Cleansing and Healing of Our Systems ~*~

The healing realms and modes of current times as directed in the spectrum of light and our facilitated movements forward have indeed changed. One of the deepest most prominent healers and teachers who move me directly introduced me 1st of to the rapid acceleration and opening of the pineal and pituitary glands connected. Of course the deepest realms of other connected modes of the said healing as brought by her was 1st hand energetic. Later the processes or alongside parallel (which was perhaps divine perchance or really not?!) got accorded by conscious effort in detoxing those important aspects of superb conscious realms as well as modifying the balance degrees of the endocrine system. 
As observed and thus far assured and through the science and data base along with fullness of spirit heart orientation of understanding these stand to be the most important accelerating avenues for our deepest healing and cleansing. Considering especially those who are most sensitive and sensory intuned, the higher sensing empaths or HSPs this happens to be of good stance as directed these avenues are more than important for all levels to be explored to come to optimal balance and speed ordaining of manifested glory of the self. 
The self beyond the usual gets peeled in through layers however through the directions of these levels of conduit of healing and vibrational balance or high frequency to come into. This also comes into take the higher scales of interdimensional as well as immediate environment, life style  and usual patterns that come to be termed as qualified systems that can be broken off right away. These happen to bring the overlying sequence of new divine ordained nature glory imprint through the constant chipping away of the form beyond the usual or as perceived. To come into full spectrum self beyond the usual or pre conceived this is a deeper process in surrendering to new healing avenues of course upon deeper higher self essence guidance directed. If it feels, attunes and leads to worthy then only one goes ahead and receives.
The funny part is all healing is higher soul self essence degree channeled coming into its fullness of balance. The energetic calls received come through a structure perhaps in earth realm conduits but the true sovereign self knows beyond the facilitated channel of the healing what it really needs to bring into its own energy field in real timelessness dimension while being on earth time parameters.
This itself is important to be understood in all simplicity of the full authority of the higher self spectrum while we may channel through in so called human conditional aspects of the spirit heart mind attune dimensions. We are practicing more than not in being the full ness of our human scales in devotion and bringing the glory of heaven-earth balance. This is to be considered all realms of field and dimensions forward as that is to be understood beyond the adjusted points of contradictory experiences.
We are perhaps in realms of our multidimensional self beyond the usual experiences are able to be freer and thus more open to channel all divine perfection of cosmic dimension of love but this play in the human with all its objected frailties and our so forth complains do indeed speed us in to the all realmatic beingness in full level consciousness. That is we speed the multidimensional conscious realms quite easier so in the deeper human relating while being in the so called denser and moving through earth life in practice.
We are intuned further more in our key empathic or higher sensory activities to bring full ness of our birthing of healing as within and so all abounded while paying deeper attention to what is most forefront in earth time paradigm of our relating now and now
Back to some of the basics of the healing modal that is creating the foreground of changes in the basics of our core rooting and recreating now or has been recent earth shift times and would be creating in bringing the vibrational core alignment fast or as attuned by each one's higher self choice in earthly parameters of the lived. Nothing to force in through but pure blossoming in of what is real and chosen by each soul group in the realm as they have most promised to experience in earth time dimensions. As these have come from the said sources of healing dimensions and main healers who have been working with these realmatic balance of the system in the new human parameters in their energetic reach out. Take it as you will:

"Our endocrine systems are thus in the state of rapid danger attack. For most of us it is far from any real attainment to bring the balance. Most of us are attacked well within all part of our system with a non functional pineal glad, clogged arteries and guts with over consumption of toxic food or fast food, the deliberate chemical attack from the water and environmental poison all around us. So currently the entire human species and its natural extension of high biological function are in endangerment. Since the endocrine system of ours is wholly responsible to produce hormones in our bodies, which are the communicating channels of creating harmony, balance and awareness, it is of vital urgency that this level of functioning in our physical vessels must be addressed to as a 1st stage of counteracting stress. The hormones are thus not only the communicators to many levels of awareness within our physical vessel but all within our bodies. They are also the ways to connect to the extended, subtle and all pervasive connection to the dimensions of the universe and multiverse.  The endocrine systems are also all about vortices, the spirals, the energy centers and the greater and more diminutive Time cycles or the chronos and cairos natures.

The endocrine systems are thus in the state of rapid danger attack. For most of us it is far from any real attainment to bring the balance. Most of us are attacked well within all part of our system with a non functional pineal glad, clogged arteries and guts with over consumption of toxic food or fast food, the deliberate chemical attack from the water and environmental poison all around us. So currently the entire human species and its natural extension of high biological function are in endangerment. Since the endocrine system of ours is wholly responsible to produce hormones in our bodies, which are the communicating channels of creating harmony, balance and awareness, it is of vital urgency that this level of functioning in our physical vessels must be addressed to as a 1st stage of counteracting stress. The hormones are thus not only the communicators to many levels of awareness within our physical vessel but all within our bodies. They are also the ways to connect to the extended, subtle and all pervasive connection to the dimensions of the universe and multiverse.  Our endocrine systems are also all about vortices, the spirals, the energy centers and the greater and more diminutive Time cycles or the chronos and cairos natures.

Our  pineal gland or the endocrine gland located in the center of our heads, processes melatonin, the timing hormone of the body. Melatonin tells us when to wake up and go to sleep. It controls our circadian clock.

Recently, melatonin has also been found in the ovaries, also endocrine glands, much to the surprise of the scientists who discovered it. When you think about the “timed” 28 day menstrual cycle, in synchronized rhythm with the moon, it actually makes sense that melatonin is found there.

The chakras, 7 centers of spinning energy located in our bodies, are associated with the endocrine glands and are described as vortices of energy. (sidenote: there aren't just 7 even in main aspect of consideration however just to fair cover basics indeed!)

The pituitary gland, the regulator of growth in our bodies, grows in spiral form. The heart, associated with the thymus gland, is now known to be a spiral. "

So that being said, this current time scale still on going one about a cycle of time ending and a new one beginning. Our bodies are and will respond to this transformation. Learning about and appreciating the endocrine system while clearing through rapid healing of such in aligning the pituitary and pineal glads, while balancing the full spectrum of the whole in effect can help us adjust to these changes.

For those rapid benefits of systematic healing transgressional and received in energetic alignment, these have proved to be of the most proceeding benefits for my account.
The guided transmission channeling that I keep receiving from teachers, real time guides and those healers I have worked with have done the same in aligning the systems for the greater higher opening.
This also keeps being directed and shown through my transmission channeled guided healings and reconnective healing mode. It is one of most importantly intune directed and sufficiently gets aligned with each unique individual involved, the self not being any part of it but the greater aspect of the dimensional being aspects as a mere conduit of the nature.
I do not ever claim to be one of the technical healer facility nor one of the born gifted healing kind though in natural full spectrum light of our true authentic selves, all of us indeed are or share such shared aspects of said capacities when tuned into fullness of being the conduit of love as we are. And re membering in practice the essence of this helps for me to be reminded of the transcendental realm of being how each one of us are paved to be so ~And for any of us who are ordaining any directions of practice or understanding science truth spirituality and fullness essence of deeper aspects of our healing as within, so without and so with all we touch ~
We do not become healers.
We came as healers. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become storytellers.
We came as carriers of the stories
we and our ancestors actually lived. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become artists. We came as artists. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become writers.. dancers.. musicians.. helpers.. peacemakers. We came as such. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not learn to love in this sense. We came as Love. We are Love. Some of us are still catching up to who we truly are.

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes ♥ ♥ ♥

For empaths or those which includes most of us anyway tuning into our higher calls of our sensory measures to bring our gifts and real true aligned source directed pathways into our lives this level of healing does count and to bring the highest most attuning to our greater powers in alignment it is of most necessary. 
Many or most are simply or merely functioning by outward aspects of what is possible and each one of us are directed inward to thrive and bring the higher most attuned degrees of our clear chartered selves beyond what has been so far included possible in the dimensions. This is an on going process, a kind of lotus birthing each one of us are going yet one must be committed to the path and never leave stones unturned or be failing to follow one's inner own calling and guidance. There is no outward measure that can do this or bring anything but full attuning of the self as well as the importance to step out of the necessary comfort zones and question realities. The true aspect of direct forthright coming into the light beyond the norms include when especially these systems are cleaned. One starts questioning true realities and deeper tuning in to self measures, the conditioning seemingly real around one's perimeters get questioned and often turned upside down. There is often smooth flow manifesting but many bondage of ancient overlying or the pragmatically seen links of karma to be cleared often drastic measurements do happen. Hence often on going essence of chaos or deeper dimension of changes before real healing evidence measures to show. 
To stay in tuned to one's deeper call of purpose, service, bliss it is essential to be on the shedding process as before talked of in many measures. This seems to be the on going norm or theme of moving into the deeper self of bliss uprooted from older karmic civilized system bodies. One is breaking apart and becoming a break through from pre conceived cultural conditioning and it is never an easy process but a constant on going challenge of stepping up. The measures of drastic changes often involved are so much for beyond the highest good and one is always and all ways directed to choose for optimal passion of on going surrender, service, devotion and heart rendered true tuning in. It may almost sound contradictory to believe that passion to wards one's deepest life purpose and service means a huge way of being a conduit or bigger picture of the definition of the term letting go! And yet it is through surrendering into the deep and going beyond the self of the measured conjectured previous part of the isolated sense of I that one is deeper dissolving into the I AM principle of all that is or coming closer attuned to the source central of the universe. 
Here we each one as true conduit of universal divine intelligence portal become the realness of healing called. 

Page directed more on transmission guided reconnective healing modal practice and for further interest your messages welcomed at the service page here

More posts to follow on healing aspects on going ~*~ Many are updated through service page recurrently ~


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