Connecting with Our Archangels and Angelic Realms~*~

When asked so many times on who do I channel and especially if I am tuning into certain frequencies differing when channeling the arch angels and other times when it’s the goddesses or if its sometimes its just our higher selves connecting and so on…
Truth of it is, there are many and endless forms of guides and energetic entities, totem figures, past present and future ones that we can communicate with. You just don’t have one friend or spirit guide or angel or even that one angelic dear one like you have in your life, you have many. So there are always many to choose from and depending upon situations, circumstances stages in your life or if you are a professional reader and channel like me or just do it for your own purpose, there would be many of them showing up at differing forms and stage gateways of life. The different archangels and guides would show up for reading for others and sometimes a guide or energetic entity would come through and I am not clear who they are at 1st instance but then they open up further. When you are not sure of who all they are, all you have to do is ASK. Pay attention and listen for the answer. They give out anyway I feel, one doesnt have to do anything just open to the guidance and follow through. For instance I get Sandalphon's energy of late in specific situations involving people and certain kinds, especially world peace and gateways of heaven opening up in the next levels of our direction. Sandalphon is indeed the heaven gateways and guardian keeper of the collective in the light legion. How he feels to me and what I receive through him can only be unique.
This is very much like there is the dear friend who is a mentor, guide and close one to many. Yet to each one the receptivity of the level of connection, depth and how they perceive one another, what elements highlight in their lives from that friend and what doesn’t, would only be uniquely experienced through each one.
Thus the areas of guides, personal deities, figures, guidance relevance and any aspect of higher self, soul ream, spirit-physics uniting levels connection would be unique. Just as your connection with source spirit, god, the universe, all entities, your connection to different levels of love, the core nature of your purpose, your own vocation, revelation, creative directions, all would be unique and on their own. So earlier to this I have never worked with Sandalphon on that level nor had received or beknown about his energy on those details. I had read and known much of course, but it was FELT. One of the clearest things that most channels of light would experience and as each one of us, when ready and opening to, are capable beyond and more to do so, is that the guides would FELT very strongly and sometimes even heard and seen. But most of us relate to the strong sensory delight and various levels of feeling based tapping into our core emotions to be acquainted with someone energetically. Unless someone is really speaking to your truth or feelings, you would not be really connecting to them, right? It is the same as connecting with a friend or a favorite channel or art and the same way one connects to guides. So when there is a new connection or entity connecting to you or in your work, especially when doing so for another, it takes a while to be recognized and really scan or understand there energy. Naturally it took a while in recognition or who he was all about and why he came but he went about in all clear waves through and through anyways.
All over I do learn there is a huge point in trusting, jumping in and savoring through the delights of our Claire directions, recognition and how the guides tune us up. After all with any on going relationship or connection it builds up with shared confidence and trust. Guides are never ever going to lead you astray of your own free will but will be able to show you the scanning over or clearer higher directions of love, truth, your highest good and empowerment. They help you make the greater choices for your highest goals, directions, channel you the extra energy and directions when you do need them for it is true, the earth time realms can get tiring due to a whole lot of mix that had been induced upon it for ages beyond to muck our wholesome clearer senses overall. All in all i guess one of the basic perimeters in connecting with the Archangel bodies or any realms of guides we are connecting to is come emptied and open for the connection, do our connecting ritual however it may look like in the personal. For some it may be meditating, others still can connect through channeling healing, working with the different realms of energetic and light frequencies, others would do so connecting with their art or doing writing, journaling pieces, or even while intimate connection with another and especially nature bonding feels one of the top ways most connect with the Archangel realms. We definitely do have to surrender and TRUST, open up and pay attention and keep on connecting anyways we are directed to. And then more of more in energy works or in dreams or whatever is required they come over and take you in.
I am yet to tell Michael solve technical problems just like that or in jiffy and speed up the responses and many of hassling techy issues that I have been facing and I am yet to receive from him in clear guidance ;) doesnt always happen but they always show me the core reasons of delay, give me more of the fruits that brew in from inside and behind the stages of the apparent, they give me the real deal of the stuff and over time they have ALWAYS shown to be real. However it has been always and ALL WAYS Michael have been very very super clear and adamant to get me all the transportation service help no matter where stranded I would be whether in middle of a trip or a very dingy city, one of the kinds I live. I have totally escaped miraculous blocks, problems and what not and have been helped in many levels of energetic protection regarding transport and smoother travels, when connecting with him. He really could make up for those lost techy hitches and submissions or my answer to an adamant Mars flare and more, like I would so often have to reply. But well, he has indeed done remarkable job in many levels of energetic protection.
For most when their life purpose opens up or new dreams require birth and tender loving care, Michael keeps coming up and of course showing guardian figure and clearer protection as we need in many forms from time and again. Sometimes thus he has just lessened the degrees of many a techy hassling issues but that kind of snap to solution thing would be great. Overall it can be a whole lot of fun playing and calling upon who you are called to anyway that way and knowing their specific areas, keep on connecting anyways. At one period I had Gabriel come over very very strong and I was always very conscious of it, now I dont need to. I channel his messages for others especially those being called to new levels of creative endeavor. I know I felt his presence almost humanly breathing in the same room especially when I had to take over some writing projects seriously with the intention of having them done for the long shot. I hadn’t been taking those deals seriously and settling for the shorter sequences of action. When I had fathomed that the real purpose of my work was much bigger than the human egoic part of me would like to sabotage its greatness for, I listened and surrendered, took up to the challenge of action. Which wasn’t a hard part at all and in fact situations proved to be way smoother than avoiding the obvious.
Guides, of whatever realms you are connecting to, once a bond is formed, they will keep coming back and forth, send you tough loving guidance too and so often keep knocking off your senses till you really get, integrate and put the message into action.
One of the reasons why I have always seen the value exchange to be so important while doing readings and this is one thing that comes to me while having been in this profession for years now, is that how serious and committed a person is to show up fully to receive the higher guides or higher self connection and openness as well as guidance is how they are going to take the action parts into use. If they are to be committed they will honor the reader, bring the fair energy exchange as needed and divinely integrated and receive the highest guidance, their true connection forever more their own direct realms opening to their guides, their higher selves, their source realms and be opened up many times more in their next paths in life. The ones who are truly committing in honoring the full value exchange would be bringing that to the trusted reader of their choice and would be clearly putting the actions and directions to use. Else many can be told and even ask for but that wont be for the highest good.
Most times I have received this, our egos would sabotage the listening and hearing that we most receive almost daily, out of fear, guilt, feelings of lessness and just due to not working on and listening to our intuition and Claire gifts, our extra sensory powers. So many times when a client would confirm they have been hearing exactly that which we channeled and they simply could not figure out whether what they were receiving was true or if that was their own imagining or not. 1stly your imagination is one of the greatest deepest portals to your inner knowing, your higher selves and guides speaking to your, your inner chambers opening in central oneness to the universe. So are many levels of dreams and dreaming, so many distinct forms of O B E s and multidimensional travels, its endless. What comes through meditative awakening, healing and many levels of opening up of your fine tuned senses, through clarified fields are endless and beyond. The more we anchor these energies to the new and our next steps, the further guides, entities and real time directions in the linear and our multidimensional gateways open for us.
Our angels, guides, entities are like old long friends and all with their own unique quirkiness and beauty, you would smell and know them from far afar anyways even if they change clothes or shapes or forms and come to surprise you suddenly after a great long time. There is a sense of homecoming that grows anyways. you would have them when most needed and in your growth and protection and if they are not there, you may or may not really miss them for there will be others who would be most needed at that time. But then if you do want to reach out you can connect back anyways and you keep coming back on and on when most needed at different stages of lives and can grow together. If it is not for your next, you just know deep down there that your work together has been done for now and if later so you would come together again. It is always a beautiful relationship and keeps growing as you tend to them if only if you truly feel guided to When you do not understand what they are showing or saying or if they are not being clearer or precise or not so near to time, ASK them what you need and keep being specific and clear. When you request them like in a long term healing partnering, they would always listen and keep showing you the very key precise next notes, directions and most precisely the very upgrades of tuning up you would need from deep within your self that will accelerate your growth, your very pivotal next steps in being.
There is also one more thing i have been formally certified trained ACTP under Doreen Virtue's online Angel University course, followed up learning from her on many levels years back and there is something I must say many such channels and practitioners or healers specifically depend upon Archangel channeling or healing or such as though that was be all and end of everything. I would always say our guides and connections to those who are such in many forms are our great support and friends, our inspirations and openers too in many ways. But if you were to depend on any thing or type specific then one is to block out. I have seen this side to channeling too and that is not growth related or authentic, that is making something bigger than you or what is partly amazingly and yet vitally embedded in real to be more important than what it is, that is the self-source-center and one's eternal united connection to the oneness of all that is/source/the all/god/universal central frequency/the all that is or it ness energy. This is something that indeed concerns me and I find it rather fluffy with all due respect, when certain specific aspects of guides or the other realms are put in the all higher modes of life which is never real. All that is important is how one deepens in the connection to source or what you call to be god or all that which is all and the love of the all and that is what takes you in and the guides do show up and come along when and however they are meant to. That way I feel it comes more and more real and pure and uniquely clear meant for specific purposes there. No question, no inquiries involved... they are all just clear as and how they ought to be ♥

I shall be putting out tons more of experiences, recalling and shared points on my journey through channeling, growth and beingness. This is only a mere snippet and every day, in all aspecting opportunities of the gateways of the infinite we have metadimensional ways of being and connecting with our multivaried guides and all for our highest good, growth and fullness of being.

For your own angel channeled directions, Goddess Channeling and Activation works, messages and reading or channeling sessions or any of the different forms of clearance guidance I offer, do visit the page

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