Karmic Cleansing for Aligning Twin Path Clearance

This karmic cleansing, healing and energy work process works in:
Clearing energy grid path ways between twins to help them come aligned faster
Clearer older karma related issues and karmic ties
Release heavier karmic ties and burdens by and by and at least considerably so right after energy works
Live freer clearer lives untied from ties of karmic burden

For twin paths to be aligned and us to be really free and rising to the realms of our all potentiality we have to explore the pathways of our karma and karmic ties. The clearer we are and the more aligned we feel upon the path the greater we are escalated freer on the levels of planes of our true calls.
For twin paths to merge our karmic connections must be freed and clearer. We have to have our slates cleaned and have our own duties or karmic tied met.
Karma is about meeting the duties and obligations of older lives discerned soul ties. This is to experience the fullness of our higher self agreed soul potential. It is true that the harder paths and hardships have been taken by souls who have agreed to experience that realm of the human dimension. So we must not hasten to judge anyone on the path and why certain things are done or happen through aspects of choices if all we have is free will and why or not we exercise it or not.
Then again the karmic path grid can be cleared and opened for it is unnecessary to be carrying tons of burdens when we can escalate so much faster and clearer in our true chosen destinies. In current times as of now the clearance of karmic connections, the release and opening of such ties are most important. In those realms opening we are made forever freer.
The fastest way to karmic clearance is to come home centered in the realness of love and truth of our truest heart soul alignment. There are also many ways of energetic release processes that release us from the deals of karma quicker. There is no short cut in terms of soul choices for we shall be led on to pathways only aligned by the highest of our higher self choices. However there are ways to cut out of unnecessary burdens and bring our highest bid of love, our truest calling and align with our passions clearer through karmic and DNA cleansing.

In the healing work there are plenty of different reactions that have been experienced by people. Different people would experience differently in their releasing of the burdens of previously taken up imprints.
They might be shedding old processes or habits quicker or they even might be changing into more of their purest alignment easier. They might be dissolving and stepping out of different karmic roles with ease and grace, stepping into the higher roles of their true self aligned choices. Now this might deal with family or work related or even specific relationship related. Certain karmic ties and recordings or gateways might be met even faster and clearer as would be the case. Whatever maybe the choice of the higher self dimension of karmic choices and cleansing which is what would be done super fast and clear according to one’s highest free will choice upon the energy work.
You will be able to experience healed and faster aligned experience of union or even re union with your birth family members if that is on the call. Either that or you may see quick movements away from certain ones who do not serve you or where the discords in energy no longer need to be done anything with but to be left at peace in clear understanding. Whatever the higher self directed greatest choice is there is always greater ease and comfort experienced through such karmic cleansing. 
Often we might be high energy workers and yet we might always be aligned in receiving an extra boost of energetic works from a source we trust and align with. That is what is often assisted through my channeling in karmic clearance and cleansing. We ramp up the avenues through which outside forces often work in bringing projections of their own karmic burden and have us tied up. Today the currents have a lot of criss cross of different energetic dimensions and many of which are not serving us and yet can be impending into us. For highly sensitive ones and those maturing souls staying in the nowness of the eternal new birthing and freshness of being, it is essential that they keep the grid map around them clear, the energetic alignment all in the clearance and highest vibrations so as to enable the greatest functioning. It does not mean we do not serve where we are called forth to but it means we would be bringing the deepest of dark out into the light and bring things to balance as and when needed as such is the promise of source to our eternal dimensions. 

For up coming 4 Sundays there would be 4 grids of energy transmission of karmic cleansing work for those signed up. And this is especially focused to bring those on twin path alignment as that is part of my work calls. This does work for anybody else to whether or not they are on the twin path alignment.

Each transmission would be done energetically on every individual signed up and throughout the Sunday. (it would technically start from 17th Feb, 16th for some)
You will be given a set of directions or channeled messages before or after channeling in the pvt. group and perhaps some guidance posted before or after as would be the call of the energy. Overall you shall be able to connect in community through this entire time and even after should you choose to with many of those participating and many other individuals like you who are in alignment with high spirit work and also are also on the twin flame path. However you may choose for twin flame karmic cleansing or for any other reason of karma clearing and it doesnt really matter. My focus as part of the mission would definitely be directed to twin works and also and primarily so to your highest soul growth alignment. As you shine, so do we all! :) 

You may sign up for weekly basis of 30$ per transmission receiving
You may sign up for all 4 for 120 $

For donation you can direct to paypal direct at the id: debanjan.brahma@rediffmail.com

Or for any alternative choice of payment just message the service page and you will be sent an invoice directly to your mail via which you can directly sign up.

Enjoy this high grid opening transmission of karmic clearing and see the multiple benefits of your path, truth and alignment coming faster and clearer with obstacles being cleared from your way. Enjoy, receive, share and stay tuned in for more

For each person signed up would be invited to my pvt. Twin group on FB and they would also receive messages post transmission as would be posted in the group.

 the next set of 4 karmic tie freeing levels would be specifically directing energies to make clearance on each day on the following: 
day 1: for our highest ideal romantic relationships or twin flame reunion pathways to clear ~ 
Day2. life path and purpose karmic ties and clearance activation 
Day3~active family tie cleanses which is proving amazingly crucial for many now. 
Day4~DNA cleansing leading on to soul and cellular memory frequency cleansing. 
Each cleanse would be taking their own time and place to integrate for individuals depending on exactly where they are and the results would be seen clear integrating the changes in the next coming few days. Some may experience upheavals or old things brought up before things move to a swifter flow or some unprecedented changes may come before bringing in the next highest directions. rest assured all changes take place in the highest accordance of your divine soul path guidance.so there is no mistake and nothing to be frightened of at all. you know this is for you if it resonates with you and you would be in awe and amazingness with the magnitude and bliss of the fast forwarding nature of such active karmic cleanses and how unshackling of karma burden helps us move forward, ascend higher and embrace all of our greater beingness in the light of better selves of our own heaven on earth being manifested through each of the steps. i look forward to have those who are ready on board to have them step up on their journey and being of service as the vessel of clear sharing as i am meant to be.  i remember during some of my own received transmissions of active karmic cleansing some of the worst possible old belief systems embedded deep down in me from collective and acquired consciousness where stirred up. rather painful and bitter memories and old dealings were moved to the forefront involving some inevitable relationship challenges all of which cleared in some very swift powerful measures over span of some weeks and then never to touch me again and in some months i was at a very different plane and they never affected or touched my world ever again. those very things seem so far away now, like they have been from another life or like movie scenarios from somebody else's being. one is lighter, freer and taking one's charge in being full spectacle being through such cleanses many times faster. i definitely suggest as does our moving consciousness thriving through right now, to have activations and portal clearing done from energy transmissions and receiving that resonates with you. the shifts come swifter and faster or maybe troublesome for some in some moving dynamics but always in the right vein of order and bring you huge amount of depth clarity and next level beingness in all of your levels very real soon. may you receive all the massive clearings and the right directed benefits of what is truthful and real for you right now through these deep ingrained cleansing. as we serve and bring our best levels cleared portals in the being, we are birthed like the lotuses in baby bloom, out of the muddy murky waters seeing clear and radiating light, bringing purity, light and joy to all of creations as we are clearly meant to be. ~ with infinite love, gratitude and bliss ~


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