Energetic Clearing of Our Closets and Immediate Environment

With many accords on energetic clearing, cord cutting and many levels of energy cleansing and healing levels some of the aspects of environmental, closet or our immediate outside elements evacuation holds to be of utmost importance.
With directions to any levels of cleansing and clearing out these energetic directions serve to be true and are of utmost relevance to our growth as well as cutting down baggage or excess from our lives. Immediate excess sense or any baggage would merely serve as distractions from our core purpose, hide out the real us in deep within transit layers of different conflicts that are totally not in alignment to the path of our dreams and journeys. When we cut out the excess layering, the baggage and clutter, we make room for energetic space clearance in a big way. With any level of energy cleansing whether through reconnective healing modes or space clearing or even cord cutting from stages of relationship or movement we are wanting to make absolute next moves from there are obvious levels through which the best of environmental, outer and inner levels of clearing out that need to be tended. The different modes of healing always come to pare down the non relevant upon our life paths. When we are getting more and more fully aligned to our life purpose, vision, next dreams, whatever they may be, one of the surest short cut ways to align with energetic dynamics is to work with the clearing out and cleaning of excess baggage and keep in our environment, lives and selves only those which serve us to our highest alignment, passions, excitement, path of flow, bliss and reconnective dimension to our dreams. This is surely the clearest possible energetic alignment and works wonders even if we are consciously bringing some few minutes of alignment exercises to our selves, bodies and our immediate environment to the extent that we can.
Of course it doesn’t mean we keep big goals and plans of letting go or clearing out of one big room or closet or area at one go. While that can be tempting the idea would be in fact far more fruitful to keep taking easy chunks of time in short scale each day to devote to each areas of clearing and improvement.
Starting with the closet or any area or any aspect of the room is a great chunk of clearing work enough! The biggest advice is to start with the area that perhaps bugs you most since that can be a relevant focus energetically of what might be most misaligned in your life right now, in reflection. In the immediate change to action of clearing out one aspect can make obvious shifts to the very next dimensions on your dream life than ever imagined!

So here are some of the steps that we need to align with when we are onto deep level and real CLEAR energetic cleansing.
Energetic clearings are much needed especially to let go of objects that hold onto vibrations from past that no longer serve us and mainly hold us back from moving into the next steps of our clear being. This is very important for our next moves and the vicious cycle is the more we hold onto stuff that does not serve us for our highest becoming the more the stuff holds us back.
Every thing around us is speaking to us in energy, every scrap and piece of stuff. It does not mean we go scurrying and picking up or throwing out things randomly that does not fit in our realness, truth and next highest becoming but it is important we become present and aware of that and then take those next steps forward to keep on the highest alignment.
Starting from as much as possible, from a clean slate is the most important step and one of the highest calling. Our wardrobe, closet, shelves, cabinets and refrigerators are the highest reflections of this energy blocks and also hold the kingdom and key to revealing the stagnation we have been holding from moving onto our next.
Mostly we do not move on from the old and that which does not serve us in our highest true movement forth, for we are too stifled in the comfort zones no matter how numbing that may come to be. We are afraid to shake the ground beneath and have our real callings answered for it feels too big or the safe zones feel too much to stir. It is never easy to move out of the comfort zones and embrace the unknown but to be real honest integral and truthful to life we must always do that and exactly that. Growth is never ever comfortable. No one promised us safety in life. Nature always takes care of us but some of the integral laws must be to lay it all open and be flowing in surrender, greater trust, facing the fears and challenges. Most fears are illusions and all challenges hold the power to open us into the realest things we need to learn in life. The challenges help us master in the dimension exactly what we are needed to be here and now in our fullness of being and exactly the right things we have pre chosen to experience to bring in full experiencing of this human current.
This human current is our greatest adventure and trip and this is also a must have ground for us as pre chosen by our higher selves to have this experiment of life and keep having the amazing self of exploration through seeing the various stages of the humanness that comes through.
Most things that come as fears and hold us back are really ways of subconscious pre conditioning that come in many forms from our previous, pre and past or the human egoic realms that need to be understood and released gently and clearly so. When we explore and look deep into the fear and what is really beneath it, we find unloved parts, or non acceptance of something and especially aspects that need to be held into light. Parts of the shedding process allow us to truly embrace and come home to our magnificence in the human dimension. With this we wake up to the truth of fears and move through clears.
Once we move through we are never ever the same or any part of the limited in human dimension. This transitioning is never easy but there is great liberation beyond the cross over of the fears. Most fears hold us back and keep us cocooned rather than face and truly embrace our realest magnificence. When truly one is shining in their authentic self no matter how difficult and how unsupported they feel in the then current, there is always a ripple affect of huge shift going on that affects all around in the realms. It is the real source frequency of life dancing through and opening via every cell of being that opens all of life.
It is important we come home and rebuild ourselves in our authentic new and never ever give power to anything outside of us that which questions our choices. No matter how difficult we must know now that in the current realms, the way earth time dimensions are speeding up we are being amazing helped and given extra servings of the right support even more. No matter what comes through it can be the real core challenge to be true and integral to one’s truth, the real directions to one’s dreams but there are the right ones, guides, messengers, real ones and tuning in deeper for each one of us very clear and lucid for us and right along.
We are being helped through bust through our fears in the clearest ways more than ever and it is time ever more to shine through cutting through the codes of all illusions.

• Does this item mainly reflect my past?
• If I gave the item away, would it really have a negative effect on my life?
• Does this item reflect who I am today and who I want to be?
• Have I worn this piece of clothing or used this item in the past one year? (If not, you
most likely never will.)
• Since I never use it, do I know someone who would really love to have it? (Put a
smile on someone’s face!)
• Do I even recognize any of the people in these old photos? (example: A photo of
coworkers at the office Holiday party twenty years ago)
• Do I spend more time taking care of this item than I do using it?
• Am I really going to repair this broken item? (Be honest)
Stay positive and remember that you are creating space for what you do want in
your life! Keep your vision expanding and intact to where you are really wanting to move from within and out 

Also, in some alternative cohesive form:
Is this useful?
Is this beautiful?
Have I used this in the last one year?
Do I need this?
If I was moving and not cleaning would I be taking this to my new life of best amazing dreams and reality?
Does this invoke or represent any aspect of the future I am here to create or envision to bring?
Does this item make me feel off or remind me of something from the past that I am no longer a part of or wish to be associated with? ( go by feelings rather than what might be apparent for every time takes a life of its own and sometimes not so much gathered from the person or incident but most times they very evidently might be reminding of something or someone or holding the energetic imprints of certain “times” )
On a scale of one to ten how amazing and wonderful this item is to be, relevant to my most obvious dreams and well being of the now and my movements towards the future?

Meet any of this or not, get it away ~*~
You ought to be meeting 80% of the required statements in positive for any aspect to keep and get moving into the next dimensions of your life. You cannot be creating any thing on the piles and crap of the present and through which you would expect to build something new with new energies. Over and over again we must be willing to shed and keep shedding some more to really build new in our new aligned dreams of full alignment in reality.

Before buying ~

Who do I know who have this already and might want to share it with me?
Where will I store this?
Where and when will I use this?
Do I have time and investment to maintain this?
Why do I really want to buy this?
Does this item reflect an integral part of my highest self that I am moving forth to be?
Does this item reflect who, what and the kind of energy that I am here to bring forth in my life in the next?
What do I already have that is a lot like this?

Have a check list of these questions and if you have a positive of inclination of getting it after this you get this.
You would also give your self a time span of one month to get into the check through and if you still want it you receive it.

This does not of course include emergency things like food or medicines but even in those areas all can be cut back and leaned upon. You can always learn to simplify and full proof your buying investments for the maximum potential out pour of benefits for you and those involved.
Being minimalistic is really about the quality of life. You have quality over quantity, you give a raise to the vibrational frequency of your life and your upgrades in the new. You make more spaces of wonder for your dreams to come through and activate. You make way for the new in cleared out spaces with energetic alignment. Minimalism on your definition would also look like you are congealed in essence of your truth and shining dreams into realness, as best, as aligned as possible with no excess around. There is no consecrated dispersal of energies. Your energy bodies are more and more at tonement with oneness and you are also in the full fertile ability to use and harness them.
You are being called to the new directions out of the evacuation spaces of the old to take out all that is unnecessary.
For the pile box structure as given by many feng shui instructors, if you could take the excess in an extra box and store it there, labeled and to be given out or may be taken into use later, about 95% of the things wont be missed in the month. Give it a month and see if you really missed anything. If you did you would be taking time to scourge through it and retrieve it back and you would probably need that. If you didn’t you probably never would and so that’s the red signal clue you don’t need it in your environment anymore. When often we do not wish to make a drastic step in clutter clearing or have a whole attic or garage to clean through this is a great practice. But don’t linger around with the box for more than a month else very soon you would not like to part with it.
Energetic cleansing and clear outs can be heavy and hefty. They would also come with additional evacuation of spaces and real time release of significant parts of the self that we would perhaps be clinging onto and that way never not allowing time for flowering of the new that is in birth.

Minimalism really comes to show, if you don’t miss it you probably don’t need it and that becomes an extra baggage of lunging force in your energetic system. On the 2nd best level to this we can absolutely guarantee if we don’t love it at the most and it doesn’t make us feeling amazing or more, then it really has to go! Consider energetic sequence with living entities here to, if you can’t raise or bring it to the raised levels of as long as, cut short your time together or move out. Spend time and energetic direction exchange to the best levels and extent that it raises you or both or there is the sense of raising the frequencies higher and then move out. It is the best thing to maintain the energetic boundaries, harmony and raising of each others’ frequencies as best and bring our congealing energy directions and focus to that which we feel best in lives day to day, every day and really on every moment choices. 


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