A Spell of Grace for the Broken

Oh yes, universe, thanks for all these and so much more. These pain body explorations through the muck and constantly being pulled and stuck in the web serves no purpose. Wastage of time and heart space but the true heart-centered being only comes and spills undone in love. Well, there has to be a way and one is coming ever more opened in the realms of the hopeless flutter into the vacuum. One as the “I” or outward human has no expectation or hope left. With nothing to work for anymore and no dramas to fight one is just surrendering to this profound state of complete lack of ability to give or do or be. This part of the outer mantles that need to let go. When there is nothing else to do or be or even a glimmer or inch of hope left one is indeed taken into the stream of letting go and let it simply be.
It is all ok then we indeed need indeed come there in that space... just completely surrendered and no nothing in between and all those gaping dark spaces all consuming the fears and the licking wounds by and by.
It is all fine and perfect and will take its next stage on its own and as we own up through the staircases of the shadowy planes gingerly making the moves we can only come to the glimmering light of a new born daylight as is the nature of all things. There would be no stop from that even after the darkest of the pool of nights.

Sometimes we do not need to know what it is all about. We do not need to know. And that is just fine. We can only be and attend to the moment. As a teacher, a wise one of the sages confirmed and accordingly the recent studies one too, how the brain jumps into holding a pragmatic limiting force to something we have once named or labeled. That it self confines or limits the infinite nature of any solutions or conditions or real miracles to follow through as is the course of the universal energy currents.
Let it be perfect and clear in the dangling pause phases of your turmoil. It is surely ok not to know.
And with that all is well and it will be
When you no longer term or seek location or labeling something as problem or not or such or taking the mental routes of what is ness and what is not, the universal field rushes to help in according guided forces. The unseen force fields have much more to play with when we are surrendered in the vacuum. The monastic silent retreat that which you seek so often to run for your peace, in sleep and gaping light of the dappling sunshine, the sandwich spaces of multidimensional spectrum of your dreams and awakening dawn, the very next snuggle to the air and thin crispy lisps against your feet and cheeks, on your day to day life, is answering it all. You can be in that monastic realm of retreat, surrender, the space clearing and vacuuming of the older birth hood to give up for the new, momentarily. There is no differentiation indeed. You will come across through this rising higher only through the ladder steps crawl of the down and let that be all ok. For once in a while it comes as truth the sequential rise and fall of the great glory of the heart does not earn any viable means of trade exchange other than indeed the rising splendor of your fullness to meet you of you. What else could be the prize?! But even then we need not know and let that be ok.
Let all dramas outwards be and just be and take their own course. There is always a next in the movement of life, a next course and guidance working flow that is chartered by the higher deities of the universe much clearer evolved out than you or I can ever tell or know. In that surrendering flow there is no other way but higher rising 
One indeed can have no idea at this point if indeed there will be a next stage. And again and again we come to the tiny flakes of the membranes of our knowing to release all that pre known and let it be ok to not know. To not know what next and whatever indeed is coming through this vacuum cleaning process of spirit earth and all directions of things around going in whirlpool. It is indeed possible to lose center and then always keep coming back to the monastic process of the centered place within for that is what it is and where all things are centered. One is centered within just as no matter where one is. It doesn’t matter the location of the chaotic energy placement in our charts and how far we have been pushed and prodded by energies around. There will be those around and always or from time abounding stages in growth pulls and stretches. There will always be the soft space of surrendering to the moment and heart, dropped down on your knees to the wonder of the universe, the glory and surrender of you and you. Any moment one can reach that space. No other outward levels required to have you be brought to thus. For you are that, at your centering space you are centered within.

One feels crushed again and again in a down world of true relating dying beyond the space of taking its course of any new promise of birth or rebirth and seeing even such awakened heart spells having untimely death. It is beyond the glimmer of what the heart can pull through as hope when you see more of the person or possibility or the relationship or purpose or whatsoever it is right in front of you to crash break by forces unknown. You hear them burying their child heart, or neglecting their childhood tending wounds or crying out of the spillage of love once lost and not bracing enough to be present and authentic to the wonder and light of themselves. What comes every term beyond through every hovering crushes of heart aches in the land, the spillage of dreams and breach of trust, is standing up to the light of you that you see in the reflection in the mirror, in the true real identity of heart and soul beyond all that the world would be dying and nailing you to confirm again and again. That takes true courage, sweetheart, that is the only form of real honored bravery you are looking for to stand in the testing phases of any darkness or light. None of those changing shift would not matter as you handle courage of the heart. The only real courage is for you to be standing true, proud and tall for the truth of you, the heart of your hearts, the woven ever present pure pristine crystal brilliance child light within that outshines any zeta zillion moons or stars.
When u have had your heart strings pulled along and snapped open clear like breaking of a twig at the turn of a moment over and over and over again, you have two of some very clear options. You grow heart walls hardened pistols of world damning height that no universal portal can dare cross for the human preconditioning have worked eons over and over to bring this so high and hard that no realness of nature can break them open so easy. Or you can choose to surrender and begin in the new baby birthing of god/universal flow, the way of the multidimensional star, the realness of the promised self the truth of heart soul being in the spectrum of light that one is always in the real true nature of all possibility. That force of courage is yet more identifiable and amazing, way more strong and authentic presence needed in creation of the overall world times.
That is when your heart courage real strength in the sonars of sensors grow way more real especially after you had your long cherished dreams crushed, had fake synchronies come unbarring you, have your softest corner pulsating in delight only to be swept asunder through the outward brushes of the pragmatic world, had doors slammed shut all over in your face way too many times... And you are just like: i don’t count on any door to be open again… and I won’t even try.

Yes, indeed it is quite the tall order we have to try and seep through the human managing planes of call. Its not easy for the ones of you or me to come undone unbarred and receive the unknowing of the territories beyond to come always spilling from our heart steps especially when all around you see wounded children walking in adult suits hardened by the comatose world that would rather want dead harmless power less zombies than awakened ones. The true awakened ones are of the pure power of heart light and that would spill over the micro network of power and authority figure control. The powers that be wouldn’t want that for the daylight of their survival mechanism.
The reptilian and lower basilisk denser forces would however be awakened soon enough by the powers of the likes of you and me in the state of the heart light surrender and true authentic bearing, it is indeed such time. Times of such pure presence of courage are very much here, every moment.
You are easy enough to shut the opening of the real ones who can come unburdening and taking layers of love and the really true ones that are keeping the healing light for all ages to have darkness light self coming to balance. As the true parts of the realness of the light and dark is needed for the new birth alignment.
You say in those shut down times it is not easy to talk, no realness left to trust, heart is shaky and afraid. Yet the heart must do what it does best and come undone once over and over again, totally in the surrendered space of love. If to none, or nothing at all looking up at the stars or the breathing spell of a pure pristine flower it is important to give and receive such in the monastic moment spell, you are home, you are one.
Yes it isn’t the easiest of it at all to talk to the ~*~you~*~ of you or any one in the heart led extension of the possibility of getting wounded and burnt again coming from the veils of this stage. It takes all the courage and opening emptying of the charades of the mind creation to keep coming unbarred in your heart power strength. It takes the real litmus testing of our empathic true gleaning nature and to hold the boundaries out of love and self honor to the upholding degrees only to the light of our true most shining courageous light. The peeling is more than it takes than what shows up to be for one is always and all ways glistening forth shining in the cut edges of the diamond. The more cuts you have in your wounds of heart and skin, the higher the alchemy of unifying the light of the creations in through your brilliance.
So be there where it is and it is just going to be fine. Exactly as you are and where it is how broken and lying in the empty or dirty pool of literal blood and puke on the bathroom floor, there comes the meeting of the awakening portals of our wakened and shattered selves. We come unbarred from there on and on to true heart answers being shattered and illusive nature of the unbearable strong ceilings made by the world. No one answers or no need to answer needed now, when you can’t even hear them guides or whatever they are meant to be. In some star souls there come those stages of extremes in darkness and layers of dirt to shuffle through to come in to the light. You too will come through this and no longer stagger behind and no you are not any forsaken child of the universe.
This pain even though we like to make it unique special and very strange in the emblematic nature of the given time, place, situation and case history of each one, has to have a chronic state that can only be termed as the divine feminine darkness stage before the holy next stage of new birthing creation. This pain could be any form of the Shakti awakening stage in the pool of the vortex surrender and no matter the earth level concrete thud of the bone breaking, heart churning, puking non revelatory stage gaps it brings, the holy chaos can only spin break through the gyrating skills of the misaligned use of the Shakti force. And then to the next stages of the breath of creations, the one more in tune with the vortex of path creations in the new would know how far the pain body exploration stages can make you grow and break the spell. Sometimes all it takes is the momentary attention of surrendering to the feeling the same breath web dynamic like translucent plasma from embryonic cells is the ever present love of you and the universe. Purely reach out and touch and go into the depth of it and into the pools, there is no division only the pure meeting like the horizons at sunset, pure canvasses of delight of multiple splendor melting one together.
In the no stages in between there is nothing to look for but to completely surrender the spaces of being and the realness of the still birthing emptying cleaning out of the old self. No birthing is an ordinary process but one of miracle awe and splendor and here we take on those new birth dimensions, every stage of life full of the possibilities
And when indeed you are present in this light and feeling of love you know the outward conditions of human realms no matter the world may be knocking and pinning all down for, no matter what the commerce and industrial magazine paper gloss have screaming at you of the illusion of what must be perfect, heavenly, touching skin of the photoshopped corners of the unreal, all the forces in between pass you through. They pass soon for you and you ease on the next moves before you know for indeed being real and authentic in the adventure of your true heart is far more the very amazing thing than any thing outward can present you with. It is the greatest gift of great held love that you can present in your self and to the universe and the world. The world that so needs the balancing sequence of your tendering light in its new flower birth more than it can ever drop down to admit. Little broken wounded children in wall built gloss and micro managing corporate suits need not admit as they have way much more to grow up into and yet in presence of a pure blossoming light they are merely not existing but receiving fresh clear sunshine and rain of hope and possibilities of transformation.
For you sweetherart there, with your heart open so vulnerable and pure facing into the light, never ever give up. For its way more easier to build walls and give in to the succumbing pressure of all the so long created man holes of pragmatic reality than to stand in the pure pristine bloom of your beauty radiant blossom, the beauty-rain of which and its super sunshine healing we all need and so little have left to give in to appreciate. Don’t keep looking and hankering for love in the wrong places or from broken wounded children who would be only at surface level with so little to give behind their plasticine created reality. They need you in your light and in your love of love of the universe more than you and I can fathom. For it is through your only silent presence facing the eternal sunray of the purest spectrum of powerful light of the universe you happily bring the rain of all possibilities for those known and unbeknown to you. Keep radiating and fine tuning that frequency of love affair with the universe and you would be home, yes and finally seeing settled pieces in the puzzle and feeling through it all, and not needing anything at all from the outward for confirmation of your truth light. This delightful love is splendid awesome and powerful enough. It is enough. From just as you are, no matter how broken you feel in the emptiness inside let the cracks hover in gaping wider to spill blossom the light of the legions.

This is this really the common theme the game for those amazing galactic player with so much to give, with so much they can serve yet going through questions of playing the same space where the world outside might be illusive being unconscious to the truth of the portal shifts ongoing with each silent corner of your love brimming heart and pure glad self, coming to hold the stitches and the reigns of all gone astray.
This light is epic and so is this love. So, just let that be!

When you are seething in the stuckzones feeling your light would dim never forget what you contribute simply by purely presencing your self by and by through the fullness of the universe love force, between you and the source or god center or uni verse field or all-that-is, whatever you call it, you are being the highest contributor to light itself. That is all and every thing. No matter how broken and shattered into pieces you are, you being real to your heart, ready to unburden and come undone, you are being the multilegion leading universal importance of highest contribution to a new birthing force field. You would not have to know the name of the game or what you bring. It is of the least importance anyways. What is true is you bring you to you, true to you in your heart space real ness self no matter how out of sync you feel and tired and unneeded from the rest of the world space. The outward world space in its misdemeanor paralyzing sync is still learning and needing to catch up, compassionate calling needed from each one of us in the true heart space thus. This compassion only comes from the LOVE, the love we know infinite and multdimension enough to give all and all that we need any moment now.
Affirm and keep practicing holding your breath and self full opened in the multispectrum star light delight,
Every thing I need is met and mated at this very moment now.
Any time I need it is met, fully met and there is no nothing that can ever take its place
Universal source spirit is with me, forever awakening and divine birthing through me.
I am all of me, in my multispectrum dimension, full whole and perfect.
Being broken even then, perfect! Just as I am now, exactly as and where I am!
This LOVE is enough and everything, this LOVE is all I need, and it meets all of my every needs.
I am forever taken care of by the universe, no matter the outward. No matter what happens. The world will take its own forms and shapes, changes or illusions. The truth is I am forever the beloved of the universe, always taken care of.

If we see every moment exactly as we are, just as we are, being met in all the right needs needed, coming to the very senses, you are breathing, you are awakened, you are alive. That is all you need.
You may be hungry, you may be despairing or you may be worried about unpaid bills or unmet challenges or unfulfilled vacuity, the loss of a beloved, the mistreatment by someone, the emptiness inside, the depths unburied in a self trashing coffin. But you are exactly and purely exactly, pristinely taken care of right as you are, in that very moment now. The now is perfect and let that be. It is indeed, in that now grace of fluid moment you are met in the real and that is truly exactly as you are, and you are in the truth that you are forever taken care of. And that is Grace. 


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