On Trust and Flow ~*~

The other name of god self or the foundation key to source now is TRUST trusting the process. Trusting in the full elemental source frequency of the universal highest central portal calls for a high end of courage, a deep diving in. To let go and surrender of control is more scary than holding on to something and in that gravity defying vacuity rise the realness of life meets in those space. In this letting go huge bursts of energy gets released that control frequencies could not have attended otherwise and it is in these new openings that the truth of creations rushes in. Trusting the flow, doing our part and work every moment whatever it calls forth it joy and then surrender. Trust is key <3 o:p="">
Trusting to the central source frequency and all the essence hood, the love and all qualities of purest love dimension that you are loyal to, all that one gives loyalty to is KEY <3 o:p="">
Keep attending to the highest of source soul frequencies and that which one is most aligned to and all would flow.
Speak your soul song and keep attending to your realness, getting realer and closer home to who you are. Every level of unpeeling, every meeting and feeling of the emotions, excavation and uncovering of truth, no matter how mucky it feels in the outward is a brave real venture inwards. This is how one meets the realness of one’s call. Keep doing so and trust in the flow.
As you show up, do what you are called to do in your soul divine mission, imprint and flow. As you simply get to your pieces of the call in every day, every hour, every moment choice simply be at it, be immersed, trust and flow. This allowance, space and giving the universe full faith and condition that while we intrinsically flow in our joy call, our true soul call and song of the heart, and then let go in surrender, the trusting seed of creation known abound has been planted. It is the sureness of nature, the sanctity of sun and moon showing up, the very call of the different changes in season. No matter what may look like in the outwards, all things in nature flow and create in its own timing.
This trust is nature, god, source, in action. It is your heart surrendered to the fullness of all possibilities.
In the now current divine realms of all of the recent themes of akashic readings have been to allow this trust and of course, as time keeper of the akashas, show the clear gateways of our dawn, reminds us to be ready in:
Every moment and through every step of the way

So no matter what shows up or even if the sun or the moon doesn’t, you will be met and greeted by new moons in the waking light, even new cosmic star blazing portals, if somewhat what you expected get hidden by some stuffy clouds in the now.
The time is now: To let go and surrender in trust while keep doing what you are here to be, do. Just keep being at it, fresh born every moment surrendered in the currents of the divine grace and flow. 


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