On Reason and Passion

There is a continued play no matter what that seeks the reasoning out of the core realms of the heart and passion ignited light. The reasoning would try to play in the old cyclical order of veins. The short cut way away from it is to savor in and go into the deepest vortex vibration of the true callings of your passions. The real embodying of your passions lead to make rather uncomfortable changes in your life and one must be ready to embark on this adventure of a lifetime. For essentially what else is there than to core respond to the essence of your true self. 
The one thing that serves as re minder to our soul essence and all ways is to come into the full acceptance of the heart soul body ignited alignment of being. 
Say NO and practice enough in totally turning away and/ knowing the levels and degrees of your commitment to anything that does not resonate at the higher ends of your true essence being and soul star frequency, your deepest truest mission purpose in your chosen vessel body. Now, this takes practice and this is part of the work I do, the same I teach and practice and the very thing I grow with more and more. Every freaking awesome spectacular day is a practice in this upgrade of adventure and embarking on passion which I do have plenty of along with the savoring tending water of love induced nourishing healing,intended growing commitment that helps to bring this for the real growing growth in life as well as the fullness of what I am to serve and stand for others.
On those days I am faltering on my courage or there is an extra mile, leap,stretch, the greater dimensions of discomfort to cross and especially the deeper checking in to core frequency alignment comes as the massive help. This essence of core frequency check, the essential checking-in with your deeper self is what I bring as the foundation of going in deeper and the lotus birthing of your full self and the fullness zealous spectrum of your passions. This is THE MOST foundation of our core alignment that speed tracks cut in through any measures of duality. This is essential for humanity development and ascension portal that each one of us get purified levels to come in the full spectrum light embodiment of this passionate out pour of our multidimensional essence being. 
This resonates so strongly especially of what I have been going through currently at this juncture of growth which comes with a mixture of anxiety, reasoning and holding back to the full opening and move on to what i know, feel and taste to be there in places within me as well as experienced through the different realms of me of me, the child, the vulnerable self as well as the higher self or the expanded self that is one with source and feels this direct love conduit of pure energy. I would like any insight experience or snippet from anyone going through such junctures on their path right now. Perhaps I choose not to delve so much on the intricate details of anything that can be pinpointed through "events" as such but simply noticed as clouds passing across on an eternal sky, that is constantly present, just changing shapes, colors, the structure of the time and frame, the nature of light and play. So it is just what is. Waiting for more tides to clear out or take up the whole shore, sweeping it full galore in the turmoil that can only carve out the natures of new lands. And so perhaps there is a uniting point or a balance of reasoning to fit into the physical life and frame while flowing with the unbridled ecstasy of the highest call for passion, in transcendence while keeping the balance of life?!

There is an undercurrent of reasoning beyond following the ecstatic equilibrium growth of passion and the deepest love following when turned to the devoted service and laying down bare of one's core passions. In those realms there is non duality and learning, ecstatic growth and flowering of one's full potential as well as that one of the love-blissed growing happens in the spontaneous ever flow. I see more and more people settling down and following the trail of growth, bliss happening to bring into the forefront mantles of what can be termed as mere insecurity level based decisions. These aspects of allowing a relationship to take place from such veils of separation from the divine does not do service to the realness of the self or the full birthing of the I AM principle connected to the all that is as with also that with the truth center staging of the universe. 
Transcending duality of reasoning or coming into equilibrium away from mind or logic based principles happen to come very very clear when one is committed to the full degree and depth of one's alignment. This also helps in cutting the core into the depths of the duality projections from mucked up energies. What we see or happen to receive away from the fullness of light expression or amazing consciousness that comes into the real self beyond the smaller projected outward pictures coming from dislodging preconditioning. The limiting scales of such pre led structures would eventually fall through for more we are in the free fall of committing to our soul essence and purpose. Here reasoning and passion alignment in the vortex light of greater vibration comes into the fullness of light and truth. We would have nowhere else much to go but surrender to our bliss, call, passion and divine most celebration of love through all and every aspect of our life understanding. However it is through the realness of being that passion vortex alignment would grow and transcend the borders of those little mind things like doubts and outward projection from pre conditioned or programmed societal out puts. These little menial aspects of the limiting human selves would fast and easy transform as we are more and more committed to the expanded fullness of tuned in light of our true passions in the unique most terms of the self.
The work itself in going back to the roots and core of one's lotus birth centering becomes the pivotal point of changes for many. It could be just about the simplest purest choices you make on any hour, minute or space of your given day.

It is to be understood what passion is truly? 
And how it is in the quietness of the dawn of light does to the earth but is it not the purest divine spell and spark of passion that witnesses the new birthing of an entire daylight universe ignited on the earth realms?! And what is it that you feel for god,universe and all that is and isnt that the very same thing you ought to be feeling and bringing into your marriage,with your partner and in your divine relationship? Why would you really be settling for hiding in the covers of insecurity and why cant your life be the grandest adventure of your fullness of potentiality and if you are on the path would you be settled for any less than the highest grandeur of that level of passion in your life and love relationship than that which god and sun, the magnetic spheres and levels of light would be nourishing to the soul-root starlight spectrum of all blooming life form? 
What would passionate courage look like in full spectrum authenticity of your life and love anyways? When you begin right away from peering in to the depth with brazen courage for you of you, you are already shedding of the pre conditioning constrictions of societal structures which do not serve you anyway and would be just be following through auto pilot mission of no where to go. When you truly courageously follow your path light of passionate ignition hopefully, by and by and to the degree of your authentic presence to the divinity of your self, to the divine promise you have between you and your god, true birthing source light and the highest upholding of LOVE, you would be bringing the grandest terms of passion and realness in all dynamics of your life.This is how energy would play, challenge and keep upgrading you on many levels and terms. If you are truly ready for the call there would be no surrender and the logic of older semblance will fall through igniting the emblazoned courage of your heart soul deepest en~lightenment. Now that is something really worth thriving for and awaiting eons more still if it takes that degree of growth. You will never turn back and be something else once you are stretched out beyond the highest dimensions and levels of your authentic self, fullness and great love divine soul portal as you are meant to be. 

Apart from the one on marriage by Gibran this form of love is worth reminding. The Rumi-nesque celebration of seeing the beloved and oneness with the Beloved and path of your true real service in the human form and vesse are coming into true fusion of light.This is true for now and now. How else would you ever celebrate love in your life for you are celebrated that way anyways~*~

On Reason and Passion
Kahlil Gibran

Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against your passion and your appetite.
Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody.
But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements?
Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul. If either your sails or your rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.
For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.
Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion, that it may sing;
And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.

I would have you consider your judgment and your appetite even as you would two loved guests in your house.
Surely you would not honour one guest above the other; for he who is more mindful of one loses the love and the faith of both.

Among the hills, when you sit in the cool shade of the white poplars, sharing the peace and serenity of distant fields and meadows -- then let your heart say in silence, "God rests in reason."
And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind shakes the forest, and thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky -- then let your heart say in awe, "God moves in passion."
And since you are a breath in God's sphere, and a leaf in God's forest, you too should rest in reason and move in passion.


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