Pain Body Exploration and Sweet Darkness

The Feminine is finally meeting her pain with a respectful namaste. Her pain is her oldest teacher. Also the one she's avoided facing at all costs. Finally, she's putting her attention to it. Feeling it fully without running away is scary, its specially hard stay in it.

Her sankalpa to shift her consciousness is coming from a space that is much larger than her contractions. Her practice is to continue to breathe into her 'not knowing'. Slowly, as she experiences her dark, agonising spaces without resistance, it begins to take her through the dark allies of lifetime after lifetime of victim/aggressor existence. And at the end of the tunnel, she meets love. Intense, blinding, golden, shimmering love. She melts into it.

She brings back as much of this love as she needs, and repairs her fragmented life, replenishes her atrophied arteries, and feeds the cramped and aching parts. Her numb parts come alive, & her body begins to shift at a cellular level. Her pain body ~ a companion of lifetimes ~ begins to glow. The dull ache in her lower back begins to dissolve and with it, all her collected, calcified anger. The area around her hips and womb begins to soften. Every time she enters deep into her fear without defense she brings more gold back for her body.

She is eating sacred food. Her trips for gold are becoming shorter, as the love comes closer with every visit underground. Her glow is unmistakable.

When she is done, she will be called love.
~Sukhvinder Sircar

" Darkness is rich with color, trust the process, and acknowledge the efforts"

Sweet Darkness~

When your eyes are tired
the world is tired also.
When your vision has gone
no part of the world can find you.
Time to go into the dark
where the night has eyes
to recognize its own.
There you can be sure
you are not beyond love.
The dark will be your womb tonight.
The night will give you a horizon
further than you can see.
You must learn one thing:the world was made to be free in.
Give up all the other worlds
except the one to which you belong.
Sometimes it takes darkness
and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn 
anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.~ David Whyte ~

This magnificent refuge is inside you.Enter. Shatter the darkness that shrouds the doorway…Be bold. Be humble.Put away the incense and forgetthe incantations they taught you.Ask no permission from the authorities.Close your eyes and follow your breathto the still place that leads to theinvisible path that leads you home.~ St. Theresa of Avila

Inside the roots of any grief, of any struggle, resides a pilgrimage into deeper mysteries, deeper awareness, deeper understanding. This is initiation, where we experience a compression that hurts like hell, but that pushes and propels the life force forward into flow once more.We may feel as though everything has become sensitized, raw and aching, exposed to a wild winter wind. We may feel that our bones are far-flung across a desert, thrown hard against rock, and drowned in a churning river, sinking into silt and small stones that weigh them down, never to be recovered.Ah, but La Loba the old one, the gatherer of bones, seeks them out- this is what she does. Pulling, yanking, retrieving them one by one from the mucky and hidden places, she sets them back in their proper order, and will begin the creation song once more.~Sarah La Rosa, from 'Blood and Bone'The darkness of your winter and the deepest realms of your shadows hold the true gold of your inner omni presence, shining radiant and in full becoming. Do not give up. Grieve as much for that is the part of the process of shedding and as we are aligning to higher frequency tuning in of the full spectrum power light of the universe, we are indeed helping to declutter and shed off many of the karmic burdens of the world so far taken in. This month of karmic cleanses has been intense. Each time I embark on a cleanse of the karma for the full spectrum opening of self and for those who are guided to uptake this, with the help of our guides and present light energy beings, this comes as a very deep up grading process. We are taken on a journey of the past unraveled and cleared upon our path and that which does not serve or need to come into light, come through right bang. In the most surprising ways of course. It is evident this is not for the faint hearted  but those ones truly committed upon their path to set upon true alignment. One thing I come across on and on, if you are set to bring your light bearing gifts of purpose on earth true dimensions, you are set free of the round trip girdle lock of pain. The pain does remind you this is a human realm of experiencing and thus transitory. Why this life really when there is so much pain and then again what being the point of human if we are not to experience the intrinsic bliss of all realities in within? The bliss and love, apparently is more real than the pain, more present and ever miraculous wonder of the universe. The pain is an indication of transition or separation or a birth process in the realm of becoming. It is a call deeper to come home. When in pain the immediate reaction whatever it may be, there is always a deeper way of re leasing it.It is about letting go, syncing, merging and emerging into the realness of the birth process. Ever noted when in the middle of deep intense and often most the "insane" pain body experiences one faces the re ality of being fully in the present? That is also one way of which bliss aligns to us in the reality of our highest chosen self. There is no choice of separation when you have taken upon the path. Bliss does not come at a price or it is none of that old paradigm system that you are here to experience less. You are here to experience all of all, and all fully. There would be no separation. You are here to upgrade the human evolution and the wholesome evolving patterns of the universal template grid as given through the beings of pre conditioned earth. This is the immense shedding process. Your genius gift, your light work opening in human dimension is vastly needed. Your pain bears the light of your truth, your shadow self helps you get into the deeper zones of your truest passions.For passion is a lot about bearing the pain of living. We come from passion and dissolve into that. If we were not to come into light of our earth times realms without passions then we would not be here at all. In birth, conceiving, love, emergent truth of our pain bearing through the earth times, the Christos highest arcana of light as permeated through our higher self beings lived in accordion to earth time dimensions, all bear the multidimensional experiencing of passion.It is through this greater passion of the living and truth bearing of light that we are emerged in the fullness of pain body light of our intrinsic being. There we are living transcendent. Whatever your pain is you are living through the deeper presencing of your truth. It is not the truth or the wholeness of your full spectrum being, it never is. The pain is not your everything but it is the greater portal of your deepening, embodying and full spectrum dissolution into your greater self. It is the yearning call to go home, be at the core of your heart passion alignment, be in the fullness of your purpose. This emerging dawn break of your birth and reality is the greatest gift and access to your fullness. Embracing the pain and being still with it can mean it takes as long as it takes till the shell breaks in the new light of the birthing process. The embracing of light from any real true dimension source call is only the allowance of your heart path journey into realness. Develop the deepest 1st level compassion and love for the pain, the acceptance and wanting of your humanness. This human experiencing is not without your desires or wants. These are the maps through which you bring the compass of reality to the overlying human condition and how you bring your gifts of your unique divine most imprint in the now to the realness of your earth time lives. Your multidimension is here to fully express and live its amazing presence, through the pain portals and beyond to bring the highest bliss of lights lived. Denial of your pain is same as denying any aspect of your true wants and desires. That is a contradiction to your divine self expressed fully in the realness. No matter what you are going through, the pain body is a threshold indicator, a true call and home embracing you into your fullness of light and a deeper call to your realness of self. It is also true of the divine essence of you experienced, when you are truly in the fullness of your bliss call in terms of passion enriched service, you are called to bring the glory and gold of your pain in the true realness of being. The more authentic you are to who you are in the unpeeled layers of your deeper embracing multidimensional self, the more you are able to match the highest alignment of the pain body separation to bring truth of your fullness to light. It would be a misnomer to ever deduce that path of bliss or the call back home self love of beingness, as expressed into universal multidimensions of your true fullness, would be without the deeper experiencing of pain. It is also true all levels of pain transcends into the realms of being and comes off clearer to your fullness and full self, by and by. It is greatly where your true dimension of being and wealth lies in the crossing over. I wish you with all my love, the deeper levels of this crossing over and do not give up. For in through the light portals as you are deeply opened, you come home closer and deeper to your fullness, light and truth. It is remarkable and spectacle most and the micro glory second wonders of being that comes transcended fully in your full birth light beingness as you are, you grow deeper and expanded in all realms of your in finite selves. 


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