Mastering Patience and Letting go some more in the new Birth

What we do realize and know on authentic soul alignment path to all of our brings is that in our growth the bratty showy ness of it all would come popping its head (yes, more of the head and in terms of emotional tantrum than authentic use of balance in co creation) from time and again till we have accumulated the lessons unfurled
No, spirit and universe is not going to give you brownie points and you are not to escape your muddy shoes till you have the house or that relationship or that goal upon your life path or career. Most likely spirit and universe fields loves it when you come undone in the purest presence of your authentic self and what we call the core essence, the constant stripping down bare to your realness and realest self hood.
This part is interesting and mesmerizing still how much we are taken abject from the real core truth calls of our own deepest inner levels of calling and coming in parts to service. It is surprising still we always keep bringing in earth time dimensions of now here demands or why isn’t it happening now while it was supposed to have taken place the decade before. The fullness of blossoming of our cultivated spirit is perhaps the most important benevolent lessons we can master in anchoring the true light of the universe. Mastering the level of patience is always a process and quite the challenge. It is remarkable more how much more onion peeled layers keep falling through when one is diving deep into the spirit realms and aligning the planes of the higher octave in the multidimensional reality of now.
It surprises me none the still that many people in spiritual realms of service or any parts of soul up lifting work are in the process of segregating these time line parameters. We do understand and it is deeply so ingrained challenging. Beyond being passive there is a movement in grace that comes through while clearing our paths, taking pro active steps and directions of our dreams, never letting go or compromising the core essence of us. But in fact this is the beginning process of letting go further into the deepest loyalty of the self. This is indeed the core essence of how segregated aspects of being and life come into full union where we receive no differentiation from the one outside and what we are from within.
These are the very steady pacing work that takes place in spirit realms and aligning the planes. While we calculate (and the mind would always trick us into being to bring those calculations to the picture) there is always so much going beyond the planes of the apparent. There would always be deep level of foundational work going on from behind the veils of the apparent or the seeming aspects of whatever is going on and deep beyond in the akashic realms. We would just have to keep taking the next steps directed upon the path of our bliss and keep deepening our connection to our dreams.
There are and would be too many contradiction experiences that may show up in life on the path to our purpose and dreams but each one would be blooming the way to bring in flowering upon our paths. No surrender from there would be the best way of coming deeper more surrendered to the path of the process.
What we learn on the path of the heart, vulnerability, coming undone over and over again in the deepest presence of love is that there will be hurt, breach of trust, changes in vibration with people you felt perhaps deeply connected to for years on end and then there would be those kind of falling through that would take you the next deepest levels of your truth. When one is truly trusted to the full loyalty to source essence and to you of you, come home closest to the realness of you then the differing degrees of falling through, breaking apart and all levels of disparages in the out side relationships will only keep bringing you to the center real, same closeness to your deepest most greater truth. Any level of breaking away or breach of faith or trust can be thus accorded to be a breakthrough in to your higher realms, into coming home true to your self.
It takes far more energetic blockages away from your true dream manifestation hanging onto any broken relationship or relating (no matter with the person, thing or any level of work that is upon your path of life) than the releasing gentle grace of letting go. Letting your self move away from all that which does not serve to your core essence and by and by, can be feeling isolating for a while but what you are truly coming into this space is being met by you of you. Of course this does not work for all kinds of people and we must be honoring each one’s path but those who would be truly interested in serving to the deepest core loyalty of themselves and their very own soul service path they do know it is the connection to them and their god/source/all serving universe that counts and matters most over any equating relationship order. All other relating becomes only a reflected aspect of the golden glow of light that you are at the core of your eternal birth, which is you of you in the full glorious lightness of your being. 


  1. this blog is awesommmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee -starchild

  2. thank you ~ and i love your blog so much~ keep bringing them on~ powerful love bursting spectrum luminous stuff! <3 <3


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