Heart BreakThroughs through Wintry Lands ~*~

Lately in heartache lands in the heart breaking of spill forming love explosion and unifying forms of spectral re union times, there have been many causes for breakage, spillage and uniting further more. These heart break lands are the openings of so many infinite possibilities. The spaces through which dream gaps are seen moved and united in oneness wholeness again are breaking open new awakening wanderings of the meandering courses of the spectral of life. The heart break lines follow through like the strata of line across the shell clasped in your hand. The natural line of following the flow of the call is one and the similar vein of it holds the light spillage more than ever more.

So I have two main crystal globes I work with especially for heart and trinity holding level plane healing and one of them is an amethyst globe and another of them a pink rose quartz . I use both of them for healing, intense cleansings and often tuning into others as well. And during turmoils of rapids of healing, cleansing fire and so much more I have been shown to have clear reflections through them in the most awakened heal up of vortices. Sometimes the dreams awakening me to the reflections in the crystals have been awkward enough. In so many cases they would breakings, sometimes with sad melancholy reactions from me. Every step of the way they would be breaking open and in new veins of their fuller selves and more. So all the ingrained deep fragmental parts of their breaking love wholesomeness would be opened further more in fractal light that would burst into delight and open the spaces of more love in. lately in heart ache land more heart aches and breaks and especially the ones into unbearable pieces of shattered agony there have been greater union, breaking open, breakthroughs and wonder.

Heart breaks or breakups have been new kind of wonder lands for holding and creating open the wonder spaces. Every time my heart cracks open in hurt or heals or endeavors in a greater spacing out in full spectrum beyond love, my dream connection with the specific two crystals have been very important. They would show me in direct reflection exactly what needed to be known.
Some times they would take spontaneous walks and lead me down to forests and whirlpools. Other times the heart breaks would be seen showing full out splinters and shards of their multigazillion portal breaks. So many times they would filter out rainbow lights and amazing more heart shaped crystals when broken open. Many times they would be opening new doors, windows and spaces and worlds too. Once I was preserving each precise broken shard of glass in a very beautiful feathered box. Then each piece turned into a new colored glass. I had so many hearts to share I was glad and over flowed. Totally stoked to see and find this ultimately was in a good way rapture of raptures, now I have so many hearts to give, bring share not mention so many loves.
Not to sound too polyana type in fact not all, but true heart giving will lead in breaks, breaking open and break throughs. Love will show and open up all independent variations of where needs to be looked deep whether take you through journeys beyond the deepest lakes still and or in the nether woods of your subliminal, your faces, shades and doubts to be all united in the whole or whether it is time to break open in the breaking out of even greater love. The love of love it self a celebration in meeting and meets all realms and spectrals of your being. There is always the possibility and always is the case, with all and every form and kind of love, if allowed surrendered and no matter the devastating effect of it on the human planes, you are broken open in the realest newness of love bursting brilliance.
No matter the stages of growth and pain, there are transition phases and new paralinear dimensions to cross. If your heart is breaking, wounding, cleft and warrior tossed like a rattled ship in the far away oceans, you are most honored for the bravery of even standing true to itself. Keep breaking your heart for if that’s what is needed, the ultimate break outs give you the breakthroughs. There is no way greater that you could break open in new wonderlands of love even if you have going through the dreariest cold of winters where the only thing you feel is the mere chink of an icicle penetrating the veins of your heart, but you shall commune with the realest essence of lifeflow and passion of life through the heart breaking opening, cracking out still.
That cracking out is the real expansion of love, glory, growth, all that we are here for in the human. Without heart breaking open into the mutligazillion galactic forces of love, we wouldn’t be choosing the human life to be here in any planes. It calls for real celebration to be alive every time your heart breaks open in chinks of its manifold splendors. Nourish and tend to them deeply and allow the breaks to come out in breakfold of many splendors. Hold them in treasure boxes, honor, nurture, and love them into life and see what true realness they open up with on your path to greater greater love.

I would yes, also propose, for working days, yes heart breaks do open call for greater occasions to be in your own grove more and take break from many things for here and there or for a while. Heart breaks also ruggedly change courses of our life’s holy terrain. Allow them to soar you higher even through the temporary dips. When you have amassed the clearer essence you shall always be soaring higher, there is no other way than that.


  1. I have often felt the lack of feeling in our western society of today. In education as well in schools today we are focusing on rational thinking. Brainstorming and mastering of our brains early in life makes no room for your feelings. Stressing the importance of the brain gives no room for the heart the most central and important organ in your whole body. Today children are brought up to rational individuals without feelings they feel ashamed of and don´t want to talk about. No wonder you get heart problems when you are getting older!
    In my older days I have lately tried to overcome that handicap by engaging more in activities where I can feel and express my feelings. That makes me feel very sensible when I am taking part in people´s problems and I can feel it very hard to look at TV when they are reporting from wars all over the world and specially when children are involved. People often react when the see me crying and can´t understand how an old man can show his feelings so openly! But I thank God for having opened my eyes and my heart so I better can understand myself and the world around me. I also want to thank you my dearest Aishwarya for having been of great help already. I feel blessed having this opportunity with you as my spiritual guide for the nearest three weeks! <3 <3 <3 :-)

  2. thereIs no coin to phrase the depth of Passion.evoked inside Y'ore Spirit.Mind espressing emanations.ofTruthe .:. i kinda.like storm.brains akasiddidently .?. no means no harm -~- Namaste.One Stefberg u express eloquently the connundrum faced day to day in the village where i'm betting y've already done many great things to move toward its improvement .!. just sayan thank you for theView .:. Aishwarya.sheMakes meCrye in Delight.HerJoy.n. Wonderment


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