Crossing over Linear Polarities of Time

In Twin relationships and the full spectrum of journey of growth in terms of twin relating crossing over the linear spectrum of time and the polarities and dualities of the outward experience in life is a very key lesson that comes to us. It is something that will show up till we are reaching towards the outward extension of the full matching of the dissolution of the inner and outer self. Where the world reflected outward is the created garden and the divine expression of the vessel of source that you are pre sented as. There is no separation from the truth of your heart, core, soul, alignment levels and the fullness of the dimension extended in the world and the one you are bringing in co creation.
The highest co creating levels you experience is with you and Source or God or All that is that aligns you with the All and you and your twin, the highest journey of expression that fullness of being and the full ranging aspect of the Source expressed is seen through this high union. It is one that is fully present now here as you are aligned with all aspects of nature, source, god-creation and all levels of creating dimensions of your truth, part, purpose and your measures in the play of the current dimensions.

The crossing over of linear polarities in earth time dimensions help us to extend over to show up into expansion and become as one in terms of twin union. It is one that is of high accordance that keeps us extended from beyond outward human limitations and it is one that will keep calling us transcended from the limiting world paradigms. In those regards there is no point of outward polar opposites like creation of time and other human pre attempts in coalescing the infinite boundless into the realness of dimensions. Here we are living in in finite boundless transcendence. The twin relationship and any aspect of boundless limitless of your highest expanded manifested self will keep you expanded in the realest calls and realms where you are called to be transcending the borders on and on. It is something to be embodied in all aspects of your life till you have transcended the realms of existence as that has been pre tempted to be pre sented from human pre conditionings to be in finitely more so in the eternal now and in finite source realm creation.
As you are expressed in the truth of union, through the layers of experiencing the human you will be called to make the cross over in the new and bring the new world paradigms of the real grounding roots of the soil where the boundless is experienced layer to layer. The biggest crux of the pattern is letting go of any pre attempted exemplification of the knowledge of time bound of finite more attempts of having things go at a specific degree or realm of the call. This defies the full spectrum invitation of the expression of the infinite laws of manifestation which take their own course in terms of speeding miracles that are way way beyond the graspable functions of any aspect of our current human dynamics no matter the level of growth.
In the highest of your higher self seer "part" of you, you are infinitely more in the grasp of the growing terms of exact dimensions of your chosen selves experiencing all levels of your growth including the one with you and you twin and that with the full realness of you and your in finite more aligned purpose. The 1st basic step in the human challenge to meeting the infinite and coming out of the ordinary daily is to start seeing and being from the portals of that which is in finite to take shape and structure out of the ordinary. The more we practice this from our daily measures of being the more we are pulled into the vortex of wonder and awe, the true real source of creation and co creating with the in finite universe.
Another aspect of deep re lease is the grasp on what and how our ideas and shaping or re ality would be or must be. Here comes the deeper more responsibility to totally let go of the measures of time and come into balance of the eternal of the timelessness. This call is one of very hard grasp for those of us balancing and aligning the day to day levels of our work and yet the very duality of such attentive modes of where we place the balance of time can be brought in the simple resolution. And that is to put more expanded and deep given focus to our joy source and centers as much as possible and to keep being in the vortex of our true time aligned soul driven purpose whatever that may be day to day. The more we are giving as much as possible to the bliss centered buzy ness to that which brings us the highest joy call and as much as can be brought into our lives from wherever we are, we can bring this higher realms of boundless aspect of coming together with timeless and the infinite zones of our vortex effortlessly more.
It takes all the deep embedded learning and release and re aligning in our worlds coming out of the numbing shell shock of culture bomb when we are going from the finite realms of creation into the infinite and source center, true place of the heart and right at the amazing most vastest expansion of LOVE and union !


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