Just Random Things of Knowing Real for Fun :>>

[ the pictures taken are just random silly things from my life and day : P : P : ) : ) ]
If I am to let you in, into the deepest silliest true parts of some of the weird mundane and eventually just random things about me then just like that some of them happen to be as follows … J J
And don’t forget to step in and add yours or send me your random fun, weird, sad, loopy, just plain and whatever in between as you feel (mail or comment or post in your page or blog but do share J J ) I would LOVE TO KNOW. Don’t think much just put in what honestly and truthfully comes 1st and just plainly go spontaneously with the flow. I know on any other day it would be a tad related different but just keep it real and tell us about the core you as painfully embarrassed honest as it could get. I feel I could get ever more mundane on any other day but well, what more really : P : P

So here we go, if you were to truly know me you would eventually perhaps just get to know in the realness of me ~

  1. I am a big time dog mommy at core and that is something that I universally can attest myself to be
  2. Call me crazy but I have at least 200 names of adoration and love given to my pet pup and she understands all of them. We even have our own unique bonded language of love J
  3. Talking about that language of love, I seem to develop that with all animals each in their own unique terms with those I come in connection with. That can often include cats, snakes, fireflies, lizards, rats, swallows, monkeys, gold fish, snails, geckoes,  and well many others … haha! But yeah not all in the same room of course. Overall my communication with each animal I connect with takes its own discourse of love and connection. They are what make me feel most at home really! J
  4. I guess it was my love for animals primarily that led to be vegan from a very early point in life, way back when I was quite a growing wee one and sometimes I did slip back in my adventures due to peer pressure or hoping to belong. However it never worked. I remember when I was pre school I knew fruits were the only things meant for consumption and I was not going to eventually eat anything else even when my mother would not agree then. However yes, school happened and so did society. So my raw vegan or primarily high raw or fruitarianism inclined lifestyle took its own time to take off. But eventually it did and I felt I had come to the point I was really all about despite the shake off from societal functioning
  5. I spend gobs of my time alone, need that, thrive on that and would go crazy otherwise. Of course I am never really alone when with animals, my creation works, practices, nature, books, music. One could say the solitude is to take away daily breaks from human energy interaction or the usual frame bound world which is what is most boring!
  6. I am an INFP in Jungian type analysis (Ask me more about that if you are interested to dig in deeper in your own soul immersion, archetype and sacred gifts processes for among other things I am a trained Jungian and Enneagram type analyst along with being a professional Vedic astrologer, etc. with the niche of helping you uncover your true dream dimensional star root realm uncovering of purpose J J ! its one of the best most simplest divine mapping blue print processing one can be a withholding witness of in this perfectly designed universe! ) which essentially makes me all the intuitive, sheltered, sensitive, imaginative, caring person as I am with a sense of being out of place in most of the world and the perfect exact excuse to be in my own space and solitude or aloneness most of the time J As well as the basic parameter guideline to ease into being with most of methodical human paradigms where I don’t feel I belong J J
  7. I write, coach or do readings or channel/ do transmission or channeled healing or teach, spend time with animals, study, read, do some of my usual spirit alignment vibrational practices, sometimes sleep and dream lots J , eat raw foods or cleanse or fast or stay high raw, stretch, connect with elements, elemental beings, constant connection with different close guides of the time and nature EVERY SINGLE DAY. That’s how my life is basically and how it runs, moves, flows~! And yeah, of course, stay and connect with energies of true real friends as much as the guides of our real dimensions for they are guidance light upon our path of love healing grounding rooting of life.
  8. Certain things you grow out of quick, while other things keep growing with you forever. Some music and poetry for instance, keep growing with you since ever and they seem to be your constant loves through the thick and thin, at least to me for sure.
  9. I am obsessed in love with Jeff Buckley. I loved him ever before he was this celebrated love being that he received more beyond life form and I keep loving him more and more every single day
  10. I am one of those people (read INFP of course and if you know vedic astro you would know that still more who can get rather woo woo to the outer world or read with rolled out eyes, plain drone mundane haha! or on the contrary they can make the complex come to life very specially simple) who could be in love with a person deeply, immensely, helplessly, passionately madly without ever seeing, meeting or even talking much to that one at all and for years. Ah well, yeah there are people like that who still exist. But I wouldn’t suggest that path or process to anyone if I could I would tell them not to go that way. Ever. At all if you can help your self for the life of you and well, but heart hurt hurts. Out damn right. Well, but essentially it is not the least of pain-free a process. : p and in fact, just the contrary at the most : P :  P So dont tell me I didnt warn you so ! 
  11. It takes very little for me to be happy. Usually books, puppies, nature and the beingness of freedom of being and yeah coconut water J. The main thing would be being time bound free. I usually struggle with anything like a routine that calls me out of the adventure of spontaneity which sucks and bores one ( here hear me ! :) ) to death.
  12. Time co ordination and limiting patterns seem to suck the life out of the real embers of the spontaneous bursting of the self.
  13. If it feels stuck in paradigms of limitation feeling point me the way out or I might as well be running way out faster most times. : D
  14. What I am interested most in your beingness of light is what moves you most through the aches, realms and longing of your passion. It is through the passion of our human frequency light that I feel we shine the most in the divine light of that which is termed as source god creation of illumination. What I want to know is of your deepest pain, longing, torment, highest love, life call and unique most realms of your own intrinsic journeys.
  15. No matter how complex or simple it feels it is in the realness of our beings that each one’s stories fascinate me. However what saddens and ache me most is seeing anything plagued or control freaked through fear based limiting dimensional experiences. Just what most of control mechanism system are doing to humanity at the best!
  16. However I essentially believe in our truth core, multidimensional light and simple presencing of LOVE and hearing, listening paying attention into the deep we can transform all the falsehoods of fear and burst them into the purest highest presence of truth and true lovingness for all. I know I am never ever giving up on that and the truth essence of humanity no matter what twists of distortion and strangeness withheld from purity it goes through.
  17. Oh yes I love the moon : D and feel very very connected to her. ^_^
  18. I am a tea connoisseur : ) If we were to meet we would probably meet over some yum tea
  19. Coconut water is my absolute top favorite though. I have grown up in the tropics so no wonder. So yeah we could just share that as well yum yum. Oh yeah please don’t ever ever think of having tampered bottled non raw. I am sorry if you are in a place not to get it raw but wait till you have the REAL kinds, there are literally hundreds of different types available in nature, pure. Never ever do compromise with the realness of nature but yeah if you are really looking for it and are in deep cold countries, I sympathize and I know you would have no other option but yeah wait till you have the real thing. You will never ever forget and keep craving for more : D
  20. Anne Frank is one of my top heroes !
  21. So is Jo Dunning.
  22. There are others too and they are my best friends : D It is for my true real heroes, nature, love, poetry, dogs, and our all connecting multidimensional friends essentially that our paths get simpler, easier, love joy burst star births fields.
  23. The Little Prince and Oriah’s poetry are timeless gifts I could give to most friends I meet and I have done so, so often. I have lost count of how many times I have gifted these books. And same goes for Rumi and a specific Neruda collection.
  24. Understanding my gluten intolerance, going high raw really changed my life, cleared me out jiffy and accelerated my path on growth. I could not have been more grateful for my well being and feeling of real me more than anything. If you are struggling on that path no there is great liberation and well being ahead. You do not have to feel any less than extraordinary in your life, being, body or any aspect of your beingness. No, nope. Never! Switching to high raw even if not all raw, eliminating gluten of all forms (check your levels or if you have doubts of what gets you off, essentially it is really not for human consumption in the purest sense of ways. If you are tolerating though and are great, cheers :D and I am happy for you but even if I was a bird in another life I sure know I would have been a one lost sick sad sorry bird with a short span to live if I was doing grains :P :P ), nut free etc and being really really close to paying attention to my core needs as best (body-mind-soul-spirit-emotions in alignment), while listening deep, following accordingly, doing as much detox as I could in my guided sense of well being and what I could bring at that time, all these keep changing the perspectives of beingness like no other. I wish you well upon your journey and these switches unless you make them I feel you would truly not be living life or coming home closer to your purpose.
  25. I have tons of fire in my chart (vedic astro , elemental, any time I cast a horary or play with runes, western, whatever you may say it always comes up with my fire and passion dominance which is indeed tuned in and pleasing! Unless its Mayan though where there is more air with Blue Spectral Eagle galactic portal and Yellow Cosmic Starseed day keeper). So yeah lots of fire. Indeed that’s me : D

 Thats as far boring or interesting or mundane as it gets for now : ) : ) ~

Your turn ! : D : D


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