Our Surprising Powers of Healing

On your path to healing and new creations in the light I am here to remind you as our light legions do, that you do have plenty and loads of energetic help and assistance, call for them and they likely come in various forms. They will. They are always with you. They never fail you and proceed to your own clear path of yours alone indeed. We would all have unique challenges on our paths. This part is given and the journey is well worth it. We do always have more of loving support than you can imagine and it is always present. As we are entitled to keep connecting to your core essence, your source center and keep distracting from all levels of other impurities that take you away from you. You can do this.

In my modality practice of shamanic given and gifted Reconnective Bliss Connection mode of healing I have worked with many on healing levels with ancient traumas and years and lifetimes of abuse and I know it is possible for each one of us to be connected purely to source center and heal ourselves, truly free us on every level in all realness. It is truth and it never ceases to amaze me. Of course most directions in healing would have spirit natures plunge us in post cleanse effects, to take practical actions.
For instance in last one month, it is of course not of my own doing, how I connected with many who were seemingly asking for healing at a specific area and then got directed by spirit guides on several realms of their lives. Our over watchers want the very best of us and in terms of rapid cleansing. With one person as I was working to heal their heart and some emotional twinflame situation I was rapidly guided by spirit to ask them to clean out any amount of gluten and fungus causing elements in their body. While the question was never related to the body spirit and guides were adamant. I felt quesy and even though amazingly light and wonderful after our healing session, the spirits directed me if I did not share this with the person it could be vital healing gone missing.
Often times I have to check for myself, is it my own doing intermediating that our every levels are connected but it is not too surprising that none of the present body levels of spirit mind matter and heart connection can be chunked out if we are to do any level of real time healing. That is not possible and the full life force of our entities and guided realms know this, reminds us to be true.

Another time a life long trauma incident for healing upon somebody the cleansing resulted in bringing some key directions to their internal and immediate environmental shifts. What moved through was immense freeing of energy, undoubtedly. These things do not just come on their own as isolated parts of our journeys but key formats of our directions to follow through next. And the guided revelations do help us tune in to what is obvious in matters of growth for our next. Within the past one month both people who received upon the healing guidance were ever more relieved to take the next steps in their lives. They said of course something nudged at some point or form but the incredible freeing of energies that came with making some key shifts was incredible. And of course when we detox at any level of our internal diets or our immediate environment we receive amazing energetic vaults of revelations and letting go. Not to be made the miss that they would not come with some poignant parts of crankiness, they would

All growth and shift would take you to the next steps. No matter what guided revelatory steps you are to take, these help you greatly to move to the next shifts of your inner and outer growth. These would not be easy and habits of the new pattern surely would be challenging. Knowing as in, in sync revelations, the healing does come with some practical pairing of actions and key step changes in life. It has been amazing beyond how when the energies are working in levels of healing for our past or backgrounds or any baggage element that need clearing out, some very obvious key shifts or elemental focus in our lifestyle would make ever more enormous leaps of difference. Growth comes in wings of faster speeding changes and revelatory forces with no qualms whatsoever we can complain for even though the present may not be happy or sweet. But all we know in some changes with the transition, we have reached a whole another level to our next more truer selves, a place where we could not have reached with any linear fragmented logic based direction in time. However once you have taken a leap in grounded mind body spirit heart shift, your reality would never be the same and you surely couldn’t turn back to any previous obvious. The older ancient trauma bodies or whatever needs to be shed in forms of snake skin comes obviated furthermore in the new recess of enjoined reality.

No matter what you are being opened to during these times of changes, do know this portal is forever open and with infinite possibilities of love. I have seen many others still remarkable healers and gifted ones who have gone through traumas and could free themselves in a trice or even those kinds who amaze me most, who never let those energy bodies to affect them or steal their purity. All such levels are possible and present for us. In the new realms of all possibilities all is possible. When I meet a woman who is a healer and who had been pushed into child trafficking early on at her age and with some aspects of her own healing and some added help through her resonant light worker friends, she has come to the place where she is now it totally amazes and awes me beyond. The degree and levels of full resonant healing selves of that which is deep within us and presented by the universe is amazing and it is geared for our natural growth and change. Joy and infinite levels of love, in all pervasive dimensions is our realest core, forever tuned in nature. If we are not living it, we have not reached to that level of depth and truth in nature, that is inherently ours and we must trace back through the pillions of whatever comes up in trajectory of reality in the human dimension to get to our core truth and center. When I see intense levels of lifetimes and over and over dose of such traumatizing and harrowing painbody being released in the service of highest of high love and realization through the new heaven-earth alignment focus by such goddesses and gods of wonder I am assured forever more by our healing power of light, love and universal sync forces than anything else ever in finite to be present in all of creations. We are source radiance infinite and the birth seed portal of the human dimensions of god-goddess selves, the part of which is forever more free, realer than realest most in the true birthing magnefic fields of love. This part be forever free coming home truer than truth that meets the full realness of the true world creation outside despite the human circumstances that show up, we know all can be transcended and brought back to this centering stage of love and eternal joy, peace and light and birthing J

For more information on reconnective mode of bliss healing and how it may serve you best visit the service page and leave a message
or send your query to aishwarya.dg@gmail.com


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