Numerology Reading and Name Changes in Transition

Certain parts of the blog would be focused on questions and answers as I receive from others in my practice, in channeling, while working with those who are called forth to work with me as well as circles of friends around me who in different layers are sometimes my direct teachers and loves and sometimes such pure reflections. We all have things to learn from one another while it is important to bring out questions and answered dealt through in my practice and work for there is a lot that the outwards and those connected get helped through. There are also those questions I cannot happen to have the time to answer individually and through forums but must be directed as my guides tell me through a common landing so that they help more.
So this is how I shall keep focusing more and more in my blogs and through the questions answered through here and in the different segments of the blogs so long as I feel guided to.

Each day there would be new ones to be dealt with as things come along and as and when I feel they need to be addressed to. I thank you all for being co creators in the dynamics and keep sending me your questions through messages and mail in private only. Your privacy would be kept and no mentioning of names here through the answers. It is only directed to serve our personal individual as well as directed to the larger whole which is crucial during these times now. But of course each one is as personal and as directive, as promised.

One of the services I offer is to assist people in choosing their highest name combinations in vibrational alignment to their next levels of life path. These readings are done in combination of vedic numerology and Kabbalistic method of name numerology in progression and is subject to these specific elements of vast array of knowledge in vibration, sonic vibrational alignment as well as the choice of next directions of one’s chosen path that one intends to bring to one’s life.
Some of the questions I receive from clients having to go through sea changes and transitions in their lives and looking for name changes would come in vein of themes as this:

I am keep having dreams of changing my name. I have changed my family name and yet I do not feel like I belong to this name for keeps. I would like to have my name changed legally to a more spiritually aligned name that I feel is my own calling and my next level of growth. Can you see what directions to pay attention to, while deciding upon a perfect name for me? Do the Goddess and deity guidance see me changing a name endowed through them that befits me for the next stage of my growth?

Name changes are prompted when you are in the next uplifted call of making the big changes within you and all levels of your life.
You are in transition, in some years you would be changing again. The Goddesses truly understand this and honor this. You have a varied aspect of self exploration and the Moon flowering flow in you, you are like a pure blossom always opening into the new gateways. The Goddesses are always assisting you and they want to you to flow in that direction and call. They want you to meditate on these, the right answers will come.
As we go through stages in life we have names changing through our altering and changed identities. It is only natural. In some of the ancient Hopi Indian cultures some of the most significant celebrations in life would be one of one’s “birth” anew where one would be changing one’s name according to one’s spirit ordination depending on the stage of life one is in. This could traditionally be on one’s birthday or not. However the new naming ceremony would be quite a new opportunity to explore into the new direction of where one is going and not necessarily from where one is coming.
I encourage names being chosen according to what one wishes to embrace in their life next. There are of course many ways of choosing and making the selection. The highest one would be to follow one’s own silent retreat directions and spirit calling.
There are those who would definitely like to check upon the numerological vibration and virbational alignment to one’s name relation depending upon where one is currently. This would also entail according to the official changes. Decisions would have to be made how much official the changes one would like to make whether that would have to involve the main stream alterations involving the legal process. Now before jumping into legal process of changes suggestions must be made on how and what the next stages of one’s life one is seriously considering with the name changes. With the vibration of one’s alterations a lot would be changing.
One of the trickiest things would be to bringing the new name affirmation with your friends and family, workplace etc. Usually our real and true friends would understand the decisions, the workplace and other acquaintances would get into the habit eventually as well. The trickiest would be to having our family gathering up to our decisions or let alone allowing us to be called in our chosen names. Usually it is a huge family sentiment for many across the world when they feel the one from the tribe is stepping away. My wish is all experience these transitions in ease and with the least of botheration from family. The best part would be family coming to bring the much needed support and acceptance in this growth and transition for that would be ideal and highest. After all the changing to this transitional phase would be one of the highest things to celebrate. Growth is never easy but it is indeed one of the top most things to look for through the maturing, liberating, new embracing stages of our lives.

While choosing the names one must look for the highest spirit and heart alignment with the forthcoming name and not something that one is peripherally wishing to be from egoic attachment. This would and can only come through deep silent retreating with one’s guides, asking for dream directions and setting the intention to the universe to be shown directions.
One of the highest ways of making decisions is releasing the mind and mental plans after setting the intention and letting inspiration come seeping through the different layers of consciousness. Most times the dreams and guide visitation or even character visits from your favorite heroes or inspirers come through during these stages. They ought to come in the most incredible and unexpected ways.
There are many formal institutes that now suggest name numerology choices and even make very interesting ideal combination choosing principles.
One of the services that I have now opened only on suggestion has been to do an overall reading of your chosen name numerology vibration combining vedic numerology as well as Kabbalah system. Both have been ingrained in my genes since I can recall and these combinations would indeed be helpful in creating the ideal choices that you would be seeking. This is only for those who come with an open mind and are opened to the varied options that can be presented to them and for them.
Along with the basic numerology consultation I would also give them an assessment of their vedic charts and their main goddess or deity alignment or spirit guides show up if anyone wishes to discuss them. We can discuss the importance of the main spirit guides in their realms and bring about the important most guides that need to be worked or qualities that can be brought in the next stages of one’s lives. With my understanding and roots of Sanskrit and Vedic names, for those who would be interested in exploring the layers of the maximum vibrational utilization in their lives, these consultations would be ideal.
Every one hr 30 mins mini upgrade check point name numerology and vibrational consultation is $120

One a more detailed most grander scale of work we go the full spectrum and I offer something of immense value for those considering deeper changes in the longer shot. 
In that level of work, I check into your current transitional alignment, vibrational patterns working through Vedic astro logos and number studies as well as the Kabbalistic method of numerology
We can pick upon the full set and spectrum of names that you wish to match in obvious sequence, their meaning and implications whether it is for your next upgrade in life or business. We choose and review what you intend to harness more, the qualities of power, upgrade and implication you wish to bring and so on. That is how the previous works of possible name combinations can be chosen and checked through.
I would give you two x 90 mins sessions with full on numerology readings.
In between there would be few mails to zone in and track in the names and the perfect vibrations you are wanting to match you in your next upgrades and life.
 When in sessions you will have the opportunity to check in to your current transit analysis as shown according to Vedic astrologos as is important in your case.
Total investment for full on numerology package: $300
Value, freedom, empowerment and next steps manifesting galore, impetus, life transitions, alignment of name you receive is: priceless and stays with you till as long as you make the next big upgrades in your life
You can work the whole package with as many numerology names as allowed within our span of conversations, names and works. However if you are wanting to have the perfect baby name or naming a child or grandchild then it is important to work in depth with their birth chart report implementation which I do in depth. So, focusing on one person at a time especially if it is about severe name changing or alteration and in depth reading is most preferred. I can help you work out the names or numerology of any one close as best as I can or even give a close up (as best as possible) compatibility analysis accordingly but the incredible depth of which I can go with these things, are not promised. For the work focus with one such full session is preferably given to one person or entity to make the best use of our time and implementation.

Shorter Vedic and Name numerology analysis of a mail report direction and 30 mins consultation on phone or via chat, $120 This is for tweaking up in short check up any aspect of your life that you need a quick checking upon, any short space transition of name or baby naming, etc. 
Please do note that I cannot choose or pick up exact name combinations for you nor would I encourage it, I can only direct you what aligns best for your highest vibration, purpose and according to your intentions. It is advised for name changing that you pick up sets of name combinations that resonate most to your depth and we can tweak, fiddle, alter spelling or work around the given parameters of your choice to bring the best and highest vibration in closeness to your spirit chosen direction. I can merely suggest and lead up open into the vibrational alignment of each chosen combination. I encourage you to bring and open your own choices, dig deep and open your ways into spirit and explore the different nuances of your deepest directions in the next stages in your life. The name choosing must be a very personal guided direction between you and your source and I can only happen to be a mere catalyst or guided one to help you make your choices easier.
Before our sessions I would encourage you to send me a mailed message of any of your chosen guides, deities or any specific aspect you need to look into your name suggestion. If you have picked up names then the exact spelling and combination of choices must be mailed and sent to me prior to our session. Our sessions cannot take place without the prior information.
Soon after your payment via paypal ( as you mention “name numerology session” in the order box, you will be sent a mail back in asking for all the specific details for our session and then we can get ahead with our work.
With the specific information I am guided to do my research as well as with your background I would be seeking in deeper along with presenting you with all the vibrational details of what best name can be aligned to amplify and maximize your highest success, opening to life and all that you are embodying in your next levels of being. J
You can book for multiple sessions in terms of name reading depending whether or not you come to associate the choices that would best come through the vibrational matching of your chosen names. The goal of these sessions is to streamline the highest best combinations and choices of names for you.
The legalities and how seriously you wish to take the changes in the next stages of your life are completely your responsibility nonetheless and I can only show you the directions and clues to where you might be going.

(For any reason if you are called forth to go for a further reading or deeper call being assisted or inspired by these do go for a reading or deeper channeling and we shall see what works best. If it inspires you we work on channeled names working through your higher self and deity guides, taking assistance of your Nakshatra and Star system root constellations with details on what they are and what they stand for in your own situation and energetic imprint.
In the deeper reading I really help you with the numerological aspects, consult with what matches and feels aligned with your birth number vibrations, soul path accordance and what you intend for in the next parts of your life matching to your destiny and purpose. This system works amazingly well in helping you get inspired to and tune into new name and destiny features, sharpening the process of manifestation, intuitive guidance and flow in your life. The numerological, star constellation alignment, name reading along with vedic chart readings help you come closer and at oneness to your true deep guides and real directions of life path veins that you can take to the next. Soul gateway readings are also special ways to deepen and understand these deepened and heightened understanding of your self while getting clearer with your name alignment or next chosen life path grid.)


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  2. Nice Blog!!! Thanks for sharing this; Numerology is the study of numbers, the number value of a person's name plays a major role in their destiny and relationships. Numerologists say that you can give your child a great start in life by choosing a name that reflects the helpful qualities related with the numerological value of the name. Welcome to Sheila Bajaj, the best place to know Baby Names by Numerology In India.


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