Core Beliefs~*~
I believe….
In true twin flame love that is coming in the realness of
god goddess union now embarking and forever more rapidly spreading the fire of
light, passion, divine union and highest cosmic wonder birthing stages through
life forms here on earth, balancing the human planes and bringing the real
clearance of the destined ascended re ality of the new evolutionary
heaven-on-earth creations. This is the highest form of divine balance of
masculine feminine god goddess principles that is taking place on earth realms
right now
I believe….
You ought to spend 80% of your day fully committed to your
genius exploration that unfolding ever blossoming path and guard it ferociously
with zealous passion and work endlessly to wards it depth opening as it does.
I believe ….
When you are fully committed you go ALL the way, the full
200% and to reap the highest best results of any thing or to know the depths of
anything that you say you really love or feel you do so, cannot be explored
unless you are in that 200% commitment zone with the fullness of your being.
I believe ….
That 200% level commitment to your truth and genius is what
the whole world is waiting for. That is your greatest gift to humanity and that
is simply to begin committing to your genius, that which drives your deepest
passions in the now. You need not worry about where it would unfold and bloom
into the depths of the next. Just let them be unfolding and have them keep
blooming with the pureness of your attention.
I believe…
The purest essence of purity in love is what now needs to be
preserved, protected, cherished and loved more in the world. This is what we
are truly aching for beyond all the false propaganda of pre conditioning mind
freak controlling society is driving with the tampering of purity in all
aspects. What the heart soul spirit body and our core is truly really aching
for is the authentic vulnerable coming home to the purity of love and that is
what is needed to uphold in all levels at every dimension of our relating, our
works, actions, every step of being. This purity preservation is worth fighting
for! With fierce love, loyalty and devotion of course!
I believe….
Good enough needs to be released and let go of for the
opened space of all the greatness that you are here to embody, be, become and
ignite for others.
I believe ….
Unless you are fully, really and truly committing, living
and being in your passionate most zones you are truly not living life or making
it worthwhile. So stop wasting any more aspect of your precious earth life
experience and embrace, follow, zealously follow your passions right away.
I believe. …
Conscious veganism is what will save the world. That does
not mean (and there are many versions of vegan or vegetarianism) the blind
following of anyone’s decree or call but the thorough and deep listening and
authentic attention paid to what truly, deeply resonates to your core being and
body at that time and space of your earth dimensional relating. Any direction
to veganism or the improvement of the conditions of planet, environment, its
species, animals, its protections and beauty pristinely protected is the
highest service of love one can bring as reminders of humanness to humanity
back to its own authentic core.
I believe. …
There are too many things that we may miss if we let the
overt human mind get to be important. We are to really miss the whole point of cosmic
wonder for we are here to relinquish more and more to the authentic deep peace
silent silencing of your realness in bliss of oneness and depth fully aligned
with the universe. Anything that is a distraction away from that still point of
the highest potentiality of life birthing light each and every moment is just
that: a simple most distraction away from truth of life.
I believe. …
It is about your true authentic shining self that makes the
deepest most impact in the cosmic grid. You do not have to be overtly kind or
compassionate or spiritual or loving or polite or aggressive or driven or
peaceful when actually triggered or any of those things that you are not at any
given moment. If once and for all, we accept, just with the acceptance of the
feelings of how and what we are feeling without rushing into a solution or
action or alienation or denial of them altogether or even their dissected
classification, then we are at enough peace to fill in the vibrational
alignment and fullness of the moment just as is. You are requires just as you
are, just as is, coming home purer to your core authentic truth. Where do you
begin but yes, just there! In acceptance of who you are feeling right here and
now, without any distraction from your truth of divine self, just as you are !
Now! The truth is you are whole and perfect right where you are and you begin
to grow more into your authentic real self from that stage gateway of
I believe. …
The cosmic wonder is way way grander than anything else and
the source realms have bigger plans for us and the fullness of us beyond our
minute stages of human lives. And even while experiencing the human form of
dimensions we are more and more here to surrender, relinquish the need for a
safe and pre ordained structured, previously designed societal or any structure
given ideal of what the earthly life ought to be for us. The more we surrender
to the grandeur of the cosmic design the more we are dropping in the ocean of
the grandness of what our unique life form would be like. And this would be
like no other, for it is in the divine most unique imprint of us and each one.
Like no other snow flake or star or unique cosmic light ignited stellar design.
I believe….
If you are deeply surrendered to the tuned in truth and
feelings of your heart, you are aligning to the deepest depths of the true
birth reality of the universe. This force, source, guidance and leading birth
of universe keeps blooming anew over and over again in you. More you drop down
in devotion to this birthed in, tuned in feelings from your core, the more you
are attuned to the universal source frequency. This truth never leads you
astray from life in the human realms and keeps you at best to grander more
surprises and synchro destiny woven miraculous amazements that you would
adventurously embark upon for ever.
I believe. ….
There is nothing sweeter than the love you experience in the
depths of an animal’s eyes in silent known knowing …
or sometimes it comes through the rays of the sun on your
feeling sensory vital self or the fulfilling love made to you by the temperate
… or the dewy grass you feel beneath your feet like sweet
nectar soaking and connecting you to the depths of root held firming grounding
Or whatever form it may come what is present is the all
realm aspect of the universe of love. For the universe IS Love and as are you!
I believe….
We are all now speeding beyond any form of pre caged or
conditioned perimeter of human experience. So we are moving more and more into
the realness of warped time, speed future and all dimensional essence
beingness, our life forms speeding into the zones where 3d has been crossed out
long before to be such a minor aspect of our being and peripheral existence.
From there the allowed specifics of previously important things like chronos time
and mental realms of logical analysis of human experiences are quick dwindling
in importance, vanishing from our “every day” realities to come in to the for
ever-ness of re ality.
I believe …
Ascension is really about speed aligning all the dimensions
of our multidimensional experience of being as limitless beings. It is in this
understanding from beyond the human that we are taking things to be speed
aligned into the path of the all dimensional experience and being beyond just
some of the aspects of those spectra of our real-ness. It is in the
multidimensional alignment that we keep awakening to the Self beyond the
smaller selves that truly aligns with the soul central frequency of the full
spectrum expanded nature of us.
I believe…
We are all connected, soul kins, kindreds, star mate
realmatic soulmates of each other we are. We are just recognizing these in the
multiple layers of our own dimensional existence and coming closer to the
fullness of the realization in full spectrum being. We are coming home to each
other in heart soul recognition through our re membering stages.
I believe…
We are all star seeds
and cosmic portal gateways for one another as well the new realms of being on
earth plane dimensions having our own intrinsic and divine root realm sources
in the unique blends as also those uniqueness are being connected with each one
of us. Our true knowledge, intrinsic imbibed senses of our home rooted purpose
in belonging to the one of our chosen life form to experience here is to bring
in more love, balance, healing, creations and amazing super splendor greatest
sensory tuned in earth time living nature in our human forms extended in
multidimensional. More tuned in we get to be with our root realm stargateway
pieces of origin and source, the more we are in fullness of experiencing and
living the multidimensional intrinsic wholeness of the truth of our selves,
which is truly the oneness of us being the still point center of central
staging universe source soul frequency light.
Ultimately no matter how alone or tragic or alienated you
feel through the curves of life path down or up the way, you are never ever
alone. It is not possible. You are connected to the reality of the grid of life
in every intrinsic way and it is what is most important. That love is all pervasive,
life renewing over and across more so and way beyond all levels connected. Even
if you feel temporarily disjointed from a tribe calling of the human sense of
belonging you are all and in all ways in the embedded connection of the deepest
joined longing of the universe where all the different points and expressions
of life and the living are meeting every fractal moment.
I believe. …
Your deepest pains hold the golden light of new conscious awakening
of the human condition and its greater love filled opening of the vital
improvements of the dynamics of the living.
I believe …
In the immortality of you as you in forever vibrant youth
form of the human self as well as the for ever nature of the light portal life
expression that you, you uniquely are! And this is something that has been
proved and beyond science too, but keeps on going to prove in the understood
veins of our minds and senses, that this is true for each one of us in our life
form expression in the existence of being. Well we do know that death is no “dying”
after all but all in all the stages of our new birthing through the life form
stages of one to the next in our dimensions.
Ultimately it is in our experiencing and beingness of Love
is all that we are here for in earthly dimensions. Since it is Love that we are
in essence being and as the oneness of energy to the source-spirit dimension
force of the center of the universe that is what our core truth is. It is the experiencing,
being and connecting of our Love nature through all of the life forms we choose
is what we are here for, is what truly really matters and keeps bringing the
real truth of our humanity in the brightest purest light for all of our meta
dimensional beingness to be chosen and experienced in the earth frequency
dimensions of being in our humanness.
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