have suffered enough. Pain body exploring or suffering to find real cause of love makes no sense for love itself ignites heart opens and zig zag cloud burst multi level star delights of more love.
Delights and more squeals would be creating more of the giddy hearted pulse racy steady stream of ascension than the over rated cause of pain body relating.  It is not that pain body realness would not be there yet they would be coming slower, steadier, steam passing and here to magnanimously lift you forward in new freaking realness dimensions.

Here in the star flakes of union light and immersing more into the teeth syncing into the flesh of our realness of bliss. Complete pain body free exploration is not promised and yet the creational aspects of this new alignment in crystalline grid structure for our rapid acceleration into the golden light bodies is a farther high call that is only happening through the breaking splitting open in love.
It is real and for present. Eternal. There is no questioning and answering and it is only free and only washes you through waves of silence. In those silent presencing of holy -communion what so ever levels you connect with another thing or any other in the deepesty heart level trust and home coming, these freeing new zones of growing spectrum light becomes the steadier call to your fullness in higher light.
More and more we shed, process and bare through the doors of the opening light and align with in the new created alignment of our deeper embedded homecoming as glowing star flakes of love ever eternal and ever more.
The continued ceaseless awe wonder of universal love spectrum delights in life times of love so much. There is so much to love and be present with without any condition ever right within you and in your deepest core strength when you tune into this. This is despite the relative out er conditional plays in the outward dimension, the dramas, the movement, the shatters and the what-not. This love and ever eternal marriage of you and source or god or all of universe or life or source center is ever present. Even beyond pains of sadness modes of temporary transits of our separation in forms whether we are waving good bye in airports or acknowledging a mutually honoring transition in relationship or even unable to acknowledge yet accepting nonetheless or grieving in bereavement for a departed beloved one of their physical essence, this continuation of love, the deepest core connection is eternal, ever growing. The differences in temporary transits in love only brings us the ever deeper core meanings of love that we are here to experience as humans and the versatile forms of love. We are eternal creatures of love for there are indeed eternities left to love, explore, take forms and endless adventures out there in the universe in cosmic splendor no matter what it calls.
This is the core centering coming home to truth no matter what comes through. Be centered in that realness awe and love of love and let pour its haloed light and new cosmos and star births through your deepest aches and heartlonging and breath, connected presence and flower light of flowing joy and music as that vibrates through every corner of the universe, even when we are facing the carcass of the dying transition zone s so difficult, the beauty in the perfection and purity of melting oneness to the universe is ineffable but just us ~*~ star bursts of light and love to heavenly golden light star bursting lights of more of us that be ~*~


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