On Gratitude of Love Opening ~*~ realness of acknowledgment ~*~

In the overall truth of being does it really ever matter how much of formal education of migratory trainings or certifications you have acknowledged upon your path of calling or the credentials or formal outward society based levels of "success" acknowledgment that comes to you on a packaged platter or mini fold or ornate version of a trophied title? Sure it can be a by line or fun thing for us time and again and tokens of love and gratitude are what makes us feel what is truly valued to us. But what is really valued on the deepest levels of heart soul centering and realness of being comes through the silent nuances and deepest levels of known bonding and foundation levels of love. That is all there is important and in our defining core values acknowledgment of all that which is truly essential to the self, we find that celebration of our essence-being always passionately living, embodying and permeating all levels of that which life is, that which we all truly are. What truly matters is how deep you go, how passionate you are, how willing you are to move out of your own way to be placed in pieces upon the path of service, how surrendered you are to bleed for your passions and callings even if it means to go for eons that way or to change the course of your destiny in the realest acknowledgment of the bravery of your heart when it tells you how trembling tired, achy and shivering it feels and then you still move forth in resource uniting of your left over courage when all seems gone while you are there. There is no part of path where you are not ready in order to be upon the realness of your calling. There are no steps where you are made unready when you are following the deepest callings of your heart.
How far will go and how deep depends soul fully in the foundation of your love growing growth beyond the “self” into the fullness of I AM consciousness in fullness of being with truth source oneness center realms of the uni verse and all that is. In human terms of choosing we are each reminded back home on our paths on our calling home through oneness of being with one another and re centering in our rooting of love. 
Whatever I do and whatever I keep learning or have does not happen to be part of what defines me nor does it do for any of us. We are forever infinite eternal beings. We are not even defined by our life circumstances, situations and what we truly are in the realness of nature and pure amazing luminous source energy consciousness, each being part of the whole and that is indeed the truth. Part of my path and purpose is as I keep bringing all levels of our consciousness in the infinite together I help those aligned on the path, in the gentlest most ways to keep coming home to the realness of their own nature.
It is funny though but I have always jumped into whatever I felt compelled to study with deep passion and do the degree I could at any given time. However none of the studies or certification or trainings has given me anything more than the experiencing of the practice while aligning the realms. I realize what we are always connected to are eternal truth and infinite fields of beingness and each or any direction of our passions or true calling help us remember and join the fragments of the puzzle of what we truly, really are.
All or any aspect of our true depth calling no matter how fanciful, wild or regular or mundane they may seem to any range of people at all are meant to bring us closer to our source connection and our real, true deep selves. These are all fragments of being that help us experience life in the humanness from the real eternal fractals of our beings.
To me everything is really about the love and anything done with real core heart alignment, progression sense, love and truth seeking is really going to bring the highest most results for any stage of our development. No matter where we are and what level we are playing with, it is in conscious choosing that we make all of life embraced in love. This is the call of source that we experience and live as IT or the god-ness or true real fulsome lightness itself in all of the highest spectrum and our human experiencing is just one part of the fragmentary aspect of this greater picture.
It is really in the deepest stillness of space creation that I AM oneness consciousness with Source energy frequency that we all originate from. Despite any of the learning or tools or whatever I have been embodied with on my path, the greatest connection with source is all that aligns me and guides me on my path, my work and all of being. It is this consistent surrendering, listening and bringing the fullness of alignment of my passion, purpose, love, heart, spirit, mind and body that I keep growing and learning.
I am in deep awe and eternal gratitude to all of creation and especially those spirit kindred guides, helps, teachers, friends, lovers, pets, relations, the true seers and lovers who have all helped me on the path and to have the greatest deepest foundation of love. I could not do anything without them and their deepest presence otherwise. Whatever comes through it is only through the deepest presence of soul cells and in finite star light bursting love of source frequency expressed on multiple dimensions through all beings and forms that touch, move, see and have us feeling back to our true core self and beingness is what is most important for us to move into the space of real calling home. It could be just a stranger or someone old deep known since ever, like some one standing up for you in family, or a surprising instant connection or the deepest love of an animal companion or someone you meet in the eye in the tube or a fragmentary online connecting in energy, it doesn’t really matter how the foundation of love moves into the core of you through source touching in limitless wonder filled ways! It can be something as awesome and striking as a connection with a plant or a sunset or the breeze or the spring however we all know how beautifully yummy and grounding it is when it is from another human being relating from the core truth of their heart alignment. It is the most moving deepening experience of foundation that we can experience and that is LOVE in all its forms.
My life and work is my prayer and meditation, it is the allowed surrender to the temple of source that I am forever and always working for.
I believe we are here for infinite bliss, abundance, magnificence, love, exploration of our deepest selves, highest growth, blend into all aspects of our heart-core aligned lives in joyful living and experience all of life as such infinite stellar beings of love. And my wish for you is that you choose no less but the highest becoming of your full self in every special way as you are meant to be.


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