Freeing Energies to Create Anew ~*~

You cannot suffuse something that which it is not into a boxed in closure since that is not possible. You cannot intervene in the organic flow and ebb of growth nor be co mingling at the choice of someone else’s karmic phase. You can let go and be attached attend to your own energies in the dear precious most extended instead. The true centering and radiance of your light will pull in, upgrade and expand in your planes of ever growing truth all that needs to be pulled higher and birthed. You cannot extend the life of something beyond that which is divinely higher self chosen interrogated to experience and come in the meeting of its tenure. You cannot speed process things beyond a point for it is what is not being allowed through divine alignment of nature. Flow gathers in momentum as life speaks for itself in organic nature. Nature cannot be rushed or hushed into talks or spells. You are to listen to her and align with her instead. Keep matching your pace and flow, leave the things that drain you, plug out the nuances of that which do not come to your truth or ignite you up. You cannot intervene in others’ choices ever no matter how much you care for them or how close or dear they are. There are higher self alignment adhering for each one’s own beknown soul transient purpose, every thing happens in transition and soul gateway evolution in very precise choice.
We can turn whatever it is around at our own free will at the turning of a dime and we do know we can. Deep within the higher self knows all and every thing. Every teacher of a meeting in apparent contradiction or alignment, every part of the process is known very clearly indeed from this higher upgrades of our soul call. We are only practicing meeting that which we had wished to experience in the experienced call of the living and being in the light of this amazing life. This life is your masterpiece of grandness in work and that is what you bring to it, infusing with your own true call and joy flow. Not intervening in others choices or directions clarifies energy. Walking out of those situations, relationships or any aspects of being trying to place one thing for another without letting it blossom on its own comes at a cost. We can be too absorbed and busy with the precincts of the mind that goes round and round to what it wants without being present to the gifts what something IS already.
When we release the energy in trying to hold onto something or fix something breaking down on and on or expecting something to turn out to be something other than what it is, we are essentially freeing all universal life force to work in the creation of new births. And all births upon our favor. Karmic intervention can be a silent observation in prayer and doing what you can in infused love of love but always means releasing and moving out from the realms of the pre held judging and walking into the embrace of that which is truly really present.
Releasing the attachment of trying to hold on to something is unnecessary. The released freeing creates your own younique version of the joy masterpiece your life that has always been promised to be further more and more in all awakening splendor. 


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