This Cosmic Re birthing Process as Within ~*~

This full spectrum of growth amazes me. Growth is forever more realer in the bolder depths of expansion. For ever and immensely stretching beyond all the chartered notions of what feels and comes to settle in as the pre watched and previously held norms. Growth is about forever out growing and stretching of the muscles of the self that leads to realer more colors of expansion. It is through the experiencing of growth that the universe stretches and dances itself through the life forms of the mastery of the “I AM” principle in the cosmic design code. In the times of the immense growing process there was the stall ward period of the seeming one of so when I longed for it, pined for it, cried to sleep and death for it. At least, it was a good kind of death anyway, the type that gets you to be out of bed new and renewed again. You are dying in the old shells of you coming born in the new forms and dimensions of you. In the depths of your soul you know this is what birth and rebirthing many times over through general beingness of any given lifetime looks like and that birthing process is never at all easy. The dark tunnels one has to go through while passing through the womb chambers of this heavy duty is exhausting and nauseating enough. Yet what else could you do?
Its ridiculous how growth process stretches itself through the embodiment of the pain body in the immersion of the soul embryonic process. The pain body association also allows our selves to detach from the membranous intricacy of the web of the drama form of life. It is through this that we become fundamentally and unconditionally present. The pain body detaches and helps us stay present while birthing the fusion of the fruitful new belonging of our new found existence. The pain body experience lets us be gently gracefully and sync allowance in reminder process helps us be present deeply beneath the layers with the truth that it is what it is. And there is no skirting beyond or around it. One just needs to sit with it for as long as it takes. And that is when it gets easier to transform through it. This pain body relevance and experiencing of it is a very vital existing transformative process of growth.

While going through this transmigration from one stage of the caterpillar to pupa, the de conditioning of hibernation time and till until the reaching of the butterfly life, there is the constrictive process that takes us away from all that we felt we once were. It is a constant going smaller to smaller still process. One feels as though fragmented in to the tiniest dot and flake of insignificant nothing while all and all dimensions of the previous earth birth life or any sense of it gets to be of relative to no revealed value. Nothing is the same or feels so, almost no associating or recognition of the past or what seemed to matter in those times. This does create a deep furrow in the reality of daily existence. The intrinsic 3 dimensional material dimensions suffer enough and so with that the balance of keeping our life to the “normal” humdrum of existence. However normal or not it may have been in the seeming outward, the change is just a polar dynamics of what we would want most in a happy healthy balanced self. This cajoling out of the usual track on our journey has been more like a catapult towards the growth and new birthing of the self. There is no denying of that. The persistent tiny flickering off of the older usual self into the new born new child self becomes a humbling process and more so than not we do not see the celebratory aspect of this birth. Such forms of rebirthing and shell breaking de constructing indeed is not one that seems the least of all pleasurable upon the journey. Once we have crossed the stage we might be able to be the recognizer of its pivotal celebratory point in our journey, but not when we are through it and are part of it. That is when we would least likely to celebrate ourselves. The rough weathering of the cosmic stardusts to bring us into the unique membranous very qualities of the sheath of our unique embedding stone of delightful harmony as the pure precinct snowflake or pure star that we are here to becomes keeps hurtling this growth process into us. Surrendering to this is the unique realignment to the growing multidimensional existence way much easier.
Heeding the calls of the divine and the guided source of the light of the multidimensional presence, the guidance of the infinite unseen but deeply felt, heard, touched ones and especially of those beyond the veils of the immediate realms need to be the primary most directive guide of the present. That is how we are being led through each small step and staging of this tunnel of depth. Each small candle lighting the very precise next steps to be taken and just the indeed next. Not much beyond. This is how we are being allowed to be uniquely courageously present in the trusting process through the shuttle vein of the tunnel journey. This is what means emblazoning through the tests of our super razor sonar guides, our trusted intuitive knowing beyond the known. The universe keeps refining all these extra sensory perceptions through us in the experiencing of the fullness of the human. An every day secured 3d existence complete with the usual normal preconditioned, structure way of the living would only prevent us from refining these new super dimensions of the human levels of balanced yet regulated senses of highly refined and aligned higher consciousness. This is what birthing the future of humanity through each membrane of the individual and the micro cosmic looks like. That is why such cosmic star birth in the unique degrees of the individual and as with each one the real birthing of the cosmos to its greater next does not feel, seem, look or can even apprehended to be a journey of ease or the process of transformation one being that pain free. 


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