Upon the Twin Path: Recognizing the One

There are many questions that come upon the twin path mostly led by the mind. The heart would always know who the twin is. The more you are heart and all levels centered in your self the less questioning would the human mind paradigm have in place.
However in the world and in our beings the egoic mind programming would keep coming and showing itself upon the twin path and twin revelations. We would keep questioning if the one we felt and held for so long is really our twin or if he or she was then why the deep lessons of chasm in between.
Usually when we recognize the patterns to be unearthed and seen, how similar they are in twin reflection on recognition and what needs to be set about in terms of our true deepest realization of the self, we are led free. The twins have the full level heart and soul connection ALL WAYS and nothing can take that away and in deeper levels than what meets the linear stages of the world these relating get met and connected no matter.
There are many levels to this though and the twin leveling of the out crossing the linear gets one of the greatest challenges. Part of us hangs into the linear and then there are other parts that would like to come home buried in the sands of non recognition of the inevitable truth. We would be challenged to face every depth and parts of us, all the darker sides that we might have led astray or not paid deeper attention to.
The truth of the matter, the heart would always know. Your heart would lead through the way and let no other thing come in the way. Then there would be all levels of higher self recognition and opening of the oneness through spirit guides, dreams, deeper level connections and communications and most importantly I cannot discount the deepest opening of dream gateways and sub conscious and all recognized levels realized through dreams, meditations, channeled openings. Here in the deepest spaces of silence and the loneliness of highest heart opening and recognition do we realize the realness of the connection and the oneness no matter the transitory outward
However having the spiritual and heart level oneness does not of course melt in the true depth of the earthly uniting that we might be here assigned to experience. It is not something we are waiting to earn. It is something that we are here to enjoy and open up all through the steps of the process. There are many aspects to our choice of coming together and the greatest really is about love and being immersed in the truth of love through all experiencing of life. As I see many suffering with or without their twins, there are those pockets of nuances to be experienced and brought into balanced stage of compassion and the greatest measure of learning the balance of our being and lives through these stages. We are here to experience, expand our human consciousness and being, as well as the greatest ways of learning through the multi dimensions of love. It is through these ways that we learn the highest measuring and beingness of love and no less ever.
No matter the conditions presented outward the twin path is all about love and all dimensions of the learning of uniting the multi levels of love experience in our life, in its expansion and most of all through the experiencing of the source recognition of love that is us.
Back to the mind paradigms: I have indeed seen some foolishly hanging onto the idea of a twin to some other who would never recognize them as twin and probably they really are not. I see many playing from mind principles in applying these aspects or from unrecognized parts of themselves in projection instead surrendering to the heart and spirit space of growth in love. While all these stages are growing levels in our recognition, who are we to call anyone fools? We all are and let that be so then and especially in terms of surrendering of our heart and coming into oneness with the greatest depth of lives, we would be called to render being fools on and on, till there is nothing left of us and especially the mind or linear principles through which older patterning of livelihood had worked.
Thus play with the questions and keep surrendering. The more we are surrendered to the levels of our own recognition in the stillness of the universe and the gradient of all of lives interconnected through the highest dimension of love, the more we are here to grow and no matter. Let the love be wrong and empty, let the love lead you through the caverns of your confusions for it is not without the unbridled chains of those confusing chaos that we would come to the real peace of the succulent bliss of coming into our wholesome selves.
Many a times over the spacing of heart space alignment and experiencing of deep spaces of silence, isolation and calls in between it is possible to have our twin self revealed to us in amidst those deeper opening. However the mind comes to play tricks with different egoic nuances of the life patterns and these are only but real ways through which pieces of the puzzles are clarified for us as we go along our path. The mind will often pose questions and through egoic patterns upon who our twin is, how they ought to be revealed to us, how we are placing a role on our own expectations based from our limited humanness and not from the infinite immortal selves of the sense of being.
When we are released and surrendered more in our immortal selves it is through that surrendering that we are being led into the source origin of our realms and that part is never without the oneness with your twin or atonement with all of life as it calls it. 

For works and activations on twin connection, readings and clarity check out the full on current service listing with this month's specials 
or visit the Fb page of service and stay connected ~ 


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