Healing through Grief: Going into Silence of Inner Sanctuary
For as long grief set heavy and there was this heaviness in
burden to be released it is important to take one’s own way to take to the
portal of clearing.
No matter what we might be accustomed to the burden of any
heavy duty call of releasing, however freeing needs a separate space in
attending with honor. This maybe small or ritualistic or symbolic of one’s
deepest calling to the next level of one’s attunement but it is important to
pay attention to the slowing down of process of one’s normal rigor for one
cannot function through anyway or barely collapses
It is important to honor being in timeless bound space and
to give an honored calling to the grief spacing keeping a refuge shelter for as
much would be needed to take heed of the heart’s spacing. The heart indeed does
know the way to heal through its broken collapsing pieces. One’s truth wisdom
and guidance in alignment does show one how to see to the next steps in the
path and the immediate very next even if that not be the full staircase.
If we are open and ready in our hearts, just in clear
intentions, then the right directions, signs, next steps, teachers, friends and
assists, love and all the right things in our next levels of opening and
journey come along right away for us to take us to the next higher in our
becoming of more and more. No step is redundant in life or backwards nor is any
experience however difficult or dark it might seem or a big mistake since each
one comes with its own full gift to birth more of light and bring us closer to
the home of all uniting dimensions while taking our human experience to the prime.
Grief teaches us much especially in the maturing humbling process
of letting go how to be present to our core essence.
For in personal terms it also taught me to be powerful
gleaner and help others on my path learn the same. To be the gleaner clearer of
your soul essence conduit path and allow no thing ever to steal your joy is a
powerful emblazoning process in the heart of realness and truth
Taking the inner sanctuary call helps in mind body soul
intervening attuning tending
Since much of my work is spent being around degrees of
internet and even though being an HSP it takes very careful aspect of spending
greater measures of time away from usual worldly surface the very online
plugging in needs a break. A leak in the energy system means something needs to
be shifted and reset. The other portals of energetic dimensions or set tune
obviously have not been meeting its end. The crisis point shows us much how the
break would have been necessary anyway. Even an extended weekend gateway of
solo-er more retreat in beach proved to be more important than not to any silence
monastic principle.
There with obvious ways of unplugging and the only way of
missing the closeness of animal pet child ever dear the retreat proved to be
the most off space beyond realness of healing. You are alone more than you are,
you are supported and making way for the new more than ever.
The calling of animal companions upon beach combing times of
course would be apparent for being the mamma bear attracting lover protector
dear heart soul nourishing self one is, such pets always follow one no matter
where one is. Beyond the rocks one is reminded never alone, never ever even
though the terminal of short changing life tends to be quite differing in the
The new alignment realms seen spent not in mere dithering
away but some lazed around work around the grief issue, some real spaced out
honoring of the heart self full soul caring.
What personally would be suggested are some of the aspects
of tuning in deeper and realness in calling into flow rhythm of one’s pure
honored self as with totally unplugged from one’s normal work day no matter how
ease or gracefully ebbing they may be, grief or any major real time decision in
transitioning that comes with heartache or realness met needs to have that solitude
to understand and cope with.
I could never understand the realness where more socializing
would be required to deal with a grieving process, a loss or deeper coming to
terms of any form. It is important to some degree but sooner or later that
isolation of deep space healing is most called for especially if you have been
termed over years a healer for many. There are times when you know and tune in
deep in your deepest crevices of deep yearned soul wisdom who you exactly need
to call upon on your path, and by grace of the silver golden threads in your
dream time as though, the answers do come and you meet the right ones. There are
also those spaces when in your deepened awakened time space wisdom you need
deeper integrating times. Whether extended weekends away or a month of that
luxury if you may or some weeks, it is upon your own calling.
For every high sensory extra sensitive soul needs to honor
this true sage calling of the wonderlands in between those grieving stages
which would take its own waves of processing. For each one’s to their own and
it is of primary importance to honor that call without which we would be
performing as empty shells not healthy for too long.
Some space honored empathic ways of cleansing and healing
through the grief or loss wavering process or moving through acute stages of
those deep caverns of soul crisis.
When you take the few days of gaps or leave make sure it is
somewhere tranquil, somewhere near by and accessible if even or farther if you
feel ok to make you feel that sense of embraced belonging. Mostly any place close to nature is great
Lots of hiking or being in nature, plenty of sun gazing, moon
The quiet beaches being ideal splendor giving realness
bringing joy to bring me all of these and could not surpass the beauty of their
call. Sometimes areas of hikes and springs bring me the same peace in their own
HSPs need quite empathic retreats away from all mayhem.
Bringing your own music player as that is such an ease and grace of technological blessing right now and that is great and of course certain things to write upon
(a great way to process through your next dimensions in pacing and personally
my real true major help! I could not speak to guides or connect with deeper
emotions other ways). However the less of unplugged one is through some of the days with some intentional chosen days and the quieter one is away from human intervention in energetic cords the better!
So nothing more mechanical or technically plugged in to allow in a deeper soul immersion retreat or journeying into the true realms of the quieter corner and spacing. I would
even bring connection to cell ph as a distraction to the realness of calling and so keep it to minimal intervention than minimally allowed to my usual days. This
spacing needs acute tenderness in tuning into one’s real flow and back into the
new freshness of life renewed. The deepest quieter time, the better still and
very much more!
If you are raw or intending to cleanse out deeper bring a
portable blender or juicer or double compressed both. Being raw for years, this
part is easy as that has been my travel companion. I just have been used to get
handy with this. There is nothing more beautiful than processing through heavy
sluggish stuff while accessing a mini cleanse or fast.
Even if you cannot bring juicer and stuff you should have
access to right raw meals. The cleaner you feel from within and bring into
surface reflection of sludge and muck, the quicker you process through.
For me personally I would simple juice fast if I could. I would
not stress though if I could not but take warm lemon water and some teas in
plenty (non caffeinated to heal the system), sleep as much or plenty for any
processing in its own twists could be taking a new pattern in each one to take
degrees of rest.
Then if unable to juice I would just mono meal on fruits. Normally
such transitional process makes you wander off the core realms of what you take
to nourish your self and how much. You are on the flow of whatever but things
have turned to be even more attuning if you just bring direction to some tender
care to your self, attuning to the realness of your needs which indeed needs to
be trans channeling through the mayhem or chaos processing of the recent past. This
past is done and you are moving onto next. Transitions always need to be
honored with some form of fasting or cleansing even if taken through some
ritualistic days just out of the ordinary patterns of your life.
If I am on the beach I am lucky for there is plenty of
coconut water to aid through the process.
Opening flow heart vinyasa or core twisting ashtanga or even
running are daily parts of the process. Keep moving your body at least two
periods of some extended stretch a day. Yoga has taught me how much accessed
stress and trauma I tend to keep adhering to and later releasing in acute
points in practice. Some gets tuned in some sets, some through days. Some time
through acute pain trauma body acquisition even if from working with others
such stuff get released. Lots and lots of grounding more and plenty of time to
spend with earth, water, soil, hugging trees and feeling the benevolence and
gratitude of all the love. It almost comes as a luxury in cracking opening the
pining of the soul and bringing the next movement in the grounded forces of the
next that one is becoming.
Doing energy works in processes or as one feels guided. Reconnective
healing modes and silent healings through transmission processes and channeling
guides are most effective. Sometimes when going through extreme transitions we
need the extra help and nourishing nurturing call to move through such in
amidst the crisis there is the call for trusted ones you could work with. Transmission
and reconnective healing if you are directing to self it works great though in
terms of greater crisis you would need extra help from someone outside your own
self and yet completely attuned to your highest energetic service. Here is how
important energy healing works and shows how so much can be helped beyond the obvious realms of thoughts, talks,
transference of any otherwise related social patterns of human relating. This is
never to be underestimated for any true real one working and understand in the
dynamics of energy sensory methods know this to be of primary truth. I am always
and forever more indebted and grateful for sharing through and receiving much
much more in help in terms of energy work through my own personal on going soul
level explorations, my mini to small human crisis and wading clearing through
the dramas.
Then, of course, is the real true parameter of processing
that is core true to me: writing, more and more and more! Journaling the heart soul
out is the way to go. Not techy sort of writing at all but real raw pen paper or
just old fashioned typing if you can carry it. Whatever is therapy to the soul!
Even if one is not a writer one can truly start some form of companion
elevation and bring forth this bond for it is of utmost soul presence, one’s
core realm aligning works through. Start with basic things like what you
learnt, intentions, healing, grieving processes warbled out in vast chasms of
fears, relentless cycles that you feel you have blamed onto, the shame and
glory, the wherewithal. This it self is a clearing process in a big move and
more than one can tell. The cleansing of greater dimensions can also connect
you with your guides for during this times you would be channeling through fine
tuning motions beyond the usual dynamics of very much mind present realities. In
terms of greater transition we are at a loss and amidst a spacing which in
essence creates the new order of bringing the soul food new stuff of greatness,
whatever is better aligned for our own path to follow deep into our lives.
For HSPs and any order of sensory beings it is of primary
importance to step away from relentless usual human parameters for a few days
or two especially when going through deeper crisis junctures or creating a
sanctuary to heal. This can also create for bringing back a flow from a block
whether it is business wise or writer’s blockage or leakage from any kind of
creative energy flourishing. It can heal or affix back wounded parts in
relationships. Often times and more often than not seen among HSP individuals
the wounding has been rather a deep craving and need for solitude unheard or a
reestablishment of one’s energy patterns to come back clearer into the world
and hence the unplugging. The real issues on going could really be addressed at
such detours.
Some of the writing tools and techniques that can be taken
as compassionate companions could be age old moon writing journal paper books
or a couple of well trodden hand crafts like Janet Connor’s Writing to Heal the
Soul and the companion work book to it. One could take any kind of journaling tools one self or if
one is a writer or in mode of any levels of self introspection writing work,
one knows best what to accord the self with on such retreats and these are
indeed the best parts in working, clearing and healing at the deepest levels. And
if you will bring some books of your soothing yet the mind must be kept at its
richer best to process through more than to take in, though some things to
glean at that feel soothing compelling as the co companion on your journey of
retreat would be most welcome. Depending on the nature of your transitioning in
your new and next there could be whole arrays of great materials of soul
soothing companion support and authentic being to come in for.
Then of course lots and plenty of salt baths are in toe. The
deeper, immersing and richer, the better with music, prettiest of lotions,
fragrance and any called for luxury you can think of to induce though in such
tough crisis modes they might be the last thing in your mind or interim to pack
but these are all worthy reminders in helping you process through the essential!
Don’t forget to pack in your favorite essential oils, natural bath lotions and favorite
luxury pleasure attuning gifts to your self that you can take on with you. Also
do take in some pretty sense enriching and inducing clothes to drape around and
lounge and be your self in for the rest of your time and this time does indeed call
in to honor your retreat in that fullness of the spacing of your real true
self. You are on the next path to uncovering and meeting your real true self in
the next, how else would you be honoring that or in what way could a meeting of
lovers be most important? Really not any further! You are here to meet in the
new unpeeled the raw enmeshing with the meeting of the love of your life, the
one that is you of you! You need to reawaken your senses back in spirit alignment
and that is the most important part in tuning to our own processing. That is
also where I feel raw cleansing most helps as we are heightened attuned clear
back to our sharper feeling senses more. Would we be hit more by a ton of brick
ever further on opening our senses in such vulnerability with such cleanse or even
feel ungrounded in untouched lands prior to our fathoming? Well, what price
would you pay to numbing out to your on going realness then and how much more
liberating it is to tune back in further to your senses even if it means some
measures of unpeeling for a while and some deep, raw emotions to be felt blown
asunder?! This is all for one’s own highest good though not always comfortable,
and never usually comfort inducing in the forefront.
It is well worth dying a bit in a day in order to live
forever more tuned-in to our true authentic selves further more. It is well
worth sacrificing the ordinary and inducing some self nurturing discipline to
take the high road of your own true calling and find the honored space of your
core real self for if it is not you who gives it back to you, how else do you
expect any source in the heavens or earth give such to you? It is even well
worth inducing the habit breaking perpetuating pain to take to the core of your
authentic call and bliss. It is also ever more breathtaking a journey to come
to the heart, be in your realness of call, be broken over and over again and
take the higher path of your true calling no matter rather than settle for the
ordinary. For it is in the extraordinary and rawness of your true choosing that
your realness is me and how else would you want to meet your self then?!
And there upon refreshed and upon your chosen retreat days
back you would 1st of want to come back reconnect with your most
soul heart truth friends. It is at moment from the inner sanctuary self healed
isolation of deep immersion and through that you are really fully be able to
core connect and even be more tuned in to who is really soulfully energetically
connected to you. As soul full deep immersed connected empaths we know dear we
are never ever truly apart from our closest most true heart love soul-enmeshed
companions, our core soul-path journey members. These solo retreats and why I stress
no human pragmatic level connection unless real emergency of the kind, to keep
on emergency mode only for such period thus, as this works wonders than any
monastic retreat one can bring into cradle for this honors a certain levels of
the senses for those of us not wanting to go the severity of any austere
strictness upon our retreating. Our energetic connections with our soul
companions deepen more and more so in the silent spacing, a lost art in true
love making that so much of us are missing out. This realmatic dimension is
possible and lived ever more truthfully and in wholesome reminder till we
connect deeper more in the physical or the other sides of our spectral being. These
realms of truth level deepening connection the true meeting of our different
aspects is a well worth gauging points of our growth in the inner and outer. The
silencing and retreat through our deeper immersion and spacing helps us be real
powerful gleaners, to term out the unnecessary and take stock of the new course
we are to come fully attuned in our path. It is in the golden most night of our
silent spacing that the real core truth dimension of our love, light and
energetic attuning all happens in realness of calling. That is the most honored
gift of all.
And upon your path to coming in center truth of your
uncovered forever real journey and authentic courageous self, may this prayer (from
a wise woman deep indeed) always work with you for it does prove to be true ~
I am willing to put myself through anything, temporary pain
or discomfort means nothing to me as long as I can see that the experience
will take me to a new level. I am interested in the unknown, and the only
path to the unknown is through breaking barriers, an often painful process. - Diana Nyad
Coming to core real truth alignment and the awakening of your deepest divine fullness of self often takes through courses out of the unexpected to bring you into greater higher closeness of your being. That path may not really be pre conceived at all for its unique calling and nature, the blissful truth authentic honored presence of your true self would be beyond fruitfully blessed to bring fully to your own realness attained as well as bringing your purpose gift to the service of all that is. That is indeed promised out beyond your pain and any level of deep soul heart mind body related crisis.
I think this is one of the most deeply written manuscripts that I have come across that talk about grieving and healing though grief, very rightly as the title suggest. Thank you for allowing me to read this.
ReplyDeleteaww thank you ~ finally can see comments now ! most comment through fb and this is refreshing indeed to have you checking in here ~ love you ~ <3 <3 ~