Upon Pain Body Separation through Compassion and Passion

All pain is a golden gift but that does not mean it is without the experiencing of the pain. After we uncover the gift we are happy about the pain experience. but not necessarily at all it has not been painful. To contradict that is false.
Staying at the center and focus and bringing attention to the pain in the present that we are feeling is the golden gateway to be given as gift to us.
What area of your life or body or any aspect of your being are you feeling any pain? Would you simply and purely be able to bring in attention to that pain body aspect of you in pure presencing and golden light of being?
That surely is the highest gift you can bring to your self in the highest present nugget of being.

Pain is an inevitable composite of life and a transitory phase that shifts you into light. It may even come as a simple transition call from one defining element of life into another. Pain does not have to be the inevitable platitude for growth neither would it have to be a remarkable aspect of glorifying the doing of your beingness in life. What you are being is to simplify and dissolve your presence in the flow of life. Who you are being is all is required in the moment, it is not to be associated with your pain body experiences.

But the whole point is as seen conceptualizing pain does not make it go away. embracing into the truth of our feelings and sending it love does
Embracing the pain in bringing as much love focus, energy and attention that you can bring to that is very important and shifts it quicker than asking why am i feeling the pain. It is almost like apologizing for being true you or feeling what you are here in the present anyway. This attention in compassionate acceptance and love shifts pain rather quickly and next comes movement to service taking the source realm love portal that you are.

However 1st come to the point when you are feeling the pain, it is real for you any way even though it is in essence a transitory phase of your feeling in response with a slew and barrage of other concurrent directions connected into this. It is never the thing it seems to be anyway however it is pointless to be conceptualizing it or trying to be logical. Some of us are better able to process it through the heart core real sign alignment of our emotional expressions through art, signs, symbols, interpretations, dream processing, connection and all realness of being the energetic multidimensions of universe experienced through symbolic dimensions of the nuggets of the living. This is the greater way to be processing pain body rather than being in mental periphery only to discuss and judge and bring a whole army of logistics to the encounter of this and especially questioning the point of its existence or the WHY.
Accept in compassionate opening that the pain body is there and it is a call home attending to the greatest love, the one that only you can give, through source directed energy focus point and that is what you are. All love you receive see them as the universal gift attending to the gorgeous nourishing of your pain body to uncover the shadows of their crossing to bring the greatness of transition of your fullness in realness of being.
So the pain is transitorily true for whatever the background of it or what seems true at that point anyway 
We have to feel into being why it is there and why it is and go deep within. Go into the vacuum and null of it and see what replaces it, bring your art, soul song, pain body dance all levels expressed fully into it. There is no greater way of processing the dream beyond the one that is evident or lost without the glorifying expression of the art you are nudges to bring. Even when called to shut down or shot down through critics bring your art into the living motion of your heart crevices anyway. That is the real healing of your pain body nuances meaningless portals made into messy real meanings of lives lived as seen and expressed. 

There is a crucial juncture in accompanying pain and while leading the deliverence of our pure presence, heart opening compassionate awareness of it. There are pain levels of painbody decrees. None of these have to stay for long or a very deep furrow in to the realms of our experience. While all pain body awareness has the band stretching of our fullness of being and the call to our greatest transformation. There is no aspect of pain body experience that needs to be there hanging in our realms without the calls of transformation or awaken us into the pure presencing call of our bliss center. Our center of bliss, realness and love and our highest presence of light ordaining life in the birthing sequences and blooming of reality have to be more in terms of the lightness of being, the opening that feels radiant, amazing and expanding.It is a promise to life that it is more exuberant and real, gravtitaing with the raw pulsation of love and light radiance more than any pain body experience that can transgress into our awareness realms. When given attention to light into the direct compassion and love to our darkest crevices we are bringing awareness to gold in all realms of our being. This is the transformative structure and power of pain body influences to the being of our lightness of realness. This is what the true call of pain body transitions into the realness of light comes to be from those shadows or darkness of our experiences, the real hauling of those mini or big tragedies that might have drawn the marking points of our experiences of being.

All of those bear our deepest gifts, the brightest calls of our love and birthing process. The birthing that we grow into on and on through our life times for there are many layers of birth.We keep discovering and rediscovering ourselves after every threshold crossed of our pain body experiencing and these are the transitioning factors through the transits of our lives.
There are birthing pains. Growing pains. All forms of pains. Without pain in some aspects there would be no transformation, or new birth of life. but there is also infinite more joy. Really, deeply, ever present the promise of life is to bring and open burst amazing more joy in transcending growth and realness than any stage or degree of pain. This life does promise us that.

There is another greater thing to transcend any pain you are feeling. That is to go out of your self and celebrate your source light. When we are wallowed in the stuck features of our own stories we are more in the contrued mental realms of the ego-pain body relation. This gets us in the rut or cyclical zones of the old age stories of what have told, whatever culture or things around us or the usual stagnation of energetic realms make us believe. It is never to serve us for our highest growth. Our deepest function in life is to BE, be the love radiant source joy light that we are. To be and then to extend that beings into service. The service is to others, to all of life, to what that is beyond us. To step beyond us we must be constantly and consciously engaged in the pursuit or following or simple leading into our stepping stones of passions. The passions are led through desires, feelings and our deepest heart yearns and callings. Our pains and pain body experiences, our deepest shadows and grieving, what we most ache for also lead to the golden trails to our passions. We would not be passionate about something until the degrees of our feelings, our heart self and emotions got stirred and stoked in its fire very deeply indeed.
These passions are the clues to your true genius and to the purpose of service from being that you are called to lead in life. You are here in the multidimensional experiencing of your being through the feeding of your deepest calls of passions and bring them to any service of joy or meaning or simplitude or sillyness or creative outburst,whatever call or pursuit or voice of expression of your genius realms may be. 
Your passions lead to your purpose and passions are intrinsically connected to your zone of genius. The richest and deepest most fertile commitment that you can make to the investment of your self and to all of the future is to follow the calls of your true bred genius, the real calls and nuggets of your dreams and passions. Source love light and highest expressions of joy uniting universal source energy frequency, that which is god in every sense expresses through YOU in forms of your true calls of passions. The passions and vortex of genius is not one thing but deeper layering and opening of your calls like forever petals unblooming in the vortex of creation. Each nugget of its opening a deeper exploration, a greater call into your being and a deeper openness to the truth core center of your self, that which you are god in fullness of life form. You would not be stepping out of the cross currents and stuck vortices of any energetic turbine nor get out of egoic realm contrusion of should or      shouldn't if you are not stepping into the fullness of the call of your passions. Even stepping into the realms of your genius and passions with conscious attention to as much as taking small steps, day to day, every day is an authentic commitment to your greater deeper exploding self. When you are stepping into your zone of genius you are calling into the source centering of your true bliss call, that high amount of deepest realization of your being, the god of your depth and creation that uni verse fields intends you to be in every form and multidimensional expression. There are infinite more depths and realms of your passions and zones of genius to be explored upon.

The call of your passions and the conscious commitment of guarding and following of your genius is going to be one of the highest depths of life, love bursting labor you can bring to the world. It is perhaps the only and the greatest duty of your life. To go deeper into your genius, keep unfolding deeper into the true calls of your passions and let your god self unfold in all those realms of calls. This path again would not be pain free ever at all. You will be called to be fully present in pure brazen, authentic courage with all shadow stuff and muck faced overlying and bared open by the gusts of the forces of passion like never before. It is a jet propelling force like no other in the universe. It is one that will come bearing with the deepest levels of discomfort, adventure, pain body sequence experiencing, recycling and opening of new levels of energy fields in in finite creation. And no creating process of such deepest realms would be without the natural laws of life birth and some degrees, nuggets, shades, layers and amazing opening of pain exploration would be there. With those senses of pain there would be even greater experiencing of joy, the immense depths of fruits of labor, sweeter like no other in the universe. You would be creating the palette of your infinite more divine universe and what of those shady grey areas of pain that lovingly open you and embrace you in exploring the depths of life and living.
Why are we indeed afraid to explore the depths and waves of those pain body and grey areas of life? As though those are ways to denounce and the only salvation to living rich lives is to cover our eyes shaded or bury our heads in sand. The guarded living is not for the passionate explorer and that form of a life would not be yours for long if you are a conscious seeker of any level.
Truth, love, life and your deepest levels of passions will come opened and tumbling at your door steps in realness and call as you would be emrabced the true depths of passion like no other. There is no denying that once you are in the roll of the path it would be an endless ride of exploration, a true call home to your eternal bliss. That which is eternal and expression of the infinite eternity in you would get expressed on and on in layers through you.
This it self is the amazing most gift in your recovery from any realms of cyclical trap of old conditioning of human experiencing as you step out of those relative caging to the fullness explored in the infinite self of your being. This itself is the highest ever gift you can bring to the world ignited in amazing more light.
So far we do know any birthing process or aspect of ife would not be without pain.
To deny pain in life or the feelings we feel inside or around would be a contradiction. However much false or untrue or the story of pain might be construed at any denominator or leve. 
With the experiencing and presenicng of pain we are also tuned in, glared open and geared to experience infinite more bliss and expansion, the true realms of our source and amazing happiness more so than any thing. That is also law as works the laws of polarity in any creation vortex of aligning the dimensions.

We are here experiencing the 3d and also connecting and living the life of our extended 5d and beyond. I would say we go to 9d in the living of aligned and matched realms and then to the pureness presence of our fullness of being, which is the infinite source realm of light that which is the creation vortex center of the universe and that which is us. 
With all said and lived, in 3 d or 5th or any dimension, pain is a part of the life experience dynamic. It so often becomes the conduit and channel of universal role experiencing through life forms, the very essence of the living being growth.
So for sure from stages on and off, seemingly greater or small, it would be there but the ride of love force and love flooding through you would be source love re minder on every aspect of your being further more, propelling you through the expansion of growth as it does, in the form dimension, time less alteration of any growing process. 

 And with all gusto for there will be that, keep working with passion deepening embracing process in your life as that leads your true core truth purpose alignment
This is what they mean as one way of being to get into your zones. That way the pain body from out side has a shining light of WHY it has been presented to you as part of your life purpose in growth in the current
And we find that is infinitely shifting more. In some spacing of time it shows why your pain body experience has been a key to building you up on the path of your purpose and why the very exact thing is a gift.

The quick run of list in soothe for a healing elevation aspect of this is to
Make a list of what elevates you, places, actions, small things, whatever it is
Going out of your self and into the zones of your deepest calling would elevate this is really going into your deeper self. When you are fine tuned into your essence being and then led to service by the mere eccentricities of your passionate calling and genius you have little time to mess with the headbody of the ego. However taking swift sporting enthusiasm led actions of inspiration is key. Delaying here is again giving space and time to ego to sit home in your comfy living room and there it can stay gathering dust and spilling coffee cups for hours and days unending till again you need to vacuum clean the welcome path of your consciousness. And that would be a long drawn tedious process but we learn anyway. 
So we do learn that speedier but steadier we grow as we get into the deeper levels of healing and love makes us more tuned in. And yet there would be egoic mantles of projections or new things coming up that might be on our paths to growth to help us attune to such pain body/egoic matters to transcend to infinite love presencing for what we truly are. It always is a process in growth. a vital part of growth indeed.

Ease into the grace of practicing this presencing layer by layer through the many levels of my being. Our outward realities get so enticed and corrupted by the criss currents of energies that muck the realness of pure presence that we are so often and mostly really in the plague of out of alignment to our true selves. We get so out of touch and pre conditioned out of our realness and deepest longings, passions, aching and desires of our hearts that most of our lives pass us by until we wake up by the sad knuckled truth that we have not truly lived what we have been sent here gifted for. And so we might be even called back to repeat circle and retracing back and come back new born to take up the new leverage points of what we have left undone and not been in the true core essence with all that we have learnt through the trips in our human life forms and beings. 
Seriously, it could be easier said that done, right? And yet it can also be so much more fun when we simply cut the chase and come home clearer not to be run over by those outside corruption forces of pure energy and center back to what we truly are. What we truly are and what we are really here for comes through the centering realness of our essential self, the purest essence of our being, our deepest heart core sync aligned energies and that which we are in rawness of courage and highest source light overbrimming light. Exploring this and deepening into the process again does not happen at one blow and even with all our commitment to come clearer and home to this unfolding back to our true core realms, our one home is really the call for the greatest adventure we undertake in life. That is when all of the real fun begins. 

And there would be so many layers to this unfolding and blooming process of love burst opening of your true self, which is wholly and essentially the realest gift you can bring to all of existence. Doesnt matter what your calling is. Your calling just is what you are essentially and purely most present in, in that stage of your growing evolving source light strength energy frequency awareness and how you are powerfully emitting, radiating, glowing in that vortex of pure presence of you of you. 


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