Older Memory Release Works

In the shamanic dream regression and life path explorations of many layers I came to the full recognition of some of my deepest old held fears. These included some of the old held pre life fears of uncalled for devotion to a cause or a condition of a life especially when as a nun. The uncalled for devotion led to many directions towards one’s life and surprisingly this aspect of being a nun of the ages or having to be in a mode of life absolutely dedicated to seclusion, service and one’s loyalty as well as tending to fears from deeper isolation from societal structure came crashing down in many blows and layers in this one.
In another life time the execution of the self and ex communication, an aspect of living that we in the fullness of union merging of the divine feminine masculine pathways can relate, tore into me the veils of many levels of fear that needed to be released. The 1st of which was proclaiming one’s right, authentic call as a wise woman shaman healer of the ages while being thrown in the middle of a life stream that would not recognize that about face. These shown into the gateways of the vaults all and what needed to be included in the works upon my path and as parts of the greater purpose laden rich life of one’s soul spirit calling.
Both lives and the trials and tribulations of some more had petered down ages of deeper calls of freeing beyond the currents of the dualistic presence ,as well as taking one upward now from beyond the time grid of the life times of unfulfilled missions. These petering down and cleansing of consciousness, our deeper roots, voices and levels of beliefs need to be cleansed, addressed, healed and come home to. Sometimes this is possible in the turn around of one attendance to the healing through love. Sometimes these power paths of releasing come through layers and lifetimes of memory cell cleansing, often like rarifying the vision into the light and cleansing through the exposure into the gushing streams of water.
The older memory and recognition release work is a must and aligned for many on our path to reach the upward realms while being in the recognized, fulfilled life of the now. It is for real and true. The past life fears, cleansing, facing the new and the old while balancing out the energies to usher into the greater new we are taking in often includes opening vaults to our past. The pasts of different kinds and as held through dreams, icon relating, the echoing realms through our regression processes and multi level soul to cell frequency releasing can bring some of the most obvious uncalled for heaviness at release while the crumbling down process of our new takes place. Any time we are setting free any of our uncalled for beliefs or negations or old held commitment of the past, we are un braiding the knots of ages which can upset the present.
When we are undoing those knots of our old held beliefs and ties, be ready for some very upsetting present upsetting processes. These often come in timely gaps as we are moving through the paths of life and as we move into the process of our greater emergence of the self. The story of the unmet and untended divine feminine now attending to the balance birthing of the masculine-feminine is one of almost each one upon their journey. Almost any healer, artist, shaman woman can relate to this and it is the call of the balance of the ages that takes place on many layers still.
There are beings of light men women irrelevant and they are now connecting, immersing and uniting with their empathic energies to bring into the dear flow of the concurrence of life the new higher definitions of heaven on earth lived gateways. The vaults of these light streams are very open now. All levels of our unattended or unmet conditioning that held us limited are now working to free and liberate us on many levels beyond in the present. Being ready, open, authentic and courageous in our roles bring us amidst the stream of the flow where we are absolutely in the wonder zones of the soft heart light frequencies. These heart intelligence relating and divine plugging in of our soul star light radiance connecting with those truly on our aligned path, the right help to our deep held purpose brings the highest most release and liberation from any dark corners of the age long isolation we had felt.
The path may feel rocky and misunderstood in many ways no matter where in the world you are and taking the greater lead to your authentic soul purpose but the many aspects of liberation process are totally ready for you in energy. These changes and vortex vault shifts in the energetic concurrent of the now with the new level of masculine feminine divine call in the balance is opening the new dimensions of birth that we have been always waited for.
Older conditioning releases do light years of practice freeing. This it self is a vortex immersion of letting go of our karmic bondage and then taking the leaps into our conscious co creation path of the new etheric realm orders while we are stepping into the new.
There are many levels of older full level shifts that one can undertake whether though past life regression, dream regressive process works, shamanic circle healing release processes and whatever one gets intuitively called for.
Services of Akashic records reading and cleansing are available and readily given by me to those on the call
For Ascension and life purpose support work one can also check the levels of Reconnective Healing Modes assisted by me on this process.
Always at service to the divine in the vessel being of the present~
or mail aishwarya.dg@gmail.com to take in the lead of your own healing, release and transformation sessions. 


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