What Could be Draining You ? ~
On energy vampires or energy drainers and what this is all
It is a common thing that kind hearted empaths or many
people not very conscious about where their own energetic boundaries end and
begin get very frequently attacked or drained by energy vampires. This is
indeed quite a scenario common enough. Many kind and sensitive people are
possibly living with such people from day to day in the forms of work
colleagues or in the guises of best friends or family members or even, in the
worst case scenario, perhaps an intimate partner. Energy vampires or attackers
can be very sticky people. However, this may not be really easy to get rid of
if one doesn’t know where the boundaries are and enough about self love, what
drains one while what uplifts or brings one up!
It is quite a situation and balance needing much attention
in our day to day growth as humans interacting. This is a greater learning
ground, when understood clearly, makes much sense overall. There are often not
the type book energy vampires or drainers but people who might behave like that
due to energetic chemical attachment with you because they have those traits in
them and your way of being evokes those exact qualities out of them. It is
simply like the parasitic plant will grow on the most available tree. Since it
is its nature it is will definitely grow. Unless the parasitic qualities are
totally uprooted or cleared from that person by virtue of their own conscious
efforts, unfortunately nothing can be done. The biggest help you can do for
yourself and such a person, is
Don’t be the tree. That’s all.
Be you. Be yourself. Be full of love. Just don’t be the
tree or in that vibration that readily brings that kind of a situation. you
have to step out of what you are doing and being and really have a thorough
check and clear out the energy when such situation seems to stick to you like
good old glue or warmed thick wax layers that never seems to go out. In reality
it can be really worse having another human’s whole total and mucked up energy bodies
messing you up.
In my following blog posts I shall talk of different stages
and ways of how one can be a conscious empathy or sensitive being as opposed to
be closed down or shut off from true loving and being in the universe, out open
and take care of oneself as well as with one’s full gifts. This is acutely
important. It is no wonder I have met from early on with head on collision with
all the issues that any empathy or sensitive individual can face while growing
up and all the different dimensions, that a man-woman-child and diverse human
forms could really see and feel, get messed up and mucked about. It has all
been a good learning ground and point. While the more one learns up and sees
the clarity, the bigger layer of what needs to be embodied to come into one’s
whole being it gets easier. Nonetheless life is like that and will bring you
different kinds of situations where you would need to stand up, reassess
clearly, redraw boundaries, take care of your heart, understand openness and
care to be vital cocreative parts of your being, as vital as nature would
create for you of you to be and thriving in the world. It is about coming into
choice and power while staying sensitive, caring and all that you are. It is
not about shutting yourself down by any means. Yet not being the host to
parasites but bloom as you are in full blossoming and more like a big oak or
tree of your choice that is so rooted, beautiful and wonderful to behold and
all its multifaceted functions. While we are on our way to become tall and
stately trees, or amazing mountains, we sure do have to have different kinds of
life experiences and ways of being that help us grow. It comes in many forms of
pains, bad mistakes, seeming back slides or those very deep dark, seemingly
unconscious phases. However there are really no backslides, no mistakes, no
portals unopened, no vein of thought seeming to be unfettered or unattended to
that is any way away from who you are really are. In effect, there are no
mistakes. None at all! Life is kind, amazing and generous and gives you a full
ground to play, giving you all the necessities and more and more to thrive, to
come into your full being and wholeness. Now if you are only keen enough to
learn, have as much fun as possible through the process, be open to receive and
come into your full beingness of love, you know the purpose, why you are here
and the exact reasons of all the pain, torment and subjects you have been made
to face with courage. Your heart is opened further, your mind is challenged open
to the crack on the other side of the dawn you see the existence and living of
multidimensions, create the dream of dreams for you and millions. In sooth, the
transitory phases of pain bring you the highest most glaring throes of living
passions and melting of life. How could you ever trade that and come into
something smaller? Same with the pain or those situations that seem like bad
and nasty negotiations for the trade of the lessons you receive. But in effect
growth has really no price and it is indeed where you are meant to be flowing
and going. This does not leave you anywhere unchartered but coming into the
full brimming, bursting of the wild dominations of capabilities that you are
here to bring.
One of the basic things to learn as individual and any
sensitive person is to tune into your body and just feel your gut and heart.
Even if it is a very short few mins you can allow your self to feel the
sensation of your gut then do that and just focus on that 1st. see
the yes and no responses coming from your body and your gut. The more you are
tuned into the gut clarity focus soon you don’t need the exercise at all, you
just know the automatic tune in signals of your body and can focus likewise.
You will know what your inner you shows you to be and what not.
The next step is learning to say “no”. The best things that
come to life is learning to say no when your body and your own self says no.
remember, this is being way out of the mind. It is a fine tuning process and we
shall come to focus on this more and more in the upcoming series of blogs from
time to time.
I see so many people being drawn away from their intuition
and power, being more stuck to societal norms and what others may think, smart
people landing up in weird situations and even sticky messes only to learn
clearer about their energy boundaries and simple things they can do to tune
further into the senses and individual unique intelligence. This intelligence
is way more superior and fine tuned to the cosmic wavelengths and more you work
on it, the zillions multiple cosmic coordinating of this wavelength comes finer
to your own stream of being. It becomes a part of the process though thanks to
constant unnatural energy bombardments and living in the murky concrete nature
of civilizations these things need to be re evaluated for you for the better.
The bigger one gets the more important sometimes it stands out to understand
some of the key aspects of energetic boundaries and the greater roles of the
wider range of evolution one is coming to. This is a full aspect in embodiment
and brings in new dimensions in great many ways of learning and growth. So any
kind of energetic swap or big take to the backwards is always an opportunity to
come to be bigger.
Also this is a next step to opening our hearts to the
cosmos and the pure intrinsic love alchemy in a bigger way. You are not here to
shut down your heart or play it small or have your sensitivities snuffed out. More
as you focus on saying no as a complete answer or plain simple no and stand
against and walk out, no question asked or answered, no clarification, just a
clear and beautiful no that opens the door to you of you, there is the new
found connection to your heart. Your amazing beautiful heart that is so purely
connected to the center of universe and all potential is opening more to the
love of all and love of you and love of the celebration of everything in nature
in all splendor and amazingness. Why would you ever compromise on the real
potential and truth of you?
There are different kinds really and in the psychological
sense the different shades of psychic vampires or simple drainers and even
extended gushers in that technical term can be so. yet i guess any
lightworker/those in helping professions/empaths in
general would encounter those who are constantly bombarding others with their
stuff, never taking self responsibility or anything near to it and thus used to
just get in the cracks of another easy to find kindness and openness in a
sensible person and then mistake them to have their free non solution based
counselors as has been their basic trait. They would do this to whoever they
find to be any near to kind which any sensible person ought to be aware of
right in the world and even online. The energy drainers really and then there
are those among them, for the lack of focusing in any realness, just goes
around attacking or stirring up unfounded dramas and belief systems etc. any
sensitive/sensible/grounded person need to be far far away from these. The
other day my bff was joking the other day, actual vampires are really so much
more fun and beautiful than human psychic vampires or the human pathological
drainers. haha ;) In any case it is always a reflection from the outward to
show our boundary checks in our lives and in our inner. This can be pretty attention
snapping calls really! And we do need that in the 3d having all the different
human forms around. The more people get into realness of understanding their
true selves and connectivity to source, the less and less requirement of drama
of any form in the world. ;) ♥ ♥ the best way to stop this in my experience and working
while dealing with high sensitivity issues myself would take the following
routes in clearing:
1: to recheck the inner and the necessity of
redrawing boundaries. That is always our responsibility
2: It is also a check on where we are
expending our energies and how much, whether it is in true alignment. Most
empaths though highly gifted tend to blur the lines of practical requirements
with time and location understanding, the how much and where, especially cause
they are so heart directed and in the flow
3: it is non serving to be open and generous
to the extent that you do not honor your 1st priorities. so any boundary issue
cropping up is a check on priority
4: i always tell, see, observe and
live this on and on. The greater call to get into the zone of our geniuses will
make us cross the previously unseen and neglected issues. Thus the upper
limiting scenarios keep coming back to teach us furthermore in expansion. Get
more and more and more in your opening genius layers. You set the higher
vibratory tones, it is always going to be going higher. The more we go higher,
the more upper limiting situations crop up especially from external reflection.
This is something that is very important for any sensible person to understand.
One's own internal continuous evolutionary step will always unfurl the
automatic reaction eve if in unseen progression, from rest of humanity. the
more we are in our zones, clearly and wildly, the more we can forget the
stemming of the external and built true core foundations from within and for
those that are clearly meant to be impacted through our works.
5: do not add fuel to drama and extend it on
to anything other than concrete honoring solution. to do the best through
absolute non personal release with peace no matter how personal or intimate. It
is easier with strangers but harder family or very personal relations of
course. Not to mistake tolerance for love for the highest honoring love often
involves releasing with grace for the best of all. Others' dramas/judgments etc
are non foundational based and are far from any range of truth. Only truth is
love and consciousness resonating to the soul. This is the hardest thing to
face and i have gone through this layer on and on for years, till I learnt more
of release through non judgment and understanding where drama or judging really
stems up from. And especially when comes from constricted insecurity and non
growth. i do not know to what extend i have done so with it but have been more
and more at peace with all that with shifting scenarios. only time will show
but i believe those on the path of growth, as we are naturally geared to be, we
only go to the next and not otherwise ;) ♥ ♥ here is
to sacred conscious communication and loving ♥ ♥
The following is an extract from Dr. Sylvia Hartman on what
an energy vampire is and can be conjured to be.
All people have an energy body, and energy exchanges between people happen all the time below the threshold of conscious awareness.
Most people only notice that they have been in the presence of an energy vampire when that person has gone and they find themselves depleted of energy and lacking the will to live, as though all their enthusiasm, excitement and joy of life had been quite literally "sucked out of them".
Sometimes, people then become aware that they have been interacting with an energy vampire, someone who takes energy but doesn't give anything back and learn to avoid such people.
More often however, because so little is known about energy exchanges between people, someone who was drained by an energy vampire will think they're just under the weather, a bit depressed, haven't eaten for a while, or find any other form of explanation as to why it is that they're feeling so low.
When a person is forced to share a space with an energy vampire for any length of time, or even finds themselves in a relationship with such an energy vampire, they can absolutely become very depressed, very low, develop immune system problems and eventually die from this.
Here is another bridge to the general idea of vampyrism - a sick person is low on energy and will become an energy vampire quite automatically, as they need energy to come in, but have nothing left to give from their side.
They can drain a caretaker who isn't aware of these processes to the point that the caretaker now becomes needful of energies, and they themselves turn now into an energy vampire as they attempt to replenish themselves from others - thus passing on the "infection" to the next person, who passes it on to the next and so forth.
An Energy Vampire is any person who sucks out more energy in their energy exchanges than they (can) return in kind.
Protection Against Energy Vampires
People have in general automatic protection devices from energetic attacks of this nature. These are called shields and they are energy forms that one person puts between themselves and others to stop connections being made through which energy could flow between people.
Anyone who lives in a big city, for example, will know how highly shielded against each other the people there are, and how difficult it is to make any kind of connection, a form of intimacy, through which energy may flow.
As just about everyone in modern society is short on human energy, we have a situation where nearly everyone is a potential energy vampire to everyone else, if they were not separated from each other through their shielding.
However, the more shielded a person is, the less energy in general can enter their systems, and the more hungry they become in turn. This may play out in then transferring "the hunger" for energy to trying to eat their way out of it, or engage in addictions of all kinds to fill the void.
For most people, children, animals and nature provide energy food to help them replenish themselves every so often so that their systems don't break down altogether; but without direct human energy exchanges between powerful adults, it's never quite enough and a state of constant starvation as well as a constant quest to seek that missing energy is the norm amongst modern 21st century people.
So what we can notice here is that even though there may be a few extreme people out there who are deliberately and with malice of forethought stalking victims to suck in their energies and give nothing back in return, and who have actively learned how to do this, the vast majority of human beings are all energy vampires to each other and don't even know it.
Feeding An Energy Vampire
The first response people have when they realize that their mother, brother, best friend, work colleague or next door neighbor is an energy vampire is that they will run away as fast as they can and avoid contact with that person.
If that is not possible, for example because of societal restraints and punishments, as in the case of parents looking after their tiny energy vampires, or caring for a sick older relative or spouse, people will automatically increase their shielding as much as they can and disassociate themselves behind that shielding.
However, this protective movement also cuts them off from other sources of energy which might have replenished them, and of course it makes the attempts from the energy vampire to get some of the good stuff ever more desperate, causing a huge variety of the so called "attention seeking behavior disorders".
It is possible to establish a flow through of energy through a person's energy body, taking in energy from the Universe itself and channeling it through one's own systems, so that when an energy vampire comes along, they can draw energy out as much as they like, it is endlessly renewed as new energy flows straight back into and through the other person. The more the energy vampire takes, the more energy flows through the other person, and the better they feel in turn.
Examples of this happening can be observed in the very few "special" people, nurses, parents and careers for example, who are not depleted even after many hours spent with energy vampires but instead, seem to "shine ever more brightly" the more they give.
If a person can learn to do this channeling of energy through them selves, there is no longer a need for shields; they can feed any energy vampire and satisfy them, and in doing so, feel ever more recharged them selves.
The fed energy vampire then also ceases to be an energy vampire and may themselves become broadcasters who can feed others who are in need, at least for a time.
If they don't learn how to establish the "flow through" of energy themselves, or if they are young, old or sick, they will need more energy from others to keep their systems working, and alive.
Learning More About Energy & Energy Vampires
Understanding basic energy exchanges and how energy works in all of our lives is probably one of the most profoundly life changing and life enriching lessons a human being can learn.
We are all energy vampires on some level, and will definitely become energy vampires if we get sick or experience accidents and malfunctions.
To be able to control how we take energy from other people, to learn to take energy from other sources such as the environment, the weather, animals and plants, metals and all occurrences of nature is a LIFE SKILL with profound repercussions on how much people will like you, how happy you can ever be, and what you can achieve with the energy you've got in your life.
Conversely, how to spot an energy vampire and to be in a position of choosing to feed them or to shield against them is a huge protection to your health and sanity.
Energy exchanges are all around us. They are PRIMARY reasons for people acting up, acting out, getting sick, succeeding or not succeeding, falling into addictions, engaging in self destructive behaviors and so much besides.
It is high time that we paid more attention to the energy vampires amongst us, become aware when we turn into energy vampires, and learn how to manage our energy exchanges as successfully as we manage our bank accounts, or even a lot more so - a man with many friends is never poor, as the saying goes, and the first way into absolute popularity is to stop being an energy vampire, and becoming a person that leaves others energized when they meet you, because that makes them like you, that makes them experience you as a good thing in their lives, and that's what makes people love you, in the end.
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