Soul Song of the Lonely Whale

"He is a lone voice crying out for love in the wilderness." ~  52 hertz the tone deaf whale and critically the loneliest of all whales in the world

In the deepening sonars of the most amazing creations, he is being chanted as the lonely dream weaver of whale songs ever unheard of. For all geniuses of true earth times or any one stepping in to bring in something new asunder or being the conduit channel of something ancient, long lost and gone, the loneliness of the dream weaver and creator have been the most obvious threshold cross for all of earth times. Whether one has been lost in the deserts of isolation feeling trapped and unopened for ages while being the hidden best gold that no one would relate in the equal meeting planes of the heart or being in the constant losing out on the human or likelihood mate terms relating of one’s one sanity, the call of the loneliness though sometimes enchanting to the forbearing poets of the over empathized, is not unreal on many other layers of existence.
The followed up whale seems to be living the loneliest of dreams among the otherwise community loving creatures like whales~ is it ever really possible to be that lonely or feel in despair and bear out on not being happy in some very intrinsic ways that creation wants you to be whether with another or not and then to for how long?

It is one thing to be lonely in the human perspective dynamics and another different one not to be able to respect its authentic expression. That is why humans have gone on for the true celebration of art and moves, the real call to express the divine union in some form relative or the other. That is why we start giving names, name naming and calling out the rock or stone, shaping tools and toys, our blanket from childhood, our favorite chair or book, our spirit figures or tree nymph friends or animal companions. We would be naming things, moving objects, arts and imaginary ghosts or fears, being rationed out on the whole point of relativity to be heard, known, felt for real or to uncover more of the realness.
Oh that reminds one if there could be a better given name for this alone standing whale friend of ours.
Could we ever really exist without a sense of connection to the greater whole or belonging in some form or the other? And even when that happens in the relative sense of tribe belonging we would still need that.
With humans in the multidimensional experience of being is it really possible to be lonely to that extent or have the abject filament of belonging to something greater than the whole?
There are many ways to explore this and also to think whether in the animal world or whale story if this is really applicable to bring the popular ideas of what lonely is? It would sometimes be seen as far more over r extended to anthropomorphize or make a pop cult stand out of some soppy harmonizing song for a sad lone well like relating in the human relative fields. For humans indeed do not wish to be alone but then again so doesn’t any creature in the animal species. In some ways we can be content with our loneliness but the question is to what extent and to our own very semblance to the forms and obviously to the comfort relatable levels only.
With a natural animal self presence it is obvious to be out of the egoic patterns of relating, wanting, needing or making the more than more than critical form of calling out of outer layer needs. It does or can continue calling out for the true ones in its inside levels just as part of its process going on.
Twenty years and no one heard the call and of course we have our own experiences going through the deserts or oceans of the world in swimming sea of population yet feeling unheard, unseen or unloved. And of course it would have been infinite more times ahead.
There are lonely isolatory stages brought in whether in expected partnership with another human mate companion or not being able to reach out in the authentic realness of our stories or the creative outflow of our own true being. After all what could be more in our advancing of purpose or if at all we are to be in the living of our own purposeful life in some way or the other.
Does it even have a sense of greater than whole form of belonging to all of nature and realness of tribe with the cosmos as humans have the beyond logic points capacities to do? When we see happy as natural as the animals in the wild, there is also not the denial of the very aspect that in the core animal nature the bonding with one another in the form of a mate is just obvious. Nature does not show the kingdom to be empty or without mates and when it does the vacuity of the essence seems totally unnatural, usually a part of the damage in our eco balance as a reflected particle of the human condition.
Would loneliness to that level certainly then be a part of the acquiesced human realms of stepping out of nature and we would never be geared to be lonely for that matter ever at all?!

I have been following the story now for some while it has been intriguing to see the least and brings the perfect delivery of confirmation, especially those of having estrangement feelings from odd lives of our past. There are some facts to this that do need side explanation and analysis in full depth and it continues to be a fascinating process. Those aside, …

What we may call deaf or being tonal deformity in recognition, is it not a relative field mask of what and only to the extent that others are here to perceive you and nothing to do with the real voicing of your soul song?
The morphic field expansion in terms when you are stepping out of the crowd would get you covered and labeled with all kinds of damages. Is it not that the one with the most unique soul songs that bring the real effects of the ripple changes are the ones severely chronically by default really out of tribe feeling or even at the helm of bringing any real contribution in meaningful relating, as they would most often feel. This is the co valent obvious in the resonant fields of creation while one is stepping up or away from the usual delights of the expected ordinary as must be the case whether in communities of cetaceans or humans or any aspect of our dimensional relative. The stepping out, loneliness and unheard or unrelated however may be seen as the step outside the real call of one’s true purpose, is in fact a very essential part of it. There is no way out of it and what we are truly living in the example of not being able to fulfill in the moment from exactly where we are is again a very necessary stage formation for our life purpose in the real. 

Especially when following the evolutionary patterns of stepping out of usual herd norm cycle, there is a greater call for breaking the bonds of the norms of the tribe. But to extent this is the uniqueness of the bond as found in the out stepping would naturally look to bond or mate to extent it.
The study of the morphic currents and morphic resonant fields and how these have all been working would seep in the logical most in the currents of some of our true understanding. Things could not feel more in exacting following of the puzzle pieces through this.
Highly recommended:

Works of Rupert Sheldrake and works on the morphic field resonance help us understand the progression, anthropology and whole intrinsic structures of our soul currents as the purpose of life and nature moves through. There are tons of layers of amazing soul depth syncing works and explorations in this field. This is merely one of the keys that bring us deeper intone to the clarity of our fields, energy works, vibrational frequencies and modes of being.

With humans we are free to extent the morphic currents of progeny expansion even beyond the direct reproduction system. We have plenty of lot more freedom in the array of our library of finery, imagination, nature play, dreams, association and so on. The field is of limitless all possibilities and surely the human alliance is never not one to get lonely. That is why the very possibility of talk and one begins communicating and talking to the field or nature whatever may be twigs or stones or rocks or boulders on our path. It is the very element to communicate and channel the vibration of nurturance and love that moves us most of us, by far. The real call would also being met in the relative field in the real relational terms of our love and that is why we have called in the kins, our soul kindreds, the mate or twinflame. Our books, dreams, shared stories, thoughts, music, art, doodles, all our imprints influence the massive scale of further awakening for generations and souls ahead. We are always in the twilight zones of waking up and birthing something more most often without direct ascendant gene pool influence to our next generations, we most often do that in the multilinear versions and even one wind or ripple or extension in the morphic resonance fields create the extension to the greater whole more.
With whales too it need to be explored that with the ripple of one call if the morphic fields are tapping more into generations beyond and if the sonoric absorption could somehow be influencing generations or bionome in the forthcoming gene pools receiving the frequencies of its vibrations.

Weird Fishes, Radiohead

Lovers are weird fishes indeed. They would always be and we are. In debilitating so for ever more. If you are a lover united in the whole out there singing your soul song, you would have your weird fish ness and sometimes lifetimes to cross that way!

 It is strange to understand some animals would intrinsically be standing away from the tribe with the unique pattern of their soul song. So what happens when the soul song never gets recognized or related to even by one reflecting another? We humans at least cannot stand the chance to be so lonely most of the time especially with the vocation of our creative imprints and recordings, perhaps the reason to express and reach out even with the lonely artists facing the most abject tenacity of sense driven devotion to pin point to society what needs to be reformed or changed or built anew at least make the point of reaching out in some form or the other. However some geniuses stand alone and would never be understood by their tribe. With humans at least possibilities of recording some of their notes, imprints, creations and keys have the possibility to be made for forthcoming ages to be utilized. And then they can relate and as though the only purpose of some of the loneliest lives was to connect to the future realities. And then again there are still plenty more whose songs die unheard of and there couldn’t be lives lonelier than that ha! Perhaps the loneliest most thing for the human relative field is when one cannot reach out even through one point or other with the core connection into the spirit and nature realms while also being in some form with the true belonging sense to something greater in the whole picture of things.

Tribe estrangement or leading the call of one’s life reminds me of the desert embedded isolated dreams and especially our true deep call for twinflame works at these earth junctures now. When the earth junctures are coming into true union of purpose and realness and in the reality alignment of the new calls for the unique creation of each individual there seems the hopeful alternative that the already embedded blending of creation in our divine other counter part already exists.
No matter what if today or 200 or thousands of years ahead our soul songs or heard or acknowledged or understood in the morphic field resonance currents the sonar of the obvious and the call for love creates the ripple fields for many in pure heart vibrational activation.
Perhaps in the karmic field of divine templates some life purpose expression of key purpose are to mend the bio dome balance of the eons or to bring truth in clarified fields for some of the areas of human expressions of imbalance. What could be a greater role than serving the equalizing message of love in the fields while being the conduit, portal and channel to infinite love?

Animals and nature know this and there need not be externalization of the outward parameters of egoic love derivation from the outside the box of the very real semblance of meeting in true depth relating. This altogether stands very pure in their vibration as also does not confuse their own energetic fields, the way humans have that all mucked up with over playing of the mind.
Animals do not seek mates to fulfill voids nor have a whole barrage of child hood fears or trepidations, unhealed wounds or negotiating things in the human array forms of love that can come through our learning, growing, as part of the deal of the humanness of our experience. We all do, in some form or the other to go through this and move to being in the more of more of our wild animal presence. What comes through in the purest of pure vibrations of love with animals, they are present and exactly where they are. Even in death throes or entrapment or cageyness of any sorts, they might be miserable but they are exactly present to the presence of the connection of being true to themselves from which we learn. It is obvious the human mind would rush into bring a lot of according adjustments to the way we see love and loneliness, but no matter where we are, exactly as we are, whatever soul song we are singing or not and whoever hears us or never ever not, the exact purpose of the moment and being, the core connection of truth of love, is always and for ever met, from right where it is present.

If one thing can be assured even with the loneliest most depths of sonar calls for 20 years gone or 200, the whales would know this. This whale does for beyond without the knowing that is what it truly is, in love.


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