This Garden Tending
There are times during the lonely tending of the soul’s
maturing process where one must be the assigned gardener tilling the soil solo.
Knowing that there are forces all working together and nothing is alone really
but the human part of the work is all yours alone. It is physical and it is one
of enduring deep hardship. It is one of testing all levels of bringing out
tempered purpose of the soul. It inserts itself deep into the real calls of our
longing, why we write or be or be home or thus far or even create anything even
if a life of our own of that level of passion.
These are such levels that need be tested and home grown to
bring through the truth of our beings. These are to be done alone, even in
solitude of the winter lands of one’s transitioning self one knows one is never
ever left apart. There are forces attesting to the deep immersion process
through our testing and we do know that life works beyond these transitory
levels of the human chronos chairos directions. These diversions and
deflections in time bound senses only occur through to bring deeper clarity in
much more high ends of meeting the true meters of the end.
Two must know even if on the farthest corners of the globe
or galaxy that their garden is being tended to and helped by the forces for it
is the nature of growth and it is the one purpose of the human condition that
one must be attending to that which one has been assigned to plant. No matter
the scourge of ill fated disadvantage of the rest of the scathing of fate or
blows or hardships, loss or struggle, one must keep showing up and attending to
one’s divine decree and call.
There is no loss of love but a loss of deeper faith that the
universal sequences are not accessing is in favor of love or birthing of the
new in life forms. The muddy waters and fogs of the malignant conditioning
perplex us to such acquired systems of false notions. This could not be farther
from truth. The danger of extinction of love and new sequence of birthing comes
when you stop showing up to your heart core duty call or service or start
believing somehow you have been made so special to be left asunder by the
miracles of nature. These could be there amidst the foggy bits of human
perplexing duality conditions but nothing would have been justifiably far from
When you are in tune and attuning to the deeper spirits and
calls of nature, you are indeed in the intrinsic flow of one’s real bound duty
in the human and therein realizing the fullness of one’s purpose no matter
where located and for what call.
The garden must be tended to as that is what we cannot leave
it asunder for that is why we came. This garden is the portal ground of the
divine love forever more.
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