Saturn Retro Times and Karma Clearings

It is of unique rampant mission of Saturn in his retro zones now to bring the old and that which have not been negotiated clear by our human dimensions to be balanced into focus and have them let go for clear.
Depending on where your Saturn is in your unique chart and the Vedic alignment of how Saturn retro is affecting in concurrence you would have a clearer understanding of how you are being helped in busting through the learning of the affectation.
The Saturn retrograde times are usually times of challenge of resolving the crisis calls of that which needs to be paid attention to. Usually the areas in our lives which seem to be called forth backwards or in rut zones come up in the open for attention to their clearings have not been paid deep enough and that is one of the real calls for Saturn retrograde times where we would be asked for bigger doses of helpful service rendered through our works and deeds.
It is of no surprise that the Karmic cleansing balancing healing transmissions I have been holding for those concerned I have many experiencing so many bouts of the transcending transition realms my self. The dark corners and pit falls of Saturn retro upgrades help us to be clearer and be on our authentic selves as we are moving through the withholding powers of any nodes of karma. All of the falsities and falsehood belief upgrades seem to bust through clear only if we are doing something pro active in terms of action or active focused learning to clear through the limitations. We come here in current realms with some pre accorded choices and these do show us clear how things are to be aligned in our highest divination of our true according purpose in the realms. It is in the balancing measures of the realms and the real work or “karmic” frontal focus that we take the responsibility in clearance.
Where your Saturn lies means you are being called to have higher learning and

As through the past one week we did one aspect of the karmic cleansing clearing and I shall be moving onto next. For those who are called for ca message me if you wish to receive karmic clearing transmissions the 1st in this series had mainly focused on the twin level of alchemical transitions for each one signed up. Next we would be moving into family karmic dynamics and ancient cords related to our “obligations” so that we move clearer in our purpose. For each individual unique transmission imprint received in clearance each one had been receiving the divine blue print clarity in their directions. Upon healing each one would be receiving their own akashic guides, archangel, deities and divine others coming as messengers and further veil shifting ones upon their journeys and bringing each person to their own divine clarity mission. Further we are moving into the zones of our portal ships of divine accordance of our life purpose missions. This is a grounding clarity zone direction while being on the twin flame level journey for without the grounded opening in balance of the highest dimensions and the material realms we would not be joined in independent full becoming with our twin flame counter parts and our highest authentic love balance in fullness of being experienced, as the full brimming and overflowing concurrent god goddess self. 
All things are in inordinate transition for many and it is no wonder the Saturn retro times are also shift opening and close gearing the calls of the karmic burdens unreleased. It is through these unveiling and peeling transit times that we are being made to be frontal geared portals and channels of our highest divinity coming from cocoons of the ages of what seemed like dark times. no times have been dark ever at all but it is a call for balance and coming in unparalleled love in finite embracing and knowing our fullness of full selves in the highest calls of the newest transits and awakening of the dimensions of experience of LOVE

More power in your authentic core selves come to you as you fully embrace the guidance of your highest divine source creator into full alignment of every aspect of your life with no exception
For those on the twin flame call and journey you are being reminded that you do not meet your highest lover or twin mate stepping out of the greatest love of your self. The balanced grounding of the twin love realness of call would be met “to” you in all aspects of your readiness and call and till the time there are experienced “gaps” in transition you would know that there are things to be authentically met and dealt with upon the path. The spiritual and real world accorded meeting of the planes happens in the sequential order of the sacred unfolding of the life path. It is one of the highest Love unfolds when you are surrendered to your deepest growth and call process instead of focusing on the one.
The heart path alignment in resonant to your truth means you are impeccably clear on all and every dimensions of your life. You would be withholding the process of natural flow only if you are not being authentically true and real to you at any aspect of your life.
It is not that our twins come to us served in a platter or they have a labeled name that something belongs to us in terms of ownership or calling. The twin path alignment is the same as meeting your deepest self, your truest core purpose which involves embracing the deep dark embers of your shadows to alchemically transform them to the gold of your truth and essence. It is the same call as stepping stone of your purpose and thus no wonder so many on ascension paths, sooner or later find themselves aligned on the call of the twin relating call as well. I have been baffled on and on to find rather open and beautiful spiritual individuals taken aback and seeing that their agreed twins are not meeting them on the planes or are towing backwards or who they thought to be a twin turned out to be a complete jerk.
Well the truth is every relating interaction is proving to be a whole new dimension of the meeting of your self. If there are uncharted and under developed paths of deeper childhood pains or agony or past life clearings that need to be done the relationships in reflection would be showing us what we are here to do and how much we are clearing in the levels. You are being called to be fully and deeply present surrendered to the call of your purpose, grounding and stability 1st. It is through the surrendered devotion to your call that you meet your truth and in turn your true twin match.
If for any reason you keep meeting the on and off dithering and most baffling relationships the false twins or near twins that are not serving you your highest, then know that they only come to serve in the highest growth and light focus on those shadow aspects you need to grow from and bring the deepest alchemical transformation. Your shadows then turn into the greatest gold and realness of you.

Our near twins, balance mates and even soul mates on many levels are here to bring us the highest growth, transition, help and amazing level of fast focusing speedometer track on mutually beneficial ascension level purpose. If this is not apparent in the core level soul records checking and fast track into the centering of our source will absolutely reveal that the whole measures of the re lating of relationships are really in these speedometer increase of our true levels. The junction points of relationships and even karmic soul mates create the highest accordion of growth through the collapsible functions of the linear aspects of time.
It is one of most difficult acceptance but the more we see the light of reflection dappling in the ocean of love as the highest alchemical forces of our truth in realization the faster we move into the planes of our highest rising growth.
If you are to meet the surrendered devotion of your truest purpose, divinity and purpose and are met on the path on all realms, then you will be met and surrendered open, on and on. Whether they be your twin parts or reflected twins, balance mates, soul frequency kindred ones, your soulmate pets, soul sisters and brothers, no matter who comes to you in the meeting of the realms and including of course, your karmic relationships of any or any pre chosen levels, you will be seeing why and every aspect of the hastening growth to the amazing multidimensional expansion of these levels of you of you.
Time doesn’t exist as earth time relating is only a minute fraction of the sense of our being and aligning the truth of our purpose and realness in the call of the growing spirit of our in finite expansion. Still in the expansion of going beyond the measures of duality we are here called forth in so many levels to come home real in the best versions of the polarity dynamics matches as we are here meant to be. In the so called call to bring the true realness of the versions of heaven on earth we are being constantly upgraded in our soul spirit DNA cleanses and focus to be in full alignment of who we are really truly here meant to be and in the fullness of the dynamics of our truth in all and every aspect of our humanness expressed at all chosen levels. Pre chosen as well as coming in wholeness of the infinite amazing more to be lived and experienced! 


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