Relationship and Individual Reading Specials for the Month ~

Relationship and Individual Reading Specials for the month ~

Channeled Angel and Guidance Reading on Relationship Energy and Directions 
Full detailed reading on skype for over an hour $69
on current specials only !
Relationship Vedic Reading $75 per set ( goes over per 60 mins sessions )
Twin or Soulmate Power Activation Direct Energy Sessions $75
Long distant Twin or Soulmate Power Activation and Karma CLeansing Sessions $69
Family Relationship and Karmic Healing Sessions and Energy Readings $69 (can be read upon any specific family relationship, living or past or multiple in considering stream of energy lines and related ones)
Self Energy Reading and Power Amp Guidance Sessions $69
Conditional Health Reading and Body Energy Sessions $69
Passion Coaching on Self for Life Purpose, Passions and Authentic Path Clearance $99 for every two sets
Relationship Passion Coaching and Clearance for Authentic Relationship Core Base $99 for every two sets
Vedic Self Reading $75

Come and claim yours or gift to someone this month. Have clarity and depth in relationship with you of you and mostly with yourself 1st ♥ ~ ♥

Send service or personal page message to get on with your sessions ~

Email for service sessions

Or book your own by going straight to paypal (paypal id) and pay for the session or sessions you choose. You shall be reached back directly via your mail soon as you make the payment as it goes on auto response to connect back to you and schedule your appointment. 

Alternatively you can visit the fb service page
and leave a message there to connect or see which session best fits you in your current needs. These specials are only available for the month as special love offering and so make sure you speed reach to them and book your own right away. For multiple sessions they can even be scheduled beyond this month so long as you just book in this month it self. With love and heart embrace, 

here are some of the testimonials to read on love alchemy sessions : 

Through Aishwarya's Relationship Energy Reading, she connects with the energy from all points of your body, your aura and receives where you are, where you are flowing, where you are glowing. It was such a powerful experience. It was detailed, thorough, right on and with it all, full of so much love and light. It brought me so much peace...and even when we were sharing, a black ladybug came to confirm messages that were coming in, as such love and light surrounded us. What a powerful, special and intimate way to receive the love that you are, as well as the love that you are making, building, increasing and circulating for all. Cheers to Goddess Aishwarya for allowing the flow of love within her, within us all, to move within and without, like an embrace of Heaven. 
~Gabriella Hartwell
Intuitive Relationship Life Coach and Author of You Find Your Soul Mate When You Let Go of Searching

“I have known Aishwarya for almost 2 years. We have become very close. She is my greatest supporter in letting go of all that is not me and stepping into my true radiance. She has 'seen' who I am since the moment we met online and has been forever more waking me up to this clear and true vision. My life became magical since meeting her. Everything has shifted. I'm crying as I write this because I am in so much gratitude for all that she has been and done for me. “ ~Kazzrie Jaxen, healer and bars practitioner, life joy coach, Canada

Thank you Aishwarya LunaLuv for the amazing healing and channeling you have done for me ! I wanted to recommend your twinflame healing events and direct one to one sessions to everyone !
you have helped me so much ~love and light, beautiful Aishwarya XXX~ Constance Osborne, London

I only wish I could have recorded our sessions then though they are so magnificent and truth of them in closeness of my soul and heart forever. I feel day to day more and more close and in ever presence to my twin. His presence is so near that it is blissful. I am very happy overall. ~ Emilie, France


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