On Starbursting Heart Wonders and Awe

It is a great liberation to have no questions ever. No questions. Ever. The realness is presence would be held strong and close in wonder and awes, curiosity, knowing deep within, all answers reside within. Dance in your body and multi spectral cells and all levels of awakening happiness in the light beam that bursts through the universal song sequence. It is the deepest anchored knowing of the shamanic all level archives of our past, present , future and no time zones. The akashic realms so deep eternal and all open are opened to us for all in the new crystalline grid realms. In these new realms they also show as humanity you have suffered enough. Pain body exploring or suffering to find real cause of love makes no sense for love itself ignites heart opens and zig zag cloud burst multi level star delights of more love. Delights and more squeals would be creating more of the giddy hearted pulse racy steady stream of ascension than the over rated cause of pain body relating....