21 Days Manifestation Healing Highest Well Being Circle ~*~

21 Days Balance Healing Manifestation Energy Work

We start from June 21st and go on for 21 days, that is the manifestation healing energy work one to one event ends on June 22nd 
This 21 day balance healing transmutation high well ness, ascension and manifestation focused healing circle will be infused with working on any aspect of your powerful life in close energetic level

Anyone called to this can join this.
Upon joining you will be sent a page of instructions on what would follow and ideas, suggestions and inspirations on what you can do in the next following 21 days to ground your manifestation to the highest speeding alignment

We anchor the light, send energy and every day I focus working on your manifestation process energetically for the highest good of all as well as your highest well being and focus.

Every day for the next 21 days I do shamanic healing cleansing focus and active manifestation energetic alignment work for you, as directed by our soul intoned guides and higher selves

At the end of the 21 days span you receive a blessing healing message or some further directions or a reading or any thing I feel spontaneously guided to in terms of guidance, messages or imprints for your dreams over to your mail box.
The donation fee for participating in your advancing 21 days manifestation work is $21

This is an energy work involved healing transmutation and powerful manifestation grounding work. For any details or if you wish to participate send me a message.
For donation paypal is debanjan.brahma@rediffmail.com

If you have paypaled send me a heads up pronto
If you have issues with paypal or no direct ac then just send me message with your email and my VA will send you the link to pay and join
Soon as you join you shall be given the 21 days direction sheet to explain more of how to anchor this highest light ignited process.

~*~Love and super star spectrum grounded nourishment for your dreams coming into speed re alignment ~*~


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