Current Directions for Many upon the Twin Path
For those on the twin path and currently anytime estranged from your
twin or feeling thus so, know this: You are not lonely. The angels and guides
keep affirming that~ you arent. Ever lonely and we arent but yeah the human pre
conditioning set stuff like that everywhere. So
these illusions can set in confounding our realities. Confronting the essence
of loneliness is surrendering to the depth. When we deep dive into the ocean of
this depthless calling we know that only immersion to true soul truth is only
possible in the realms.
The guides speaking through on many
different parallels confirmed on and on, the higher selves do all ways and always
know and interconnected. There is no differentiation. Twin dimensions are
alikeness and polarity full % and there is no difference between them. The full
dimensions of match are one and higherselves always and all ways connecting experiencing
this oneness breath, full spectrum connection in the human or also catching up.
That is how you are also fullness in spectrum and merging or swift moving
through the dream veins, the dreaming parallels, esoteric dimensions, higher
selves catching up to your human solar and soul to cellular multispectral full
being essence. Sometimes indeed the human mind and especially with men working
on the masculine peripheral can neglect. These things really cannot be ruled out
and one cannot stress how much for there are indeed stages in the dimensional
shift and catch that we are speed heightening upon the path. It is to be rest
assured that each one's journey is so very unique and nothing could be more in
the significant imprinting of the uniqueness than the twinflame path. We have
ages and oceans of vast differences indeed. It is vast and endless. We do not
know how things could ever be crossed otherwise but there is a templar gateway
that is shifting through the golden light of the auric realms through that
which we are crossing the dimensions of the presence of being. Sometimes it
seems just in a trice and we are together and other times all is impossible,
the true love never met. Yes, one is over and over reminded and sync resonant
adhered to the same. It is one of deep surrendering spacing. There is no point
beyond the truth that at all levels you and twin are, in oneness realizing and
that way one is fully present to the full birthing of love moment in growth. This
is a full spectrum fullness of being and oneness of greater love. This in truth
is known so much and deep exactly and exactly so what you mean and are going
through. It is of more beyond spectacular hope and joy to know that guides and
pure solid forces are working in behind the gateways to bring the divine
amazing union of the goddess-god realm balance of the matching breathing
dimensions of the existence in this current new world paradigms now and it is
soon catching up in all frequencies. Nothing would be left out from these waves
of realness in balance even though it takes a by and by stage call. Do know for
anyone involved in the twin path one is really a huge part of the full spectrum
oneness that is speed processing in the right vein of alignment. Each one and
twin relating are uniting in the realness of the whole expanded divine world
spectrum balancing of the male female counteracting energies. It is through
each aspect of your unique divine feminine masculine balancing that one is
indeed bringing the full ness of the new birth in the glorious new world
purpose enriched fullness of dimensions.
Through the awakening parameters of the new speed aligning realities and
changes one does see remarkable speeding earth times and any thing is possible,
such high realms of shifting. One is part of the full process of work, growth
and waited to see, bridge and be the fullness part of the tremendous awakening
growth both for the divine masculine and feminine now bringing full form into
birthing of balance. this twin relating is more of humanity's ascension than of
personal stories and this the human egoic dimensions are also learning to
conquer, to fathom, to come to terms with, our individual twin recognition or
unrecognized parts of our senses are truly reflected segments of the divine
masculine and feminine that are dispersed through the pre conditioning and
needing to balance. Rest assured, each one of us on our paths are doing as best
and bringing the core alignment to path and passions met on our unique divine
purpose. This is wholesome true recognition. this surrendering does take a toll
and seems like when oh when... However guides assure times are speeding fast
track together. The breath of real light golden miracle could be any day now
and sooner. There would be no difference and it will be all met until we have
of course mutually balanced a greater part of the karmic grid twin union does
not happen. They also show so often it feels so far away and the egoic terms
can tell you this isn’t true or happening but it is during those times that
highest clearing take place. It is during those times if you are attested to
stand strong in your simple presencing and strength of love, you will always be
shown present directions that the love never dies. This form of love never does
and only grows with the realness of the meeting. This comes in full fruition
and completion cycles. So often we realize and meet our twins and yet so many
things in between need to be tended to in balance, we tend to lose focus trying
to warp around earth time conditions and what not. All these by and by need to
be released. It is far more interesting to come in the release process and
bring a greater harmonious timeless ease of grace and golden love celebration
in the twin uniting than meet or come into a relationship and then have all the
karmic baggage to work through. When one sees both sides to these essence-knowing,
the translucent seeing into the changes of matter while two are in the
relational dynamics it is indeed easier to discern what is real and what is a
lesson part of the human growth realms of the relating. It is indeed to be understood that 1st
of all of love is a practice in our core relating of twin flame dimension or
bringing of the highest form of golden light of healing love in all dimensions of
life forms related. So the so many times
proved false twins or seemingly karmic prior connections to early to be set to
be seen as set accordance of the truest freeing setting off grounds of real
divine love. These practice grounds of divine love are no short matches from
the meeting of the true currents of how we are each ascending in love dynamics
on our chosen soul contract growth as humans. These shifting to the other
sights of full spectrum light birthing love and lightness of being, the
fullness of our purest essence sometimes come through heavy duty gleaning,
cleansing and moving through the human apparent understanding of the empowering
duties of what we are each to serve in the spectrum.
So no relationship is any loss of time or any amount of heart ache. When
these are seen as the connecting dots of the real aspects of what we are
presenting as service of love to human bondage freeing to fullness of our
realization, all love becomes the fulfilled ground work of the practical
alignment of highest Christos light alignment in purest brightest vibration.
There are also those other times even though real twinflames proved to
be of heavier more burdens in the individual clearing of one or the other of the
twin’s path clear it is also flip side of the coin of the karmic human denser
clearing that needs to be attended to. No twin counter part is better than the
other and such is the conditioning is it not for all of our humanness and human
kind selves? Those twin interacting levels of egoic reactions as though oh I am
so ready and why is he not coming? Or even parts as why if I realize who he/she
is and he/she does not full spectrum light tend to their own glory? These aspects
of questioning are all ways and always about tuning deeper light reflection
back into the self essence. The self essence will always shine brighter and
come into full spectrum light and keep including the twin other too. So 1st
whatever direction of light or tending of solo lesions need to be done, has to
be attended to. Needless to say the soul human counteractive part catches up. The
intense soul level vibrations do not seem to adhere to the human chronos laws
but very much in the overall I AM principle of universal for ever beyond
energetic calls that come through its own very leveled speeding principles.
These go beyond the veils of our outer layer dramas or the outward time
conscious human limitations.
Not to be misjudged that the human levels are also speeding the overall
process. On the call of aligning the overall all pervasive forces to the real
time dynamics of the human it is thus better to have this pacing and bring
forth the karmic stuff in balance and growth when faced with our earthly calls
and duties soon as. There is soooo much happening here and right now, it is
golden time and i give up on none in the opening twin related and especially as
In so many ways things are awakening in a deep profound way. It is also
a part of deep shedding time, all falling off from the old happens now and more
need to be tended if any parts have already not been done. This is the meeting
of the acceleration time and nothing can ever stop this for it is all go from
here and now. It has been as many of us and you have indeed tasted, seen,
savored. However the speed slipping through is of a very different process in
the current energy dynamics now. You are assured there is no settling for less
in any form. Not in love or purpose or the path, not in any form what so ever. You
are moved on to take the highway and it is no wonder you are reading this or
resonating in sync feeling deep and then this one is right for you. You know in
your bones and depth reckoning that this is what is truly speaking. Not you or I but really the energy gateways
that is so, so beyond the self of any considered realms of human realm
consciousness and yet such aspects of us can only comprehend thus. This has
been and continue to be a big purpose as the keepers of the light and true
holder of the realms of the mass lightbeams keep holding that degrees of truth
from way beyond the illusions of isolation while going through the hurdles. It
is indeed never ever easy. It is deep and profound and yet challenging enough
when in close relating one sees and another doesn’t come to be awakening to the
truest dimensions of highest degrees and possibilities.
There is great strength, love and accessible dimensions of courage
available for us. Ready help all the way and right support beyond amazing ways
we could ever ever imagine.
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