Twin Poem
Entwined Love
In these quiet spaces of being miles away from each other
In some dimension of disconnection from the other
I re alize the fullness of our union
As I unite in the realms connecting the dots
The space gathering of the energetic sequence
Forming the grid light of violet flame and red dots right
over your mantles
Your body forever protected in the perfection of the light
tent built through our love
Connecting for ever with the oneness of love that is all
Your soul child inner self forever tender love held in the golden
liquid of my palms
Your real heart core giver crystal boy love forever giving open heart, nurturing whole yet never attended the same back,
And more and more all deepest recesses of realmost parts of you
And more and more all deepest recesses of realmost parts of you
Forever infinite more embraced in closeness to one union that we
know eternal
The spaces dither in the multidimensions yet twining us part
at times
It is the miss step of presencing of that glorious eternal
beat that sets us apart
Any felt failed stepping to be present calls for us to keep
coming centering back
And receive the full presence gift of each other, as we are
Forever more gifted selves to one another
Together whole Entwined like one central connecting realm of
the eternal sun of some new galactic compass re creationed in the fields
I lay in the grass moss and stay connected to the center of
the unifying portal of the sun
My belly aches and opens up with the 2nd and 3rd
uniting with the realms
The heart drops in into the deepest farthest reaches of one
aching sun spectral
And here I am united for ever in our entwinehood
Star spirit seeds souls we lay as one
Out strained beyond across the universe in through the mossy
floors and snake crossed roof barns of the Indian summer
Stained multi spectral realms of light reached through the
legions of the traversing verse fields
On Our ~*Birth*~ Day
In another dream we outstretched and laid bare
As you would often say scoured out of the overlying mantles
of all our human projections
We were bare equations opened and vulnerable for our inner
data to be pulled out full ablaze
Yet in the impossibility of such opening we lay here
And in the cross over periods of one ness experienced of a
re uniting self of selves
Explored deep and forever more real, always deepening still
Explored deep and forever more real, always deepening still
And I stretched out for the 1st time to hold you
My heart was gone, it ceased to exist
All was blank. It was cast asunder in this vacuum of space
and I could feel nothing
Is it what it is like dying, you are held vacuum in the
lingering dallying spectral of some dangling force
You are no more you
And the dizzying space gaps take forever in and you are
spacing trooping outstretched asunder
Beyond fear or love, beyond any such sense of living or
And then suddenly your voice heralds me back or maybe it was
just the nudge of your silent cord held in depth in this immersing closeness of
And suddenly the mantle of this creation kept flooding and
floating in by
Me was not me anymore
Heart wasn’t mine.
Instead my heart was extended as everything in the cosmic
cell of the universe
Heart becomes the universe
The universe re created in this extension dimension of our
You and me heart spaced super troopers holding an emblem of
love blanket
That is endless diverse big enough to encompass all in the verse
We formed this new universical realms of reclaimed living
The blanket of love of ours becoming the universe extended,
no you or me
But a pure extension bliss of us-ness that is into the all-that-is
Stronger purer vibrating level one with the cosmic depth and
central source realms
Pulling in together all things we would call in with love
And our magnetic oneness blanket over one another extends as
wide as the sky
As realness magnifies realer than ever in core extension.
Skyies after skye it gets too real too small as we expand in
the multi verses beyond and beyond ness
No nothing gloaming ectoplasmic cell membrane tectonic
atomic birth beings
Pure plasmic membrane of the micro and macro cosmic birth
Two as one in twin births
Our heart extends as one in the new spectra zillion multi
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