The Fullness of Being Your Purpose

The story of the transgression of the crossroad points as and when you feel questioned on your purpose. The simple truth is just that. BE your purpose essence being, be fully that and that truly means being in FULLY your self.
I found new ways winding down the roads to come into this acceptance and the profound deepest acknowledgment of the full self, over and over again and especially through the phases upon which I seemingly felt lost or distracted upon my path.
This is the reality of finding and rebuilding the grounded basis of one’s true life core human dimension purpose on and on in the realms. One can only teach, live, grant, create and build through that and those which one truly embodies. This embodiment of the passionate callings of one’s multidimensional being and whatever that interests oneself is the core of one’s basis of being. This is the passionate call of the future being birthed in to the luminous thriving beingness of the present.
One can possibly not teach, coach, embody or birth into something that one is truly not being. If one wants to be whether to be a healer or technician or this or that, a person of magic and thriving presence, one truly has to be that. One could want to be a comic strip star or a karaoke singer, or a mother or the ideal romantic partner. Whatever it is the chosen role of being is a perceived cloak of a deeper self awaiting to be fallen back into in the deepest recognition of the divine self expressed in the love and sacred gift burrowed unearth through the soils and clover of one’s deeper truth. The only true path to ordinarily be come to the truth of one’s purpose role is to become that fully, completely surrendered. Commitment to the beingness of it has no if or but, no dithering in the middle grounds. It is what it is fully stepping into it is what is known as full soul immersion process. That is where and how commitment leads into the fullness of the self in the real grounds of the positive aspects of one’s heightening growth. This committed being of the self is what is going to really bring into fast forward active beingness of one’s sacred gift presence. From the human dimension comes the humanitarian service concerned for the highest good of all. But 1st one must BE that. It is in the being that the real doing in terms of service spontaneously bursts forth into infinite light of creations. Without that being there would be only peripheral circumnavigation of the real deal. That would not be what the awakening process of the self beyond the smaller particle considered human one to the way beyond I AM principle gets to BE. It is how the “I AM” truth of the fullness of one united source consciousness births the gigantic ever expanding nebula through the self and beyond into the universal source significance.
That is how your simple presence of full committed beingness becomes source birthing points of all dimensions of the universal presence.
The path opens and unfolds as universe intends the amazing most unique cosmic birth flower opening. There is infinite unfolding of this amazement process. No end goal meets this but the road is the process, the beingness of your full true self the awakening invitation to the purpose through which you delight the harbingers of the angelic gardens of delight upon new life form presence. It is the grandest gift being opened by the cosmos through you each petal and flake being opened, bloomed and birthed in alignment through you. This transformation process is the birthing of the soul star unique frequency light code that you are as the one perfect cosmic splendor uniting with the divine harmonious highest source center. 


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