Twin Union Consciousness Merging through the Waves

Within twin level intoned dimensions of coming together one is always reminded over and over again, there are the waves of connecting. One meets merges, relates or comes to a peak of uniting and then again takes place in a separation mode of quiet, reclusion through the stages of many of these twin relating.  This may even occur in a day to day basis even if twins are living together for instance. Not all twin relating meet in the waves of fluid entities meeting in earth time lives but this is getting more and more possible now. In fact the nature of waves is to come and move in the meeting process of one another in absolute merging. However one does indeed go through the waves of coming, merging, meeting with the twin essence, coming at peaks of self realization as well as union consciousness of each other and then receding back too, each one upon their path, to take and carry on the purpose of their pivotal very specific energetic merging on their very special life purpose calling. The energy is always and all ways shared and equalizing currents of energies in between the two, for the two are ONE, higher self chosen, the same vital pillar axis of creation and polar dynamics of relating. So whether or not they take the purpose together or upon separate ways is irrelevant for in the shared energy they are indeed holding the path and pivot point of the same union and love consciousness expansion expression upon their paths in evolving, transforming and real honored changing of the world in upper realms of heaven-earth balance.
It is indeed important to honor the waves of concurrence of merging together and coming to acme as well as the receding counter forces of their twinhood relating for all the 3 parts of the axis is important to come to balance. Now does this not mean uniting for ever in the glory of pure union of earth-heaven combination is not possible? Yes, of course and such are the times and that is how the works and guides are working , assisting and helping in upgrading the energetic vital realms.
As you are reminded to keep honoring the stages of the waves of flow in your twin journey, you lose the CHARGE over this is it and this is what I must hold or hang on to. For that which is merged for ever in your heart and soul magnifies many splendor more and you are never ever separate from the union consciousness ever. It is the same as being the beloved to the god or universe or source pool or all that is as it is the same pillar higher aspecting light of all growth of universal force fields of LOVE that you experience with your twin reflection. You are reminded that in this grace of surrendering and as the aura strengthening energy of your fields have reminded you now to keep tuning into this fullness sense of you, you would indeed go through many such waves, till the full breath of this unique uniting pivotal union consciousness is completely merged into you. As one surrenders more and more to the grace and concurrent flow of this love no matter how far away twin is or the relationship feels away from normal coming together or the outward world reflection shows to be something else, you are gently reminded to step back in to the heart pool of your source connection to come fully merged into the level of your forever in tune union consciousness that you are never ever a separate entity of.
To be separate from your twin in union consciousness is to think your self in separation from love of universal pool or your very own entity or the air or sunlight or the very in depth access of all that is in the energetic realms of highest creation in the universe. And you are never ever that in reality. You are forever a part and a very vital one indeed in the universal force fields creation entity. When our human dimensions of memory and consciousness awakens to twin hood conscious relating we often rush into validate that from outward or old world charm perspectives. Soon we tire out, feel baffled or misled or stepping poles in different worlds. In order to expand ourselves out of the yo yo realms we really have to gently, and as energetic assistance is most nudging us in gentle rhythms to fall into place, the very surrender to the grace of our feelings directed emotions, dream paths and deepest awakened bliss points to guide us over and over again into deeply awakening into our twin paths as well as our different levels of transformation, the same with our life purpose.
Why is the life purpose never ever separate from twin path union blend, for it is indeed not! It ultimately is all path as one merging to our highest glory unifying as one to merge with the highest selfhood and the universal grandness, the god creator, all that is, the source pool, the full oneness we come back to and merge into.
With this forever in tune cadence of the universe love consciousness know that what you are deep within your feelings, heart and knowing, you are a vital celebration of love as you are recognized with your twin and in this relating. The frequency only grows and expands as you grow into the depths of your dreams, those spaces between awakening and realization with the smile and awakened bliss in your heart space delight, the tears of your depths, the pain of your deepest light cracks merging into all levels of your soul source frequencies to step up into the next realness of the human experience of you.
This life is amazing and you are here to merge in the union consciousness of you of you at every step of the way coming fuller and greater, grander, forever free and freeing in love. With that source pool energy always supporting your highest bandwidth spectrum to rise and glow in expanded glory, you are forever welcome in the heart of the luminous source creator. So enjoy the waves, the human and conscious, dream state and all level merging union consciousness rhythms that you are here to experience on your path to surrendering to the highest envisioned glory of your self and keep coming back to the self space realness of you of you. Till one day as your purpose and path in life meets in all light realms, you would even be as intended and should you both choose to be, be in full union of the fullness of human realm related experiencing of this pure divine love. As you intend, as you dream, as you attend to those clearing awakening, waking spaces and especially tuning in deeper in between the dreaming and awake cracks of light and dawn in your shared multidimensional connecting, so you are uniting and creating your realities day to day every day and to meta zillion pathways more. This twin union is forever and forever more.
With heart love hugs bliss and recognition of your brightest light for ever more ~*~


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