The Process of Union Cohesion of Energy Fields in the New Birth

 Each one upon their unique journey to bring union cohesion and expansion to our humanity birthing, also the earth times from where it has been led forth to. One guesses we are each being led exactly from where we are upon this spirally journey outward and upward, through our own unique purpose and passions, to bring the balance back. Heaven -earth alignment, divine feminine masculine balance and realization of the multidimensional balancing co creation in the human levels of our expansion. Each one of us tending through own multidimensional passions all ways move the collective in the rearing cesspools out of the stuck zones to meet the new incarnated divine balance of heaven on earth. The heaven on earth in the union cohesion unit is essential the divine feminine masculine balance coming through. The honored opening of twinflame love as we do see as many are in the on going experiencing of thus in the process or expanding into new realms of expansion and reunion of the divine feminine masculine polarity principles is one fine example of this energetic expansion and how it is working. In terms of love and is one fine leading energetic example of what is really going on. This fine tuning breaking down of structures and of the old pillage of very deep burdening soul path growth is one of the most important and intrinsic ways that the new world format is seething into all levels of distinction through the most important new spillage points where new creations meet out of the realms.

Union cohesion happens in so many planes as the current to previous all levels of old grid earth structures crumble through beyond the veils as also right in front of us in most things we touch or come to take as a refusal to participate in the direct healing or uniting of it. Some times and so often beyond the forces concerned when a healer, light worker or one of such bearing purpose (As we all are and each one having a unique role in this) when touching through new planes of swift leveling conscious creation more of the old forms break down. This can be most challenging and trying and yet one is forced to look and sift through the new shifting of energetic dimensions completely in new ways. When present with the heart intoned divine guidance one is always led through quicker in new forms of out of beyond the ever expected real into very unique formative participations of the new energetic realms. if we look at the disparity and succumbing to outward forces of the divine feminine masculine imbalances that have plagued humanity we do see the picture, from openness, heart and true following of one's deepest callings the unity from out beyond the lower denser levels of disparities happen right away. We are each imbued with the gifts of clearing collective karmic burden and that indeed is a great liberating point we have. We don’t have to go far or venture out to see what really the one unique purpose of the present life might be. Most often than not and almost always the individual part is presented in a challenging or affirmative life situation especially given through family background, human distinctive relating or job or societal uncanny placements even geographical location being where one is put through challenges. When the individual is moving through healing and taking the new path in the co creative avenues of the new guidance system of that one of heart path, the ever eternal glorious universal abundance vortex pool and the unique direction sense, then there comes the most obvious temporal grid shifting responsibility. Each one moving in their unique expansion of abundance alignment, love expansion, choosing their own free will path is ultimately healing parts of the karmic lineage they have been placed or attached with via positions of birth or family structure placements. This is so often obvious when we see someone breaking out of the familiar moulds or the family units of a typical way of dealing something or having a particular set of jobs or outlook or security sense. This whole new liberating point of one person stepping out in love and going through the process of one’s own soul fire journey in meeting the union cohesion of the current new world forming ordering pulsating glory of light, itself is the pragmatic most step one can take to liberate collective burden, karma and pattern that no other revolution could set free. It is through following one’s own unique drum beat in the spirit-earth-heart aligned divine pools of original every day creation that this uniqueness of meeting the reality of co-creating heaven earth alignment takes place. Day to day, every day it matter. Each might be doing a very small bit at certain point in unburdening the collective liberation but we are given that and that is incredible!

Expansion in the energetic currents itself is multilayered and multidimensional. We as human have not even touched the basics of what is possible in our amazing expansion and one can merely guess or keep birthing one’s own affirmative code in the heart path aligned dimensions of being for so long as it takes in the new timeless zones of de fragmenting the otherwise known obvious. Each one of us could make it possible to bring it through in our own vortex calling.

There are so many pathways to the balance of divine feminine and masculine. For instance if we look at external manifestation of the world we see distorted levels of the divine masculine implemented on and on, not the perfect balanced use of that great power. Shiva (as form and expression of creation of universe, the mythos -logos that all makes sense) so if he holds and opens the portals of equalizing the balance of the divine feminine in the portal to open up in conscious co creation, even after the darkness of chaos (that Kali/Shakti/the deity mother his divine feminine vortex other half, delivers to open and clean up in earth and universal creation dynamics) as well as go deep within to unite with the possibilities of all that is given to us in the god/goddess ordained human faculties. These are instances of all that is holding and bringing in balance for us as human dimension realms to be lived and to bring back on earth plane balance as has been the call of the meeting of hermit tending and family/relationship balancing place of our “yogic” or union principles while living on earth. Here is how heaven alignment is created through the birther and breathing of the Brahma and Shivaic duties through the masculine work of union principles working in balance. 
The intuitive, empathic and untouched portals of expansion haven’t been made important to the level as distorted externalization of a corruption form that riddles or sabotages the true nature of human freedom. There is nothing left to damn about the carnage of the imbalance of the divine feminine for each polarity in reaction to bringing the same to the other, the damning of the one is equally disturbing to the other. Hence when human conditions have made and wronged the overflow of the divine feminine principles, its heaven-earth nourishing unifying love balance, it has also at the same time burdened the masculine role in the real, creating the mismatched accord in the true music of universal creations. When damning or busting one, one is really not helping the other. The union cohesion of the mismatched divine feminine masculine principles do indeed take into the new realms birthing of the zoas in the right veins where one is healing one and balancing and doing the same for the other. The anger myths of directing or working through one over another are often held through not simply by personal older cellular memory blocks but so often ingrained karmic take over. When spotted the whereabouts one is able to clear through that indeed. So often we associate the personal disappointments or so called failures in the pragmatic world or own little adventures in gain and loss to be just about us when there is a whole other mythos of boundary creations from the past held ancestral continuum have been playing in the background. Our responsibility in choosing to step up is freeing the collective burden and karma, our ways into succumbing to any sense of pressurized victim nature is completely opposite to our true intrinsic nature as light and love birthers. We go through peeling of the layers of many of the same form and coming back to the center of our true self itself is what shifts the axis and polarity dynamics in union consciousness in big ways. Thus that awareness it self is key and liberation and as one knows each one in choosing their one small step however difficult, going in the direction of balance is bringing that portal opening in every important direction that is possible ~ each one of us is endowed to bring back exactly that. The awareness is self sufficient to make us be hovering over the whole drama or what is going on and we can truly see from the overlying freer perspective.
So every step indeed is a point to bringing that balance back, the holy divine harmony from so much of the distorted masculine or half lived or even allowed expression of the feminine. We can see that in every aspect of our living condition, past or any levels of previous growth incarnation points from baby hood of humanity that needed attending to as every step being the new birthing union of what is truly expanding through our current dimensions of human possibilities in choice, momentarily.


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