Myth of Ageing

Answering some questions regarding twin concerns from this past one week's reader requests. Among many, this one I felt imminent to reply to for the urgency is important ! 
Here is one reply though. This has too many parts in answers and I am just giving a gist of what the real core of the essence looks like.
Many ask or worry of, I might be too old enough by the time re union takes place because i am x years old by now, or we would not have children etc etc. 
Some points to this: any thing the twin unites to co create, including the greater love to humanity and that includes the very part of their whole re union pathway is their own children. however is the new world co creation for you and your own unique journey would be determined by your higher self guides. do not limit your children to one thing as envisioned by prior natures, not even the union of your own bonding. for each one upon your journey you will find the whole meaning and tending to the vision of family in twin spectrum can broaden many folds more. 

As for the next, now this is a deeper part, as many are currently concerned about ageing. Ageing is a limiting mind perception (even typical monkey-minds in nature ;) would not relate to it). In the new ingrained Christos light dimension and true arcana of god-goddess union such as twins are co creating in the heaven-earth alignment ground this is one of the 1st things to be learnt and thwarted. Your body currently might be defying you on any certain slowing grounds on any level with peripheral syndromes or disease, who knows. look deep within and meditate into your cells, pay attention to the energy you are feeding, learn everything you need to know to heal from nature and while connecting with her. There are all levels of answers, you are given . Study about the immortality of the cells which is our real truth as with the full spectrum choice of our soul level immortal nature. Our higher selves tap into the infinite vastness of our creation, including eternal youth. Part of twin levels meeting in the current planes are really bringing that truth on every dimension, breaking down older limitations of parameters not only of relationships but all of living for indeed those relating hold the center core of realistic foundation of new levels of truth. When you attend to meet, heal, love and play with the 5 year old within, attending to all its wonder zones and frequency levels, opening your heart to love and wonders, keep expanding your joy vortices, keep listening to nature and hear its ingrained calls, direction and steps to healing, you can never age. And especially with the great love door opened for you and given to you, especially for that, you can never age and deep within you and in your higher self chosen spectrum in human life you do know this. I guess i shall post some greater details to this more in the blog. But part of why I named this blog rawalchemy then and this was many years before on a different plug in format, before any level of my twin work began, it was due to my studies and deeper known knowing on immortality of cells (natural truth and realness are so real, we never need know anything but always can tap in deeper and it comes to be as close for us in full knowingness for they would always resonate clear), raw nutrition and natural ways of being as very truth and essential part of ascension and love in the new forms for I could not separate growth and growing in these forms from the core depth of our opening and ascension in light and also that of our truth in love. I have always been fascinated by them and none of my studies or practices or energy work ever got unfounded without the truth of their validation every step of the way. As i grew up to savor more in delight with twin love, my understanding of our true birth nature as immortal creations among the unique dimensions, to be able to transition upon our own given choices as any level of our ascension only grew and kept getting confirmed by the guides and all levels of synchro destinic nature. Now i never ever get into details about the bio chemical aspects of our transitions for I know great trusted scientist, researchers and keepers of the light who directly do this work together and all their works are readily available to us, enough to garner through and implement those levels we are most called to do. But overall in all, the whole picture of interconnected light of our ascension, true level earth bodies, twin love and different dimensions of our path in expansion is never at all separate from the immortal manifestation of our beings along with the highest given powers to transcend at will at any form we may be choosing to. It is not only about defying and crossing over boundaries of chronos time or linear boxed in patterns of huge human sides of pre lreated aspects of every form that gets not only question but broken down into new fragments to create the world of the new within and out since twin ones are here to re create bridge and align the new paths of earth core dynamics and new creations in all and every spectrum of life as known. This is a core promise of true twin flame union in all aspects of life in every every form.

So for ever more keep speaking, connecting and totally imbibing the holy reunion with your cells every moment and that is a great abundance vortex of love, your body will be showing you all levels of exact things it wants to have you enjoying the eternity of youth as much and more ~*~ ~ great love be with you allways as with all levels of immortality of your purity intransient and nature beauty, no matter form or shape you may choose to inhabit as cloaks at any given time ~*~ ~*~


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