All Love Being Part of Growth

All of growing in my experience comes through love. Love in any form is the highest grounding force for us to bring us to our greatest growth no matter the kind of love that comes. Even the off type of love or not so much of the “love” that we may experience through certain interactions or relationship or even situations that demand us to be more of what we have ever been, shed all aspects of us and come emerged into wholeness of the new that we are called to step up to be. There are so many layers and intricacies to love and the kind of loving we experience and all of them leads to the promised eternal experience of the soul growth in the realness of the picture, in the vastness of who we truly are meant to be. Some love requires greater learning of compassion and the human experience is the only one that is able to give us those intricacies of soul chosen experiences that we are meant to take on.
All of love and all loving are our prayer and greatest temple of learning. No matter how off the relationship gets, how messy or off sided or in the realms of the constraints of overlying aspects of life, the love it self becomes the grounding place of practice for our greatest self.
And this applies to all our relationships no matter how or what they show up to be as. No matter how karmic or tied up in terms of learning of lessons they may be. They would come with the exact, perfect grounding place to practice the expansion in our love in all forms. That includes love and compassion for self as that leads to greatest growth and then extending that to all of life itself.
No matter what place we are in and what karmic dealings we are being made to experience everything has the highest purpose of expanding to all that we are meant to be. No path is without the highest evolution of the self and the soul however may backwards certain experiences may seem to be. Often we learn what we are here to elevate and move out of faster and other times it can get a long and twisted dimension in linear exploration.
All being and experiencing is thus the part of the whole, the vast schemata of beings which the soul essence of eternity is presented to be, to merge into endless eternal love and beingness. This is what it is presented to be from each step to step of our beingness as we come fresh and born anew through each aspect of life experience in beaming the endless ecstasy of al that we are in the vast multidimensional nature of our beings.
As you move on to bring the depth and beingness of the eternity of the love you be eternally blessed from moment to moment in experiencing all that you are soul promises you to bring and have in the human ness of the nature. May you also rise quicker through the elevated forms of transcending into emergence with all of life, bliss and the eternity of the blissful magnitude of you of you <3 p="">

Leaving you with the lingering essence of a voice I love so much. His passion and love transcends all levels of loving coming from the depths of the ocean~ may you enjoy the elixirs of love this week and all through eternity. 


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