Message for all True Heart Aligned Lightworkers ~*~

For my family of light workers and empath friends working at from where you are as being keepers, brothers and sisters of light ~ Deepest love and gratitude to you all ~ There is a pertaining aspect of the energetic balance that needs beingaddressed or reiterated even though we know the answer why, always helpful too to bring back the understanding in shared responsibility for we know we are not trying to through the triads alone, ever.
So, why are so many lightworkers facing tests of their truth essence through contradictory experiences right now? it is indeed because we are being called to stand true and more in tune to our core power real truth call. that comes called forth in multiple directions and is what is most needed to balance the imbued peripheral polarity diversions in the realm. time is more evident than ever now. that is why more and more of such experiences show up. all for healing and clearance ~ much love strength and light to my peace and light keeping brothers and sister goddesses who are doing their work and we know this. times havent been the least easy for many of us with general consensus of such contra experiences going around with all kinds of disparages right around the mayhem block as well as from bombardment from old things seemingly left way behind in our past.~ as empaths and light bringers the active open vital auric field of love as we know needs clear grounding level and protection both in earth levels and our own periphery. That which we tend to in our unique sensory energy fields is no different from the true aligned course of the earth grid network. For we and the whole cosmic center are in work and tune as one. The more vital our gleaning perceptionary centers and core interconnected clear clean dimension of that truth level, the clearer we are in energetic sensory directions, perceptions. All this is natural and high level concurrent to how we are meant to be, our empathy levels never meant to be anything special but true realm of being as with oneness with all levels of nature, as how we are and were designed forever, just as cosmos ordained and meant to be. The grid level of energetic protection through our own core can be maintained and leveled in authority without overdoing the boundary calls, but to be brought as and when most needed. this is important for valid productive energetic directions of our true love and truth essence. I find old things or triggers show up from the past to bring us back to our core balance, to have us reminded what is really true to us and for us. Staying true to our truth and real full essence, while drawing the energetic grid of powerful light protection as and when needed only brings our love more constructive to be fully given and centered peacefully in bringing the light where most needed much love and strength to you and all facing such harsh climactic calls from such overwrought energetic dramas. We know we only glean through clearer through such levels. especially this tends to be the focus as we are bombarded with energetic disparages from things going around in our planet, right around the neighborhood or odd things coming as drama sequences from well known in the family or familiar likeness patterns. As old things in the concrete keep falling through, the truth level empowerment gets challenged more and more.
The purity of human spirit and true essence of the humane heart is the real species in danger now and the empathic vortex core connection of light as connecting with the cosmic source portal intelligence or God-self as you and i and all of us together are the only saving grace that keeps tending to the vigilance of the network of the true bred human archive as maintained. In the higher ordaining of the intelligence we shall be gleaning and clearing through the energetic disparagement and there would be no drainage or leaky syndromes but pure essence of balancing. Overall current feedback work is for those working at ground levels and those even pertaining to the higher dimensional protection of the ones working for light, as vigilant guardian keepers are more than ever directing us to take care of those energetic balances and keep channeling our light as most needed in the balance of our truth essence. The real task is staying true to one's core essence, real level heart centered strong no matter what shows up. All beings of heart beaming empaths do understand and know how difficult it is being or coming to be challenged, with the truth network of real core intelligence as we have been directed to function as, this is possible and light shall always prevail. more and more, this is coming true ♥ in heart of my true heart-friends, you know who you are ♥

Almost all true empathic light workers do know these, the shadow cycles that one is often directed in responsible responsiveness to bring to light ~

There are those other sides to energetic vampirism. I am most familiar with all sides concurring in the balance equations one learns through much. Unhealed wounded adult children walking around in suits of armor to protect and shield at many levels and projecting hurts is a very common direction and often misused in terms of empathic abilities as well as egoic controls. Most have such levels of strong or similar nudges to heal or break open in the realness of the full self however there are many walking around hopelessly wounded with projections galore and then of course the control drama that comes from the whole mechanism under covers of "i care for ..." or "i love too much ..." ( ... = with said egoic or unhealed child projection conditions implied and mostly never explored in opening the darkness to the full light spectrum even if with by and by maintained steps upon one's own journey. self exploration and understanding the whole spectrum of energetic fields is key enough indeed in a world eluded with too much of over lying covering up concepts. Way too much more than earth balance could handle and now bringing deeper directions to balance as so many of us in the empathic light work creations are directed to) in all those tendencies mostly being cover ups from the wounded selves and not being opened to truth of love and realness of life as is meant to be in the multidimensioanl cognitive self essence. That way when opened we as resonant frequency beings are all em paths upon our empathic journey of light. Indeed ~ being aware and gleaning through the energies while in the chaotic fields of life are indeed important while doing as much to bring the best levels of protective supportive love as directed is most important. This balance we are learning as much. Interesting armor spells in nuance of amore and amour , the semantic roots of those in old english and near directed language discourse showing the egoic love and the agape love and the balance in between. The armor dissolution in balance is what we as collective must be learning most importantly now. Perhaps ~ that is a whole lot of liberation coming ahead speedily for us to upgrade ♥ ♥

The universe when asked in true faith of love and trust gives you manifolds always.
Be clear of your love held boundaries and what you allow any to cross or make misuse of. Its no good for your true strength~ for real ones would know and they would always be covered no matter the amount of BS they might be going through. Bringing out shadows into light is the true unearthing of muck of nature, sadly for many distorted human conditions living less than REALNESS of true light and love but the ones who are called for truth level work will always know to bring back real levels of balance ~*~
Not crossing over ethical boundary establishment of true honor realness of love for you, your self, your work and all directions of your being is how you lead your life. It is true one must guard one's life purpose, truth and trust levels vigilantly with accrued love and honor in order to bring the highest precise direction of energy flow as and where most needed. As you direct and lay solid strong foundations for you of you, so you increase higher spectrum of love. grounding forces in earth time foundation as one is upon ascending union call of heart and soul and all elements, this is most necessary. As one learns further one is able to direct the right energies in light birthing of the shadow cast aspects of human self for all who are truly called on heart-soul-mind-body full alignment path ~*~ 


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