Falling in Love with Life and All That is over and over again
You meet your twinflame when you are more beyond readily met
and mated with the love self hood of your true self. 1st and
foremost one must be committed to THAT and give all full birthing service to
that. Else how do you think you would be meeting a love worthy to the fullness
of the all aspecting divine gateway of being in full union.
You do not meet your twinflame or come into fullness of
alignment as broken parts of the self but you do heal, transition and align
light divine forces upon your meeting.
You do indeed need to be 1st and foremost
committed to your path and give your fullness of devotion to that. You must
indeed be finding your true deepest passion light and channel that glory to all
that is and divine.
There are stages of growth realized and learnt in love and
all that must be met 1st, life aligning with oneness must come to
balance of balancehood. The karmic stages of older tormented chained selves of
the human must really be made free.
These are such trying opening love seen stages of the
gateways of heavens that we are opening and light birthing in the now.
When questions posed in said readings or channeled
directions are persistently twin focused I am often directed that many life
forms are indeed not directing worthy attention to the fullness of their own
divine spectrum light, the full birthing of the reality of their purpose. In
essence the relationship meets you by divine decree and all but why make that
aspect of center staging a part of the key focus or blame that to be a part of
one’s loneliness or missing component in happiness?
Bringing one’s fullness attention to LOVE and love itself is
enough and fulfilling, enriching to draw in the deepest spectrum of soul life
lifting love in all realms of life expression. This you have been promised.
What we are stepping into through earth time dimensions is
really vast and immense. All our older known pre conceived held paradigms of
love are collapsing and crumbling down fast. This is important. There is often
no holding ground to realness and realities of the present time but the full
beam of purest presencing of a new growth and emergence of Love it self. This new
emerging currents of dynamics of LOVE evades all and all perspective dimensions
of so far conceived aspects of love. We cannot be half way in and expect beyond
all levels of cognitive dimension of human leveling love while having just
fragmented parts of our selves into this. Commitment is full decreed reinforcement
of day to day, every hour, minute service to that and no action spared. When one
keeps falling back or behind one must fully acknowledge and beam back the full
spectrum of love back to one’s self and that is when it is needed most. Take
whatever it takes to bring it back into attention of source level centering
with true authentic heart felt friends of service or any thing that draws in
your heart-connected rendered dimension of being.
We are multidimensionally expanding in all our effervescent
new reality experienced selves. No aspects of limiting levels of human
conjectures or realms of expressions can attune to the greater dynamics of what
is truly coming to be possible. It is beyond all gateways of perceived levels
of human conduits of love expression to that which we are aligning. The outward
realms and usual ways of life has foreseen and lived so far cannot come into
any levels of this match. These parameters and expectations of relational
relating have been usually overrated and do not apply in the full spectrum of
the new realness we are aligning.
When the questions on individual aspects of twin aligning
and connection come in we are made this an open portal and vessel as a greater
call of service to love. What can come from beyond that cannot even be
contained in the remotest realms of our imagination. Our dream gateways path
and all levels of expanding consciousness forces do indeed take us to the rear
view or extended dimensions of that, some of those at least. How can we live
the full spectrum of the fullness of the universe but really it is the call to
dive deeper into it.
We are to release into the depths of the surrendered realms
of all aspecting dimensions of the truth of the amazing most pool of divine
glorious love. This rendered love of love carries us through into the deepest honoring
realness of our truth, heart and what we are here to bring in terms of rendered
acknowledgment to the divinity of all.
Here the very specific who is the my twinflame or why isn’t he
here or where is my soul mate even though valid and persistent, take the edge
of them for we are blissfully more attuned to divine channeled beings of
realness and fulfillment in as many levels as are meant to be enjoyed, lived
and loved in the universe.
When one’s attachment to the very one thing or the how or details
of when or why comes through then the very energetic stagnation between impedes
a whole lot of growth faculties that might be experienced in balancing of one’s
true anchored soul light
Sometimes some of the deepest stages in twin flame
connection and twin grid alignment as we learn and receive is the letting go
process. Most do cry and throw tantrums like cribbing children at this and the
sheer pain of the process. But balancing these wavebeam of lights are important
to come in spirit heart realm maturity while being of ceaseless service wonder
joy and in the heart of our true divine child pure selves.
Doesn’t mean we are denying any aspect of the separation
pain or anxiety but much more than that we are unifying all dimensional levels
of love in full spectrum of that loving vortex. The fruits of these are truly
delightful when we are surrendered into the realness of that which is love to
us any moment ceaselessly in wonder no matter the outward form or condition of
life and LOVE.
Some stages and through some re growing and balancing stages
it seems like the only thing we are learning forth and aligning in the twin
path process is the bigger part of letting go. Letting go in all and all
dimensions levels also mean having that person or being or entity in love light
released in all aspecting higher dimensions which itself is a painful breaking
process. The higher unseen do show that this is one of the highest anchoring
courage light of love and the divine revealed gifts to this level of authentic
love spectrum in real embracing are infinite more. It is not that whether or
not love will find you worthy enough to be, but it is indeed about your full
spectrum growth that the highest bidding
of L O V E calls you forth. That is indeed a huge part in growth where letting
go comes to bring you into the full aligned realness of your self. You are
never ever left alone but met more than whole in realness. Your call to your
authentic true hearted presence will be and are, forever more met and heard as
echoes through eons and stretches of all light realms of the universe. You are met
on more beyond all levels in the full possibility of love and all that you are
capable of.
In short the realms do remind you to stop obsessing over any
one aspect of who/how or what no matter the realms of deep intensity or
closeness. This also wants you to come into balance of your being and all
tended levels of your life in the new energetic grounding. You are thus far
attending to all levels of your love nature in your life, no parts spared. This
shines a gorgeous light in your divine deity selfhood and keeps bringing the
balance of your full aligning growth as universe wants you to have and bring
forth forever more. There is utmost release of the old while you are
surrendering into the process of coming into the momentary to self connected
deeper grounding of L O V E. Your soul heart directed journey does not where to
go how much and how far but one does have to keep venturing forthright into the
deep diving of the love from and into within self, as connected with source
nourishment 1st. It has been promised that this level of letting go
does bring greater magnified deeper levels of true authentic all connected love
and service that you are truly meant to align with.
The deepest stages of loneliest
most desert phases: ok, i go through them a lot !!! And such stages are
important for deeper intuning exploration of one's true divine mission and
being oneself and connecting to realness of life and truth aligned purpose of
one's highest called for service. The pain body process experiences of earth
time currencies are important, valid and very real aspects of going through
stages of new renunciation processes of the spirit core and all realm purposes
of the self.
However one cannot make the
loneliness gateway to be everything for it is NOT every thing nor is one
relationship or other, twinflame or not going to be the allowance gateway of
every every thing and i have indeed stressed that enough through energy
directed readings/channeling and as received through all levels lived realness
of healing.
When someone makes these to be
the primary gate points of their questions there is usually a dissonance from
their spirit force and alignment with purpose. the relationship or job or work
or relocation is important but is not pertinent to your true core bliss and
purpose. ALl of these are valid questions of our true earth time grounding
conditions and appearances and these have tons to weight upon our bearing but
making them pertitently and infallibly more important gets us in round and
round clock bound cyclical parameters of control mechanisms. That is not
aligning to truth focused freedom and realness of love. Ultimately surrendering
to the lonelienss hood and diving deep into realness of all love, that of
all-that-is, creator divine and creation of you of you is the really important
aspect in transition.
Tons of all these quested
questioning indeed make me understand where we are shifting but i understand
the loneliness of the stances where many face and i go through much myself. However
falling in love with life, one's true devoted lived in service of purpose along
with all of the living dimensions truly gives one so much more and takes one
out beyond the parameters of the limiting. letting go and surrendering to life
allows you to truly "meet " and be mated on so many beyond expanding
levels it is heavens within and out ~*~ there and then one finds oneself
creating new levels of re ality planes that is totally out of question to these
limiting questing indeed. Then one knows what true love really meets in the
feasible and if it is meant to be, yes, the relationship too happens but that
relating. It is not to be made like a quest for life ha! the happiest people i
know are truly the ones true mated to their purpose relationship or not , the
whole of relating is what makes the fullness of one's being and that is with
the all=ness of divine self, as within, so without <3 o:p="">3>
Life brings us here to bring
many chances, to fall in love with it over and over again, to be in full
nurturing devoted love loyalty and expression of spirit ordained truth and
beauty of fullness of light
If love or the relationship is
meant to be it would happen on its own spectrum growth blooming phase. Can you
tell the moon to be hasty on its path in coming to your site or the flower to
speed blossom its growth faster than nature allows?!
Divine timing is important.
However the full requisite presence to your dreams and dreaming beyond as well
as ingraining the core alignment to your path real call of bliss and purpose,
finding one's own grounding in the fullness of L O V E is important
That level of love is not met
through any other but direct reflected from the full spectrum fullness of L O V
E that which you are your self ~*~ Devotion to truth nurtured real soil
tilling growth of the love of love itself brings more love as intended. That is
always seen through no matter what dimensions of shifts keep occurring in earth
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