Reconnective Mode of Healing

Reconnective Mode of Healing

This mode of healing that I have been practicing at work comes to be much more than reiki and body healing map and overall connected healing sessions, there is a wider and deeper choice of healing modality that works and helps us in bringing the syntact balane of our being faster and in real connected ways that uncover the different layers of patterns that surround us. This helps us to be free and keep us being freer in the new modalities of freedom in lifestyle that we are seeking and help us ascend in clear, freer gateways in the full beaming of our persons and personality. This helps us grow in our personal power and

The reconnective mode of healing and it is something that works with over all long drawn issues to draw out energies from the body, cell and cellular memories that are of course no longer needed to be lightbodied, fully effective and enabling one to go into the next stages of evolving into greater magnificence. Old held traumas and past life aspects and all unneeded baggage are cleared over time.
There are varying levels to this and on a full range it works on the different aspects that it needs to work on in a person’s energy field and also works in body-soul-mind-emotions and astral levels of reconnection to one’s highest optimal levels. I have seen much changes and success with this and for each one as is any level of healing it takes place in different ways.
Often I have noticed that even if I am set forth to do transmission and activation work, I have to clear a lot in terms of reconnective healing 1st to allow greater transmission of new energies to be embodied.
I have worked and do work with transmission work and channeled healing in modalities of reiki, crystal therapy and angelic entities or guides assisted channeling, goddess-deity energy activations as well as elemental healings system. However this reconnective healing is one that goes over all this and works with a higher level of frequency than I have seen so far and it would only grow and evolve as it wants to, I just step out of the way and allow higher selves activations to go as deep as required in the soul, cellular and dna frequency evolutionary gateways.
The 9 levels are reached when done over time and optimally as and if required and if someone is called forth to. If it is in the highest level of source plan for one the healing effect takes place in ripples and sometimes over days, months and years to bring about effective clearing and changes over and over again and do what is most required. This mode of healing is activated at a very deep level and the effect of this work must be getting deeper with every step as source would direct it or so long as it would direct it. There is a plan to this to follow if required and if reception goes successfully with changes for the person. Everyone is totally open to go with it as flows for no one knows how much or what degrees would come to activate for sure, the process takes its own gateways. However if and when it feels optimal we stop for a while and if it doesn’t make any major opening or feels so we don’t go ahead (so far I have not had the latter experience ever even with the most skeptical ones who were not initially open to it). Then there is of course those issues which get pulled out in just a couple of sessions and again those which require more unpeeling and if they feel called forth to they go further more.
Sometimes like old wounds opened and visited there would be lots of rawness, peeling and sensitivities being opened up, sudden issues can erupt for no where and guidance and direction would be given on channeling and yet it is important to trust the flow and process, knowing that source and the greater assistance one is receiving in moving forth to one’s full essence is being given and supported by the energy in the right ways and much is to come in full and pure alignment to one’s path.
I encourage some gaps in sessions to for integration and if a person feels release issues are getting too much or high levels of detox going on. However it never ever harms in any ways and far from that but would and could possibly drive one to edges of one’s comfort zone at times if that is what is needed or required to integrate the new levels of awareness and help one get strongly rooted and grounded in one’s new levels of stepping up into the greater reality if that is what is most important. And this impact takes place many layers post session and over time as is most required. We just do know our own reactions and feelings towards response of the healing would indicate the degree variations required and whether or not gaps are needed and how much and when and whether or not to go with it into the next and when to do again as clear indications come. The truth is to always follow one’s core guidance and inner knowing no matter what with all of this as that is what its foundation is. The client and me are always 100% transparent about what needs to be done and what is going on as that is what helps and indicates greatly and to discuss any issue openly as maybe required, even if not done so, the energy works greatly anyways and would do what is most required however knowing of aspects going on would definitely bring much more focused and integrated healing and possibly help direct what is to happen and be done in next gateways over the few sessions if need be so.

This healing modality is chosen by those with seemingly some deep set things to clear and so the history and background to certain extent in terms of emotional, physical, mental health or the issue concerned is always discussed prior. In any case even if not clear the energy knows what to do though clearance is always better and makes it easier and more focused to work with areas stepwise. Even if steps are known and we figure something is more important to heal 1st, the energy will just go in its way and do and work with what it feels is most important and really deal with the core of the issue and pattern. So any levels of our mind paradigms would not be the only thing that works, the set intentions would be noted by the energy and it would go into the core issues or what is most required or 1st needed to remove in terms of blocks to bring in reintegration, full alignment and overall greater joy and amazing love through every cell and pore of being. Often this works in going into past or past past lives. This is not regression therapy mind you, but it works in clarifying and uprooting deep embedded blockages and memory field disturbances that create traumas or blocks for one to go into the next levels in light body. This is one of the major and main things it does along with body related or cellular membrane healing or trapped energies that are no longer required or are hindering processes of growth somehow, help untrap old set in patterns and helps in activating release processes of all that is stuck and not needed, by and by over a higher frequency charge. Soon one feels one has crossed over a lot of things that do not truly belong to them in their new world or new way of being and keeps moving higher and fine tuned in refined levels to embrace all of their magnificence.
The healing work involves in several stages and can be chosen in any way one wishes. One way is
The transmission work which works in long distant pure energy work
With transmitted channeling directions to follow sent in mail during the same week or right after a week for integration to follow. Sometimes there would be two to 3 transmission sessions involved all within a week at no extra charge for if that is what the energy requires me to do and there is energetic permission from the client already, as is, this would be done. If something needs to be cleared emergently this would be done or a few stretches of sessions are just the directions to get fuller or greater integration of the work. Usually channeling would come after the directed transmission set within a week is followed. Sometimes channeling would be sent after a few days of integration to take place right after transmission. So if there is 3 set of transmission that is set within a week and a few more days to set in for integration, if the directions be so, the channeling would come likewise.
So we only know it would come and work in levels as most needed and there is no set paradigm of what would happen in a week. But we do the basics usually involve one transmission and one channeling in a week’s time and if more, it is two to 3 transmissions at no extra cost to complete  a clearing cycle followed with a channeling.
The channeled directions follow on what came through, what is healing, clearing and happening and what to expect through. Most often why this is extremely important for me to work with only very ready serious ones cuz a lot of trauma membranes from body and past or past lives are released and I happen to see, perceive and receive all of them to take them out without having the client to be effected by them at all as well as coming from an aspect where I maintain my energy to the highest optimal so as not to have any reaction off kilter. The client most likely be experiencing tons of varying emotions and release processes on his or her end but they are likely to cross those impact for ever and never to come back there again, sometimes it is just pure processing into love filled energies and the impacts of any clearing is not felt at all while a greater sense of well being embraces them. So we do never exactly know what is to happen through a session and what levels of integration and clearing or impacts it would specifically make but can only understand as I go into the sessions with each one. That is one of the reasons I am only to do this with very committed serious ones who honor the impact of this work if it truly aspects their growth and being and who are ready to step up in growth and their full sense of being.
Also I have noticed whether we want it or not, in my energy clearing work this sometimes happens anyways if that is what is meant for the highest good of the client concerned. So this is part of the main thing that happens in my energy works and transmissions. It cleans and purifies soul and cellular memories at such a high level that frequencies are freshly charged anew to bring in and fill in greater light, to become more lightbodied, able and aligned. The major part of this purpose of work is to enable all levels of magnificence and natural full self to awaken in each one so they are very free and able to magnify, embrace and move into 5d and all gateways next ways of living sooner or as is required for each one to be in their soul path and purpose. It just works into removing the hindrances that would hold them back from moving into greater embracing of more of one’s full and greater self. The energy intends this dimension of clearing mainly for this greater purpose.

Now the next level of the healing involves for those even more serious ones and especially keen to take the body-mind-emotion-physical and all levels of astral connection and past clearing, environmental and full level of energetic healing aspects.
This involves the transmission and channeling work as mentioned above followed by a coaching session of two hours 30 mins appx. in which we work on to clarify and chalk out plans of what is most important to take next steps in getting light bodied and get wholer and healthier.
This would focus on detox and health aspects from certain areas to be focused each time, how one can expand the healing process through practical detoxing steps as comes directed, and new directions, light, practices and steps to take accordingly from where one is. This is in no way to substitute any form or degree of medical healing but an alternative and holistic added help to shine on one’s path in coming whole and fully empowered in one’s body and well being. It comes in directed and channeled directions as well as intimate mutual consent for taking next steps in discussion and where one is on the level and journey of detox path in the individual.
Coaching would also focus according to levels of importance on areas of:
Emotional clearing and heart light expansion
Mental clarity and heightening of its best measures of use
Environmental energetic clearing
Spirit, source and soul alignment of oneself to all dimensions of one’s life
Astral connections, their importance and integration
Energy center or vortices opening, healing, alignment and focus as required
Memory clearing and DNA high frequency recharge
Sensory impacts or empathy issues and how to make best use of them to enable one’s greater gifts and growth along with life style changes and impacts
Karmic pattern clearing and energy work in karma balanced living

All the different sections are meant to awaken the all levels of 5d to 9d planes of aspects in one’s awakening fields but one never knows how far it will impact and to what extent but to the level it would open up the next levels of gateways for another.
All the groups in coaching or practical zoning in work would be worked upon in energetic transmission fields as well in any ways but the coaching helps to ground in forces of redirection, more of practical work, integration and active steps to take in one’s life in big measures to consciously and greatly shift, move and make big impacts that way.

So the transmission-channeling plus coaching is only for the really serious ones taking it to the next levels

So one can choose set one or set two and take it for as long as they like or just book in ones that is a week’s work basis and then follow one’s direction according to one’s reaction. Some then go and book ahead for a set number of weeks and months and do according to choice.

Per set of transmissions is currently priced $69 only
And for double sets healing and coaching session it is $99. Sometimes coaching sessions can be one hours 30 mins to two hours. It really depends on our individual pacing and uptake. The long distant transmission sessions are always a bit over one hour.

There is no set time to how long one would intend to do this. For clearer changes and active shifts some regularity in sessions are always recommended. However one could simply go by week by week basis or choose with some gaps or simple choose one to two sets to see the integration and processing and how it enables or helps. Some book for a month to 3 months at a stretch and then take a longer gap to help set in the new and next levels of integration. It is totally upon each individual and higher self consent and how one would like and feels called forth to, there is no specific follow up routine to this but only thing is to follow one’s direction and inner guidance as this is what source chooses all for us to do. The energy would only work with some one who feels ready and open in one’s heart to allow this to take place and bring in higher degrees and levels of changes.

Sometimes the changes would shift us into very deep discomfort zone and that is totally up to what is most important for the individual to grow into. All we know it would never harm or impact us in any adverse way, the energy his highly and unconditionally loving and yet can push us to certain edges or extremes sometimes to bring and clear what is most important to bring us home and to source centering of being more of ourselves. The energy is also very very protective and directive so as not to put us through something that is not for the highest growth for us.
So anyhows although the process is very very simple, it is not a very simple mode of healing into transitional higher degrees but only for the clearly brave and intended ones who want to take the next adventurous growth of their full self embracing.

With lots of love and heart embrace,

For connecting me with booking of healing sessions or enquiring further on them email or connect via message box of the FB service page 


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