Spirit Guide Mentoring from She Shaman by the Desert

So in my drought and puzzle of not having or meeting the real one or feeling amidst the hopelessness I too sought active counsel of a soul seeing discerning friend. Maybe there were pieces of the puzzle I was missing, not seeing at that current juncture or was it was I dreaming fake for some true connection hood? Was there going to be an end of the desert spell of such loneliness? We all have doubts fighting demonic battles inside our hearts when such heart light breaks down in to chaotic pieces in the mayhem of sudden human transitions. Doubting and feeling off being set in tune by the twin guides so far, maybe all this is fake and nothing is real I could fight no more but surrender for help amidst my clear seeing path and leading light for many I needed a heart reflection, a pool to rest amidst the turmoil. Suddenly into step back from the noise and seek counsel of another I trusted to be old and wise enough in the realms. With such directions in heart path I did took and certainly with mistakes many I more or less know how to be gleaners of the seekers of light. More obvious they show up. Real always meets the same no matter how many fake ones you meet upon the path. So indeed I ventured forth in welcoming to meet and greet her at her place. After all I have is a few pieces to the puzzles and few alignment to the letters that need dots and polarities of joined. Nothing of that can make anything of true sense man-woman type realness in relating and yet dreams, beyond more and further more. There were so many more and deeper intense ones too and they keep revealing. Through the waves and corners there are indeed pieces of the puzzle that yet cannot be met so far. So far no where to go and so what if is in store, maybe after all this twin thing is for ever karmic debt clearing of which I have been most evasive of or perhaps not earned my soul searched for brownie points so far?! Hence no prize or moving and I am indeed, in the drought of my years or feeling so in the eternal famine. Perhaps flabbergasted and set off by the helping mode of the puzzle friend spirit guide and true shaman priestess comes to help! Her immediate aura and presence soothes my soul. Her true soul gaze into the depths of mine we immediately recognize each other. There is no mistake we have indeed come to the right old hearted friends. We were ancient bonds and friends and there happens to be no chance meeting. In a world gone astray with lots of juvenile unhealed heart broken ones wounded yet having immense light of their own realms this portal energetic entity infront of me was different. She was well worn into the world to know the calculative approaches well and deep real one to immediately tune into the deepest heart light at a glance. That is the perfect balance indeed. I have much respect for whoever has found it being ancient ones of venturing new earth ground territories, creating fertile gardens out of the barren. She is a gardener of the ancient bringing birth to the new.
Fear not there is hope and reads keenly, quickly and accurately of a dear man near soul who has been with me of recent times just hovering round the aura in somewhat near specific geomagnetic locational shift of the current too. Reads his energy in and out, this spirit guide friend shaman bearing she is pristine, precise and clear, very sharp on her mind bent accuracy as well as a clear wise giver of the heart in true light. She wastes no time in being frankly precise and does not certainly woo woo. She has the uncanny ability to calculate the very degrees and specifics of location, bridge and path light, the dimensional fractal sequence of one’s souls and where they are when she is focusing or gleaning upon an entity. I know what she saw and read and I saw same and more too. I was certainly bemused and clear relaxed by all her seeing and despite reasons I was so forth unaware of in the heart tending grounds, being felt broken and mushed to pieces of recent times through the changes. It was heavenly to relax back and receiving in such openness and such unbridled curios leaping forward. I was once again just with that transient present soothed healed back in tune by and by beyond the apparent. Even the on going winds of my clear weaving self could not know or see what the real purpose of the heart healing that was going on or the true call of the assurance I was receiving, what being the purpose of it all. It is so often we do not know the directions or real things needing to be healed and assured upon our light until we stumble into the exact precise knock that dismantles something into a fall and then aligning it back into reality. It is of primary nature of all of us no matter our vocation. We all get through weaving patterns of reality and then moving through the more of our core calls and true centering, our deeper peace often replaced back after a setback of some weird set of unbeknown or never foreseen to be chaos.
My dear friend of heart here, she is of the pragmatic kind. Gives me geography, location, possibilities of shifting, the ordinance of moving with dogs and cat family and what not! It is of most dear help. So if you move in with this person in x amount of years over y place so you could still have 12 to 15 years of achieving full ripe hood of your feminine divine self. So you have all of 18 years to raise children and family while doing writing and he can do x,y, z and all these. There were such beauty of the pragmatic pieces of one seeing so much for another and truth of it was this being was a very beautiful near soul, a wonderful near twin and with all my doubts I should be open to this opening new possibility of love. Surely if I wanted that way I could go in.
Just in the midst of the mini drought phase brought through my own desert of emotional emptiness there was this fulfillment of highest level, a deeper spirit ordaining and no these paths are never empty. Filled with jewels at the best and they come in bringing you plentitude and rains of delight upon the drought of your path, soothing your aches into glory, your fears out into reassurance.
For all the dreams wise shaman soul brought in beautifully made me float away in that spacing of rainbow land of ideal love, mate, children, hope, fulfillment, castles in the air and dream baking so much of which I have been so good at since a young girl yearning to call in for one’s true matched one.
She continues in the matter of fact way how this person was an x % match to me in so many directions, degrees and complex edges. I agreed for I had been trained to read deep into the souls and we were in same planes. It was as though the hot air brushing against the edges of my cheeks were cooling and fanning the effing emotional pressure I had come there with. I had indeed cooled down with the astute realness of her plain speak and the very deep tone of the rose enmeshed tea we were sharing. She is as must be maintained pristine, precise and quite pragmatic: All very dear characteristics I lacked at times and most needful ones and needed such strong bearing in her earthly assuaging hands. What was assumed and to have suggested in the realms of this man priest present very near around me and authentic enough to meet me in the relationship. I only had to reach out. Through sequence calling and with years of regression dream work, shamanic practices healing through many portals and connecting to the realms how and where this was and almost exactly who the person was or is.
So with all dear concerns and no scathing roles this being of light, high priestess of love and we were share girl stories about the man, other men, our dreams, some more of men, star realms, our past directions and future and all possibilities and well it was all wise and wonderful, funny too and opening with new possibilities of love and hope. We are girls of hope and love after all and with many interesting to mundane stories of concern amidst many things relevant to energetic currents and matching the dimensions. We laugh tons and share the weirdest teas that we find indeed intensifying. We both discover shared loves, lights and differences that meet in further pools of delight only to learn from each other ever so much more.
Sometimes I learnt it takes lightening up and coming into braver alignment of hope filled possibilities when one is truly striving and trying to come home in closeness to truth. What distinguishes authentic readers and energy workers in the pools of portals of light of true realm service, they come to you as friends of happy healing, while bringing truth and showing the possible dimensions of what you need directions upon in current turmoil or any moment of your happiness clearing as needed. Yet they are open. There is no presence of spirit imbibed ego on the wrong side of the pool. This shamanic woman was way older in earth time recognition of what we call age and yet knew my old soul well, true and deep. I have awakened on the path hard hit heart knocks to come glean out clear the real ones upon my path. Not that I do not make mistake, I do. The true real ones know how they make mistake and bounce back, not closing down their heart but being open, opened more in realness. She knew me well within inside out, my true entity eternal age, my sage wisdom as I knew hers in equal recognition. This level of true concurrent seeing and meeting on planes while having different levels of practices is hard to find.
My shaman sister real proficient in druid alchemy and herbomancy lives by the desert in a very open and real self sufficient life, doing her work full time while attending to her cat family. We share our tea and talks on purpose and she pierced the question, “So yes, now to you. What is the reality of the choice that you feel and are going to do?!”
She is a gleaming one, one always true on the call and in service to truth. What came through is the biggest deepest heart healing through different veins of heart disparaging truth of disagreements and knock-about I had faced through many sisters of light still serving in the egoic mantles of paradigms. The true goddess of light, sees and sees through clear. She does not serve the righteousness of rightness or wrong or even giving dimension to the inevitability of the vision received. The true seers of light see possibilities and release into the highest openings of the highest ever good of love, light, truth and service. She has been well documented and well treaded upon this path. The real difference from an ancient reader of true heart path service and a juvenile one on trajectory of the ego would be the one concurrent to truth alignment to understanding the energy. The warm desert winds blew across our flagrant cheeks and her dry flower herbs woke me from my vision of reveries. My crystal clear envisioning of truth always still and ever more awakening despite whatever might have gone about in the earth time dimensions of unneeded turmoil or things not showing up at the right moments or junctures.
“So, really what does your heart know and feel to be true?” She peers back in clearly having the most highest confidence upon my faith and awaiting my decisions about what junctures to take.
We both know the paths of the heart and energetic currents, we both agree about seeing this man and ready upon totally aligning on my path. We both see the probability of the equation and clear seeing directions she sees the light dancing in the future and the possibility of an earth time man woman relationship at a more even speed aligning time. My heart portal deeply opens further more lightened and enlightened at the serenade of this call and we probe in deeper in the vein of this beautiful noon moiré. Serenading me in the wise woman shaman owl of light, she listens, wiser and realer more than ever.
I proceed in the calmness of this new received awakened light how there are twins and there are near twins. In the still calm residence of my heart knowing I explain this man I know and he is a soul kin and near-twin but he is not the twin and I know who that is. The soul and heart always knows despite the oddness of the bearing and the manner we each cross our destinies to align the earth fields in our lives, if ever at all. Despite all the knowing that is, which indeed is left to be of concern but not really so for we once we know the currents we know what directions to take, at least for the next few steps. Those soul family members we all need, and we both need. This entity we have been seeing as you say clear quite near to me with the energy around is a near twin and true heart soul friend. I could indeed embark on the relationship and this would awaken a union light Shiva Shakti portal union and much progression on earth planes done on same vein in said time period. And yet there is another twin or the one I know to be the true twin-one, this man I know so deep, through dreams beyond and awakening stages at every level of junction coming to truth portal meeting. This one is x times much more difficult and greater in energy than the one you read for, you know and will see that indeed as you look deep.
My goddess shaman sister hears deep and sinks in deeper and settles back in relief, yes that is true, you are more in the know how than I could see you being already there but I am not surprised indeed, I should not have neglected so at all. I knew and yet would not give in since that path is difficult indeed would be lonely for a very indefinite time for the energy from the other end is not moving as much. It is stalling back and forth, you know it is a difficult strange one and as you know so 1,000 times and more bigger and almost obstinate than the one we just saw before. She gleamed in deeper and we both laughed so hard with relief yet astonishment while clearing seeing so. She saw what I saw, for in some clear seers it is through energetic word exchange that you have a direct powerful envisioning moment of pure glance. “Yeah the path you choose to go till there is erroneously hard, diffident and obsolete but not devoid of the astonishing beauty of the blooming desert flowers that come as gifts of light and intense love.” She clearly explained to me all the nuances numbers and proceedings of some very many probabilities and obstacles seen on the path in dire practical reasoning and fair forewarning of what tends to be heeded and be really aware of should I choose a certain path over another and many such in clear distinction only an adage soul one of truth could really discern so clear. You don’t need the crystal ball to glance but the grid portal presence is enough to share viewings and opening with one another especially clear foreseeing ones or empathic ones of true heart service!
Yes, it is hard enough to find such a true awakened one in the desert ports of life but even a handful or one or two upon your path is enough. The ones who come upon equal power giving and shared light. We embark upon our further discussions of true truth and twin and always knowing deepest in our heart veils and pools and wells opening into our truest heart-surrendered knowing. This most amazing beautiful goddess leader sees through and deepens through clear. She confirms in relief, “yes I do see him and see him clear and he is twin, twin-energy so clear and real of you. But you know the way he is going it could and would take forever. But the path you take is true, the well springs of your heart knows in alignment. With or without the recent man we talked about otherwise you could end up alone for years, you know …”
We move forth in the flow and in true authentic heart core seeing and all so many levels of portals of our twin relating, how important our near-twins are and our starseed companion soulmate ones. We talk and laugh about the different ways we distinguish and how clearly we forever more meet, melt and are mated in love at each distinct levels of our path. This sojourn into our reading alchemy path was no test or trick of time but it was indeed the clear-seeing water peering into the reflection of what is authentic and true. We came to the crossing of the juncture points where each one faces on energetic dimensions and in relation to probabilities of our future, past clearings, present. The future, past and all levels of now indefinite have many levels of probably factors and authentic heart calls leads one in order to actively or as intoned be directed upon forever changing and re aligning energetic dimensions. You can have understanding of saints and ages or not, it doesn’t matter, each one is doing as directed and forever realigning the path through momentary given accordance of the gift of the present opening that you are forever surrendered to. We walk into her herbarium and then the garden opening from the back yards looking towards the greater lights of the far beyond landscapes. I watch and listen in wrapped attention as she tends to the different plants, talking to them and sharing with me messages and showing me much about her herbs and plants. The different parallels and allegories drawn into the light of the living that one keeps learning while tending to such sweetness of the flora friends right around, showing us more about life than can a book of signs or symbols of the astro fields. She re affirms, You have friends in the highest of places both in earth realms and the astral, tending to your purpose. You do know this and you are always given help. Never ever lonely and you know this. You are smart enough to detach the clod and weeds from the real growth. You know this too and so indeed there is nothing to be lonely in choosing a path of heart courage. One is rewarded with splendors beyond one’s dreaming you know, when following just the crack of the dream?
We must be the odd ones to be carrying ancient lights in earth times now but you know the purpose well enough. We do know and there is no call for separation or isolation in these new waves though. All is here, now. What the heart awakens to by and by is priceless in tending to the garden of delight.” Her eyes gleams and glistens with the heart wisdom of light. She speaks to the plants like one does to a child and coaxing them into new light blossoms, the one that dearly knows the flower garden tenderness of the heart and yet well worldly to be sync precise.
She does warn me sisterly, the way he is, it could take forever you know and for real chances of coming over and togetherness. I say this most practical you know and that to take care of you in all precise moments, the real wordly needs stuff which will not keep you isolated… so are you sure?!
Yes, I was. The dilly dallying was from her cause she was concerned of my loneliness, the fear or concern of a sisterly guide protection of desert storms and moving too farther akin into desolation feeling of deeper heart lands if felt lost and astray.
Your duty and path is very big enough, are you sure you can carry it along that long? Perhaps of course you have indeed escaped time and like me you wouldn’t mind carrying it 80 years or so longer?
We joke and laugh and return to the speeding essence of earth bound times that can be taken place on heart lands of courage. I delineate the light factors how the desert winds are always truly supporting the works of nature as does the landscape. Each plant or flower blooming is parented for there is no mistake in nature and we agree. She touched on many planes of druidmancy, fluent in current and off beat geomagnetic shifts, talking of our twin star portals showing me sacred in the geometric patterns of each flower, conch and sand particle available. It was all ancient and real truth available and seeing them in new veils of viewing which was so interesting and exciting to me. Depth fields opened upon layers, we seem to be covering it all and that is the most heart delight one receives in a single afternoon, what more gifts could one ask for! The heart pools in waves meet and match in the uncanny most waves despite any weirdness of outward differences and different lives. You never know who you are met with in that precise moment to be totally made fully opened into your own true calls and path. Each meeting of truth soul nature is one of glory and call back home to your own reverend spaces of peace and reassuring you before you venture out in doing what you need to do and tend to for the rest of your purpose to carry through. It is important to come to heart encouraging real ones to drink from no matter the droughts of desert one goes through. One gives much and forgets to receive once in a while or even goes into reveries again in the illusion there will be no one standing for you at unexpected doors holding it open for you to jump into, to discover more of your very own dreams.
In our fascinating true authentic heart sharing the moon light awakened and it was nearly time for us to part for that short while. “you are truly ready, you are! Much less alone than the winds can discern for you right now and in your courage much more supported by authentic ones as you would know! You are well conversant as we know in all these we carry from immortal natures and real heart nudge is just a knock or call away. You know all we need from time to time”
With her knowing wink as she keeps tending to soil and growth of some very delicate smelling leafy foliage growth with the mothering care of her hands, says, “Now I know why you came, to remind me of deeper currents of energy flow and dreams.” She smiles and looks content through beyond the veils and wrinkles of eye lids heavy are sets are wide awakened as a new born and always keen, looking beyond times of the apparent and seemingly obvious. She smiles in joy and also to be soothed in the real knowing that you are not alone in this, in out of man lairs, you would be taken care of any time you choose and there are many. The energetic currents keep coming in and out and through near twin dimensions as well as soulmate frequencies and yes, we both know when at certain transitions in life, we don’t need to embark on that but only the knowing is enough to soothe the heart lands. There is no lonely path upon the deserts and all is assisted by so much more of nature for those truly open to see the beauty of the light.
You are assured and soothed that there is this man and there are openings indeed. You are not lonely as a woman should you felt left isolated and there is none of that. There are those and many we only know energetic openings take a dime to turn at times and you know the intrinsic path well. Wise ones always come knowing but it helps with the loneliness in affirmation. I wonder how many times I needed this and that indeed helped me feel back again into life.”
Her wise self beams into the lands of delights and any wandering soul of truth is forever soothed in her hand holding healing touch. We are ignited by the divine beauty of our soul essence remembered truth. In the world outside even wise witted clear shamans and old, old ones do not get the chance to meet such dream weave spelling guides with clear depth knowing:
You have heart friends on the path and you know this, you have been gleaning all right. The lessons are fine. In our earth energetic remembrance good thing you didn’t shut down and your love helped this. It is immense…Why do you take to the moon? You are like the forever young and strong desert flower.
We laugh with tears in our eyes and before our parting for the time being she presents me a potted flower blooming special cacti to carry giving all directions of who it was and what it was. This pure baby blossom looked like a moon spell bloomed dancing fellow breathing lavender with iridescent colors of crimson at center.
“you are like this. Desert flowers unique bloom amidst thorns of extreme turmoil and yet deep down they are forever supported. They are unique and life giving, bringers of light. In the parting times of our life we shall remember again all we came to have was dreamed into life and this earth life was merely a dream spell. We weave around and then we go into the next. Only the beauty of the heart is truth and that keeps circulating the energies forever and eternal.
Be careful to know you are not lonely ever at all and you are a wise gleaner. You have worked immense tending to your heart well and it will not go astray.
You give much and there is much to learn. Especially the gift of faith healing in bringing back life to what one gives heart loyalty to. That is important in this new awakening as that is on process.”
She assures me many more light legions of portals to remember and I could come back carrying the wind essence of my questions and any level of direction to her any time, as I am assured.
She thanks me immense for the gift of the believing and seeing clear and we could not seem to part with the lingering hearts of our hugs and our mutual thanksgiving is way beyond words or any realms of human dimension recognition. We knew how real deep it was like mothers, daughters and keepers of the ancient star light portals in our unique journeys of real. We had talked through the time so much about intrinsic loneliness as ancient women sometimes feeling caught in the webs and then clearing very much through on the next alignment and it was this old, old kindred soul call knowing in depth that is most needed for each one of us upon the path. With the gift of this presence and real reassuring that I most really needed in tending to a desert loneliness of the heart I take the beauty, light, authentic merging of our dreams. Not only of true guidance and assurance, re affirmation of my own path but a real sisterkinhood that got left amidst a city cyclone of attended juvenile cries. The rest has been healed and deeply felt, connected and warmly embraced with such clear weaving one can only be assured to come back and back again slipping back through the veils of the dust to come peering into each others eyes to show, share and learn some more.
As I come back home to bring the potted plant into a safe honoring place I stumble upon an old scribbled pad knocked down from where came a reminder letter message direct from twin. How akin this waking life indeed is to our real breathed in dreaming when we are loyal to the depths of them. We are indeed dreaming all levels of our life into being, astounded beyond with the heart cries of recognition the universe energies bring us. Always.


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