Our Infinite Vortex Source of Love ~*~

Answering some of the common most regular questions of concerns and healing, as has been intended to bring through the blog space pages:

So here is one ~
Why is LOVE so complicated when its suppose to be the most healing, beautiful expression you can give and recieve???

 We guess its cuz the human form of love gets complicated due to lot of ego muck

And if that is the partial truth then if only people would just ALLOW themselves to be WITH love...it would all make so much sense...but I guess that's why we have choices.

And then of course there are all those misalignments. we disconnect from the true source of love that we are and that source is and try on the projection of love and social conditionings and how the systematization have been made have all contributed to this mass distortion.  So we do not see or be or feel that we are source love as one and by and by when it makes sense real love of truth, life, all of everything comes to us and then love gets simpler. Some of the most carried on baggage comes from untended or un liberated child self energies and of course about attending to past held or condition imprinted traumas. So often in regression these have been shown to be lifetimes of earth projected traumas. Others not so much older but young ones who have so much confusion fitting in yet the same, the same life mucking up can be as wounding if not cleared out in the light of source connection and true self love in the oneness as always is the truth.
So on simpler terms the ones who are committed to come and be in the growth of the balanced masculine and feminine will experience great love in human dimensions in the current ages. That is kind of where it is at and are now freed here more to be moving. The old things of false hanging on to illusions and undealt with crap needs to be cleared and the LOVE itself when committed to love of love, and balance of inner and self, will bring that possible for both partners. Both has to be on that wavelength or the attempt to experience this within ...oneself 1st and then with another. This is also what is important now
Then comes the breaking down and liberation from social conditioning and muck as times are moving forth~ so there are all exciting possibilities of the human love if the vaults are opened bravely enough by the two or those coming together.. no matter the relationship... see.. any taking those calls would be experiencing all of the love, the one as self source, the source love as well as relationship, friendship, more of real connections

Isnt it liberating then when this stack of blocks is put back straight on the point of the perfect functioning of the plane?!!! Puts the emotions back into place when you have clairty so thank you!!!

So there you go and that is why so much to love and all exciting ~ never give up cuz you are you and you are LOVE

Here is a powerful manifestation affirmation belief segment for re connecting you back to source love and your true divine imprint.

“ I AM the Powerful Manifestor of All Creations. I am ONE with source/God/Source-Love. My energy is ONE with the infinite ever source Love of all Creations which is where I am. I AM CENTERED AND FOR EVER IN FINITE ETRERNAL BEING OF LOVE” ~

Releasing the outer bounds and Human levels of all expectations on the processing help release the deeper embedded false attachments.
You want to be loved infinite and from all measures or you wish to experience abundance but then in what form and why would you expect it from one source in a formation whether through one person or one way or one source of “in come” or even through one form of you. ..
Why not embrace the infinite nature of all creations and bring in the profound more deeper layers of all that is possible in love. The Love of LOVE embraces you and the abundance of all magnificence does for you. So why would you be limiting your self through one aspect ~ one person or one level of being or way of seeing etc? Here is to more and more of you in expanding expansive vaults and why would you not measure up to those all levels your self and why would you choose any other way than the in finite nature of creations?
and here, another thing ~ powerful manifestor manifested in the infinite nature of your creations as you are ~ we see this... right "abundance in love".... well it is indeed same, abundance and love for it is the very same. It is the source center similar dimensional energy of the all expansive infinite ...tune into that. as you are so is source, so is the goddess you and all infinite creation of you of you... and now see this...WHY would you expect this from your children? why just your children... when you step into the embodying of your self, from the all magnitude of source you BECOME that beacon of who you truly are and via that sourcelightforce the universe fills u up in many many ways. Release the expectations  of the linear or the previous chartered human relating aspects as they would not serve you any more in the new world paradigms where you are creating on a very realer source core god centered expanded version of love and embody the beacon that you are. Focus on BE ING that and there ofcourse the energies here in the current universal expansive dimensions are helping now. But let go of the perfunctory human expectations or the limiting vaults of love and instead dive into the infinite ceaseless pool of L O V E that you eternally are.


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