The Gift of Believing in our Heart Dreams

With the dream weaving she-shaman glorious heart opening path exploration what she and I could remind each other were precisely of this:

There are twins yes there are and there are soul mate and near-twin frequencies forever and you would be taken to the very next dimensions of any relating as pre ordained for earth time meeting according to the higher self choice.
Your higher self can indeed take in new directions and dimensions any time you make a new energetic choice. The further clear you are upon your dream, surrendered to highest authentic guidance and truly tuning in deep to your courage alignment and path
The biggest deepest gift you can give and bring to any or each other whether twin or to a vision or a dream or to a friend of light or fellow family member of any forms is the gift of believing. Believe in their truth. Believe in their destiny that is clearly higher and way over the top than where they are, where they are directing themselves into and where they are being led on by themselves. Believe in the forces beyond the veils working for their highest good, for their highest lives and well being, for their highest love. Even if you disagree, part ways and never ever come in real life tuning back or sharing lives or homes or families or hearths again do keep believing in them and their highest. Keeping feeding and freeing that belief into universes of light with the greatest love and light you can conjure releasing into the source field and the rest will be taken care of. If not this life or another do keep believing in your core about their truth seeing their highest possibilities, filling light and nourishing water into their dreams no matter how far fetched or unreal it may seem in your probable or apparent now.
The belief takes on further more into the alchemical work of the seers and you do not have to be a high held healer, just a believer and a dream weaver of the beyondness. Most of all keep believing and tending to your dreams. Refuse to give in feeding bandwidth of fearback strapping even when the whole world harshly goes against you and keep stabbing at your dreams. Come back into the core of your heart wounds, licked barren open and keep tending feeding love and nourishing water into your dreams. That envisioning takes you deeper, into feelings, real calls, depth of true heart healing, hearing and allowing you to take message through your dreams into the winds and star gazing path ways. What you believe in and gift the presence of your heart is what grows most. This is earth wisdom universal truth and you can alter those beliefs at turn of a dime but you cannot weave your heart into believing something out of nothingness. What you have tended to for years on end does have value and real heart in it. If you are not seeing it in the apparent or what is supposed to show up hasn’t for some reason or the other, know that there are astral veins of portals and real energetic works going on indeed that will keep bringing your heart authentic dreams back into creations.
Everything we feed into comes truly from dreams beyond the source point still center. The stories that you weave, including the ones you carry as demons or shadows from past hurts or childhood can all be healed. If you breathe enough love into them. Your true heart path courage is what gets appreciated most in the real stargateway realms. Your true woven forces beyond the dreams support you in aligning all levels of your dreaming self hood brought into real.
If you have been given a repeat concurrent dreaming sequences or a present awareness dream you live with, you are given all the purpose in the universe to breathe them into existence. You have been given all the right helping hands assisting you too. Your only task remains to be authentic and courageous on your heart path. You are to be forever more loyal to your dreams reminded by the true heart nudging ones and the right kinds to bring you back to alignment will always be there. The true ones come in the real natures of calling while you are awakening dream breathing into more aliveness you know you are woven into the intrinsic dimensions of serving same soul real purpose.
You can forever and always keep calling for the right help needed as when you are authentic most and keep moving ahead brave upon your path, you will be met with the real ones the more and the same. They will only keep bringing you higher and higher. True heart path expression may be different, but they hear the same drum beat. They hear and they do see, they are empathic in disagreement and ever more present in heart held compassion light to breathe more of love into your authentic dreams.
You have all the love strength bearing in your heart but it is this seeing beyond and refusal to see the apparent, and yes, even when you don’t agree and have to move beyond due to obvious earth time protection and peace or the greater protecting of your core dreams, keep believing and tending to your dreams. The dream weaving birthers are the actual creators of the real world. Being loyal to our dreams we understand every thing present was once dreamt of, all unwoven magnificence of our dimensions are being tended upon through the fertile grounds of our dreams.
Whether in twin relation or not or having dreams of your twin union I find and see questions from many and ask them the reflection upon their heart tending beliefs and where they are indeed feeding energy to! The same is as authentic and real to your heart woven deepest passions and purpose, your own real intrinsic dream calls of the soul and in fact any to any vision of yours deep cherished, wonder ages beyond. Are you ready to feed life into your dreams with the nourishing water of your dream keeping, tending, giving authentic love and light releasing into universe? These will indeed take you closer with heart nudge aligned paths and steps to have you keep coming to your dreams closer? Are you willing to be committed to it at juncture points no matter how barren and soul empty it gets or heart knocked down to pieces, that you are choosing to be loyal and faithful.
The twin semblance often comes to be an allegory or a call to the real symbiotic juncture meeting of the true divine weaving of the feminine masculine real authentic core purpose now alighted once in the clear zones of new earth conscious birthing. This level of pure authentic pull can be placed to all levels of our doings any ways. It happens any ways, without question or no matter what we are doing and what we are feeding or birthing into.
You know your twin, your truth, your heart and the deepest calls of your deep purpose and love in the depths of your heart-knowing. You only have to keep peering into the depths of your heart and dreams, listen to the nudges of your dream callings to take the light higher and deeper. No one outside of your self can tell you who or what your twin is and when they will come or when you can meet your dreams even if you are upon the path of your purpose. Only you alone in the tending of your dreams, are given the next steps in your directions, the currents of flow forever new grid aligning in the clear weaving of the path. You can utmost care give to your path, your dreams, clearing past mantles and all levels of barriers to your source of love, the call back to your true home. The home is really to your higher self uniting with the heart powers within aligning these forces to ground into earth. That awakening leads into your awakened dreams and all possible merging in so called reality weaving. You can keep clearing, bring energetic healing and get the right guidance assistance and energy calls to upgrade as and when you feel called forth. You would have all the help given as you most align to for that is your truth. Never give up on the power of your true heart self.
As women, nourishers, healers, ancient she shamans of the realmatic zoas and beyond they do have the perfect accordion to nourish birth these realms of the dreaming portals into existence. Whether it is about dreams of your beloved or unborn child or connecting beyond the veils or making a still born project come back to life or whatever form of earthly duties and tasks you are heart possessed into, keep bringing new shifts of energies to your dreams giving new dimensions of its highest envisioning, birthing and releasing into light. You can work in silence or direct concurrence, there is a wave and call for both but whatever level you choose at any given direction, keep believing in the highest weaving of what you see and being loyal to your heart truth as that you must.
Keep believing in the truth of your dreams and deepest heart spells and that will forever more nudge you into climbing new heights of the uncanny paths of the mountains. You will never be afraid. Like the mountain goat solo you may find your self in uncertain rather lonely territories but on the climbing up higher you will be greeted by moon beams closer than you could imagine, the beauty of high end desert lilies in bloom only the most spectral ones get that close circuit touch of, and the sweep of directions from your closest kin eagle friends. You would have friends and dream weavers in the highest of places no matter how lofty the mountain climb and hard earth ground it may be. As you would be tested upon the edge brims the heart calls and directions of your true heart friends will make you cry. You will surrender only to the rise ascend higher.
We definitely come upon junctures upon our path. The high way of your way or the easier path of tending to comfort zones that may succumb you to temporary loneliness or isolation or certain paths of differing away from so many even if it be in your well trodden community path. Sometimes so often we are taken away from your usual comfortable ways of making a living or certain sudden geographical or heart loss breakage shifts or even waving good byes to departing ones going to the next dimension. We are given so many junctions of crossing upon our path each presented with an energetic choice of its own, the choices being many. The wise ones know you can heal something and surrender it to release, have it back flowing to you if it is for the highest good, you can even be healing something to release in the parallel while not choosing to share your direct lives. You can even be healing something giving energy to something beyond the silent veils if that is indeed upon your call and you can be the healer of something as and just when it shows up trotting back with some clod on its hoofs. You can be weaving the healing love and light into anything whether you walk with their path or not, choose to have them around or even not, it doesn’t matter. In energetic connections you are given junctions of crossing over and over again in your life, and for lives. One must make the choices peering deep into the authentic veils of one’s heart and stay loyal to the dreams one is tending to. The dreams too might change but all you are called for is being true authentic courage laden to your heart despite the temporary changes in sequence for after all things on earth life are temporal in forms of nature. There are too many transitions to make and so while in one form or the other, keep weaving from deep beyond the dreams the true calls of your real living.


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