The Gloaming Zones ~~*~~

The gloaming of life transition from one dimension to energetic shift to another, specially when one is transitioning from earthly realms to the next is a very interesting and as unique way birth as possible. The triansitioning into death is truly a birth into another dimension. According to what I have been given and known, seen, perceived, opened through, the eternal extension of the service realm of the energetic portals ceaselessly go on. We shift from one dimension or form to another and keep reverting to different existence of forms in energetic shifts.
There are no specific aspects of pin pointing energetic shifts and how denser or closer or clearer to truth do we need be, its all beyond ideas or forthright coming human realms of existence. What truly changes the realmatic dimension of what we often perceive as earthly realities to be finite comes shattering in the birth of the death. Through the eons of stages the limiting consciousness of human realms perceives death to be one thing while we keep carrying on the portals of the dimensional transit on so many different levels.
At the core level the loss is loss. A great one, our human shifts are never ever the same in that particular incarnation with the facing change portal that happens through the death of a beloved close one. Death comes in so many forms and with each one we often die some or certain parts of us are taken as though never to be lived. There are multiple shades of rallying through these shift portals of the transitioning energetic dimension. What we are really aligning to is the energy shift we receive and also parts in our being when out of the stage gate relationship with another energetic entity in the form we were relating so far. No energetic form dimension relationship would come in the same form over the eons and lifetimes but there would be the distinct eternal cord of true vault connection of love and pure energetic alignment if it is meant to be, it is always and on going ceaseless event.
What is most amazing is that in our infinite ceaseless portals of expansion the death-birth-life and all different forms of our connections come with infinite more wonders as though the one aspect of human relating that we often bring the most focus on can never ever, in any eons ever get to experience or cohesively congeal the expanded amounts of love we share with so many heart soul spirit connected dimensions. Whether it is seemingly with one person or more or even different aspects of one, there are endless portal veins of opened in multiverse dimensional relating with each dynamics possible. This might seem to be too out of the spectrum or bedazzling to some, especially for those more concerned with the data related relams of relating, but there would be most definitely coming into the bare boned direction of could be possibly real upon our tracks in different dimensions of relating.
The death birthing into the new zones is the toughest one when in the part of the human realm focus that is immediately most relative to us. The very bone aching, heart breaking, even trauma comatose pain we often experience with the gravity of such loss often takes us in the next stage of the relating of our wholeness identity as well as that with the love of love itself and the universe, even more into new directions with the facing of “death”. The death itself is the birthing process through the dying some more of certain parts of us and multidimensional forces in between that takes us through the transitional zones of our soul called choice of experiencing human dimension in the current incarnation.
With personal limitations of transitional experiences in the relating from current earth related congealed experiences, there have been stages through the years where I have always experienced the spirit contact with someone quite right after their transitioning. Without being conscious of that or not, I grew up quite comfortably talking through to the spirit transition of those ones in family or near so in some time soon after. There would be some vistas or aspects of them that would come visiting and questions answered. This would be the most obvious aspect of my transitioning experience, some times on those rare occasions where the regular news of their departure was being sent.
The most painful departure set points have been with animal companion close kins and even the ones having quite heavy transitional mutation with trauma body experiences but with each one however brief the connection, there have been some aspects of deep level connection upon the transitioning period. The trauma body experience of deeper releasing and coming into tuning of surrendered in grace happens to us in life on the earth realms on certain occasions yet so often there are instances or gaping stages that do not let us be at peace with the death. Soon if the death birthing process is seen through the grace of the new realmatic portals we could or might shift. Some times it comes through the own natural human dimension grief attending, love filling process, other times it takes more than obvious surrendering.
What it takes overcoming such grief of intense loss is to be going something beyond the human will and keep surrendering if possible at all, even if through little micro meters of surrendering, to the universal love field. It has been assured that our love field takes care of all and all of us in the wholeness no matter what, and what if death birth comes rolling in, we shall be moving towards in grace.

There are so many levels of transitioning directions it is endless to be even on the processes of how unique each transition level comes to be. Needless to say many transitions are often not voluntary as higher self choices were made or came through rapid falling unready forces that accelerated or sometimes some intervening bodies would give wider space gaps to such meeting of transition points. Not all death being suicide or pre decided but often well being ordained in the micro moment portals or the clearing through in readiness to go too takes its own stages. However most of all, what has been come to observed point the spirit transition of grace happens most often than not, especially on slow processing human realm preparation and sometimes so called freak accident levels of the physical transitioning. There are also those aspects where the spirit body emotion and earthly connection transition to the grace of the realms in the greater well being of surrendered love takes some new levels of becoming to move into the next required directions for the higher self directed choice.
Most often I have had the transitioning directions or conversations and right on direct with animals. Often years such later, it would be very easy for the empathic dimension crossing energy portals to slip into the current vibrating dynamics of the animal companion. I do this to assist and bring balance of soothing, vibrational direction of source spirit alignment to those grieving or wanting to connect or have questions answered with their animal companions. No matter what in the grounding of the egoic dimensional realms I have so far always and always felt safe quick slipping and moving out of animal spirit dimensions and their earthly levels of directions, especially important for unsolved heart questions for owners or earth-bound parts of them anyways.
With the human slipping in and out it hasn’t been easy for the couple of times I did experience this level of connection perhaps not so willingly. What came about with often spirit being too open for vulnerable new levels of energetic cohesion alignment, if indeed need be connected with the dimensional levels of the transitioned being, it is very very easy at times to be assisted by the pathways of golden light by intervening steady guidance angels or dream guides. Most often these bring exactly what is indeed needed to bring and in the most gentle ways. This process has been gentle enough to bring the balance and portal shifting trust level process of my own growth in the energetic alignment with the earth grounds as well.
The various stages of spontaneous to tuned in levels of understanding or even making beyond sense of the gloaming and then next transitioned directions of any life form vein shows us direct in transit the undefined realms we traverse in crossing borders of what we perceive as real or not. It is never uncommon as empathic light being energetic opened humanity imprints as we are, to be able to traverse dimensions and connect beyond the veils of the apparent no matter what. It must be said even with so often intervened directions of spirit message from transitioning connections, my body hasn't always responded in the most easy of ways post or even around such directions of communication all the time. This has not been the case all times but it has indeed reached some signals of body-grounding as well as new direction alignment in the earth portals while making such connection. It is always though very very love filled in so infinite magnefic fields of showing the life-universe soul-heart love frequency connected dimensions we traverse in our multi various levels of existence. But the challenge has most often remained for me in the body grounding and nearness of alignment with possible outlets of directed empathic energies, though always taken in quick stages of adjustment in some minutes to hours and sometimes within 1/2 a day.I would still of course always pay attention to spirit directions and guides, one's gut level grounded source connection being the highest accord if I am called forth not to do such levels of extension, especially if there is no clear permission to even with intervening high light bridger guides, it would be shown obvious.
The bridger guides work like our angel host interveners and at least that is how I have been able to come gently guided in the helpful realms of connecting to human dimensions of spirit transition changes. What is more comfortable in the ease of unconditional light vein of portals with all animals have been the greater ease of walking right into their synergistic beings after being led to them on the path. Perhaps spirit guides and our bridge portals, always working for our highest honoring good and directions in the overall life force service, would not want direct mediumship for all no matter the level of empathic connection. At any given time in our human dimensions we can only and only handle as much as we are to be able to handle at that stage in our expansion, evolving stage. For these gentle guidance as well as gut level directions of where to venture or not, in terms of spirit connecting or transition level intervention have been most helpful and is the golden rule to be adhered to. Hopping into or being invaded by uncalled for spirits or having too shifty or eluded auric openings can always be guided into bringing more solid balancing grounded levels of love filled energy fulfillment any time we consciously choose to be and have so. It may take some time for we are always and all shifting through the dimensional alignment of many directions of existence and managing the earthly bodies, but when asked for , for the highest benefit of love, heart and peace, such invasive directions or any uncalled for spirit in transition or not, can be cleared through. It has been trusted beyond the realms that transitional portal planes of forms most often do not linger around too much, even if they do, since we all have diverse dimensions of attention directed force field, it would be pretty boring to stay hanging around to same old spots too much or too often. 
The spirit realm and especially transitioning directions beyond the twilight zones are endlessly interesting and as unique as different levels of transition accounts. However most often than not crossed out to be otherwise, most transition in grace for more exciting adventures ahead and are available as fragmented vistas from current to many dimensional next chosen as well as parallel existences, to come bringing messages or bearing and eternal love extended exactly as and how one needs to. One just needs to keep paying attention to our source field energetic connection more to move beyond the very apparent human realms to come into more and more fuller spectrum of connection to all that we are here for or wanting to and as well bring the love force energy field consciousness of the center surge source realms, from which none of us are ever separate from, no matter the intergalactic dimensional levels we are crossing.
Sometimes it does take care to pay heed that one must be easy with the understanding if a crossed over loved one isn’t obviously connecting with them through dreams or spirit birth messages or visits. We must honor the transitioning gateways of each transition and most often than not, when I redirect intervened spirit calling (not direct medium ship of course) I am made aware or shown how through the stages of grace of transitions we make the choices of moving through so many gateways. The assurance of love, direction, messages and so much more in the all too come in through the forward choosing directions of what their entity being would be more focused in as new levels of transitioning. Uncanny, unheard and so far untouched ever realms of our senses get noticed and pointed when such levels of true realmatic shifting connection and messages are received. It is so emblazoned with pure vein of the LOVE running through universe and our all-that-IS possible in the infinite sense of our being, it purely shifts our heart energy alignment directed to the source grid center of all encompassed god-ness that we each one are embodied. What is most important through the gaps of the space of loss or missed of earthly dimensions, is the connection back to the portal of this love, from which we all come and go back to and is upon our unique, intoned chosen journeys.


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