On True Real Seeing

One of the highest gifts that we can give to one another is the gift of truly seeing each other. It is not about seeing from where one is or where one is coming from but truly, really, deeply, ingrained yet limitlessly seeing the all potentiality of where one is fiercely, divinely meant for. It is who we are and our largeness and big-ness and greater beingness that is called to being celebrated here in the realms. We are meant for no reason less.
It can be quite the tall task to uncover true seeing not having reflection of the light being gently yet highly held to our ordination. Such depth of fierce love and courage takes the highest order of being to be taken into accord. I am and have been indeed most encouraged by these openings of the deepest womb bursting from true loyal friends, teachers, real seers and lovers from time to time who could at least show fragments of such true depth seeing or bring out in the open the next layers of our depths that need to be hulled out from our hiding.
This is the purpose of true loving and seeing: A realness that many of us can experience very rarely and if at all from any aspect of our karmic birth families, then it is glorious. Mostly in growing ages of our own call we don’t experience this. We might even be trying for ages to hide behind community roles and dissuade from our real largeness for the fact we have never been lovingly shown how more than enough we are in our natural naked pierced being. Whether this seeing happens through our guides, source, true soul mate family members, any part of our soul family call, it doesn’t matter. But it is upon the seeing and being seen open that matters.
What matters most is to be truly really seen, held, touched, nourished, upheld and light guarded for being who we are. For being taken to where we are meant to be and not be stuck in the paradigms of the old, the shredding process of all human growth that helps to come out of the cocoon of the linear. It in our shedding and coming out of the closet, the real embracing of truth that we would be held for our highest light. In taking any step to authentically step into what calls us, what our true deepest desire to do so, even the endeavor in itself is a massive step in which source would support us in infinite ways to meet us on the path, to make way for those and all aspects of the elements around us to meet us in oneness in that meeting.
True meeting of such lovers take place day to day and every day and there is no stop. You are courted, wooed, granted and made love to by actual meeting of life, real seeing when you have the power and authentic courage to shine the light of your path on your real essence. In any such step takes the fierceness of courage. And who knows how many times down history we have been persecuted and executed to tell the truth, to daring to be alive and show that we are alive.
Such darkness of the turmoil and pits of human questioning are still being faced day to day and mainly through our ignorance of not seeing. There is never seeing too much in to a matter of things and as a seer or intuitive in the natural elements of currents, I am often questioned such by those trying to create a justified vision of the logic and what appears to be real. There is always seeing more than enough and possibility of going even deeper. There is never any stop to this and as we peel open the layers, the shadows and gunk would slowly disengage and then from the real opening begins. It is beyond the realm of the shadows that real clarity and depth can enter and there would be no poignant stop to this. We would always be celebrating in the light of clearance of seeing some and then again more, called to go in deeper.
There is no end to seeing what truly goes about. Are you really seeing, engaging all levels of your sensory perceptions in the envisioning or limiting your self to the subjugated peripheral. It is time to shed all perceptions of the physical and engage, immerse and call forth the all dimensional levels that we truly are.
True seeing happens when we are reading into all the aligned realms of our energy. Come out clear, as pristine as naked children of the sunrise and new blooming and engage all our senses in the seeing. Mind, body, heart, soul, ancient dreams or memories, feelings that stir in to the depth of the moving portals of the unknown, this is what makes true seeing uncovered and realness of the seen meet the seer.
One of the surprising most relevance of seeing or not being seen happens in our day to day existence. We could be immediately felt seen and heard by a simple conversation with a perfect stranger in the tube or a silent experiencing of shared energy through an online connection and yet we could be spending years of our life being hid away from true realness from our birth family or even in a marriage. It is most real condition of plague that has come upon as in the hazards of seeing and not being seen.
Are you really paying attention to seeing of those that are around you and close to you and also honing the radars of your extension to see what is possible beyond the beyond? What is that that lies in to the realness of one’s extension of energies near or far and no matter the means of meeting? For it is in crossing all limitations of dimensions that we become infinite beings of our own true call and real living, not just existing.
The truth of real depth seeing is also really the essence of living all of life. It is of the one who is not afraid to go into the depths portals and depths of the darkness or shadows and embrace the real eternity through the shades of life. The real seer is the deep sea diver who courageously dives embracing the swamps and the sharks to bring out the pearls of real knowing amidst clearing the crystals depths of the water. True seer only goes into the deeper and unafraid of the tides or darkness of the depth, no matter what is posed in front. There is and there would always be something more beyond. There always is. In the infinite vast realms and scheme of beings there always is and so much more in the multidimensional multitude of our glorious amazingness. That is what true seeing upholds in the vision of our all realmness and that is what it does in the awakened full embracing of our being and all of infinity that which we are. 

As part of my work one of my duties as is the call and in the natural born gifts of giving is the true courage of seeing. I happen to see into the depths of those that I am to uncover the truth of where they are going and their largeness of picture. It is part of the duty as not only an intuitive reader and seer of energies, reading and playing with those currents but one who is completely aligned to see more of your true passions, purpose and alignment in the working levels of core dynamics and then help one live those from true authentic realness of being. It is in that joy of true seeing and realness of energetic realms that helps us take the next biggest leaps in our life. Without which we become empty loners and feel lost in the greater purpose of the human dimensions. For one of the greatest gifts of coming as humans is to experience all the amazing vast natures of human dimensions.
In my coaching and working offers there are multiple ways to take your empathic gifts in skilled honed levels or to take your goddess realms to the next amazing alignment or to have your passions and purpose in the balance of ingrained living as you wish and many such more opportunities.
To experience the joy of true bliss coaching and real uncovering in depths with me come connect with the service page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Aishwarya-Dg-Intuitive-Reader-Angel-Practitioner-and-Life-Passion-Coach/218291054855224
or receive full listing joining the mail list

Leaving you all with two of the favorite ancient most decodes of seeing, into the music and the depths of the beyondness of our vast multitude in true recognition. May you see and live into the depths of the being and read into the music, spell into the dreams, live into your highest envisions and create day to day glory as source intends for you and full ness and no less ever


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