On False Twins and Karmic Severing

On such occasions such as the illusion experience of the "False Twins" and Karmic Severing :

A lot of you have been going through deep cord cutting and releasing and even family aspects release dynamics since the start of November or perhaps even earlier.
This is no exception since on the clearing of our vibrational fields path we are paving and opening the way for deep levels of intensified cleanses from our obligatory cords. This indeed helps to unburden our karmic load and bring our power back to our own core beautiful most unpeeled layers of truth. And here in the skin and bones of it, as we do so, we almost do many times more for our twins. So whatever you are unburdening in terms of load, keep doing so.
Work with your angels and guides to keep on releasing, questioning any deeper patterns you have been repeating to sabotage yourself. Take the deep level enquiry to yourself and commitment to your deepest core level of faith 1st.
What are you still tolerating in your life?
 What are you feeling called forth to let go in your daily life that no longer serves you?
How can you prioritize yourself more?
Don’t be bogged down by a long list, which is my 1st statement of coaching or directive healing in any form. Start with 3 small genuine steps that you can prioritize and take on immediately right now starting this week on. This is what gets the ball rolling.
Do some deep levels of cord cutting with angelic guidance help. Severe the ties, acknowledge their gifts and role in life and let them go with love. It is purely the highest essence of love you serve with another in letting go in grace and allowing the greatest healing to take place that way. This is the most courageous letting go in love anyone can do especially when it comes to karmic family ties. At times the relationship may heal, it would come in cooler planes, bereft of all dramas and muggy cords and at other times the whole connection would just leave. Other times they may still be around but there would be no communication or energetic effect at all. In any of the cases, we shall know upon real letting go and cord cutting and releasing in light and love that healing has happened and whatever has taken place is of the highest good and order. There is nothing more you are to do or expect here.
Among many of the concerns with karmic ties and sequences in repeat patterns, another concern raised by many in the group has been that of false twins. Now there are and as studied through astrological, energetic and karmic nuances too, many aspects to this coming up in our “false” twin experiencing. Among the various things that came up, one thing is for sure, false twins are usually the kinds who feel almost like that of a forcid energy. They try to force in a kind of connection when there isn’t a mutual maturing development going on. I do see a lot of that going on especially with men who are not emotionally and spiritually or intellectually and even ego level responsible and maturing up and they try to almost impregnate a kind of spiritual mayhem or connection ... these can be alarming and yes, there are those kinds around. Much needing in growth here really for it is really a call for the masculine feminine balance within to step up. Not that I don’t see that in females too. so yeah with real twin connections, the truth is there is no name to it. it just happens and develops and it is irrevocable and unconditional. it grows and grows, no one or nothing can stop it. not even twins in ego consciousness if at all, if that makes sense ;);) ~the spiritual, core and all aligning dynamics of it keeps growing. The strength is so super amazing and the whole power is that the strength is you of you and you meeting you, as with also in human terms, you meeting with your other part. the same soul dynamics and roots, just two different forms and expressions of power bodies, which as has been designed by higher chosen forms, is extremely amazing and super powerful in the polarity match of the god goddess within. so who is ever there to question it really? no nothing at all. all we can do is keep growing, clearing, moving in truth and purest of light to embrace ALL AND ALL levels of our selves as best and in the highest and that is all. :) and the union really takes care of itself as we keep focusing on our truth path in love and all levels, all levels really!

The real truth is, in the right divine timing, when you are given, you never ever once doubt your twin or your twin flame connection. It is just clear and evident and truth. You move beyond the veils and you have no concern why to doubt ever and so begin from here and now with the faith and truth that if it is your twin, you would be given anyway and nothing in the deepest core would be separating you in union. The false twin really comes as a reflection from the drift from within the core of us or to highlight the egoic illusions of separations, doubts and anxieties experienced in the world. When it is with twin, when your focus is on your all levels of uniting you of you, there is never ever any doubt or separation but only amazing growth, nourishment and growing love as within and so without. Every small bout of egoic separation whether be it for months or years or days, in linear terms, only come home to prove the greater or greater love as within and so in all aspects of each other and your lives uniting as one. As with any aspect of separation illusion in life, this false twin is nothing but yet another dissection in our territory to help the mind understand better, the contrasting forms that we often choose to experience in life, in energetic terms, to bring the human reasoning of energy brought closer to truth experienced. There is no rush in the twin flame journey, no race to find out who that is and none of the linear time aspects even though our human selves get impatient, it is really about aligning universal sync energies in our inner that really takes care of this whole gamut of oneness more and more in all levels of earthly and multidimensional experience.

Also the question of the Goddess leading the way in this twin union of current age consciousness:

As has been given, it is really the Shakti or the goddess leading the energetic way and courage helping the masculine to rise up in this journey in now times as mostly is the case or the divine feminine leading parts of the masculine in expression that is opening the path. In the wonder path of the new realms of creation it is through the dance of the feminine leading self whether through the masculine or the feminine this is the leading call of the new heaven creation beyond the dual expressed selves of the portals. The last activation worked upon seeing this greater balance of the divine feminine and masculine within each one from the level where each one of us are placed and there are new such portals being opened up in many ways. Choose yours and your sync aligned ways to keep coming home clearer in the integration of your purest union bliss self opened selves. 


  1. How do I find my real twin and sever ties with the fake one?

  2. This is an artwork by Israel Garcia and is copywrited.


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