Saturn Retro Times and Karma Clearings

It is of unique rampant mission of Saturn in his retro zones now to bring the old and that which have not been negotiated clear by our human dimensions to be balanced into focus and have them let go for clear. Depending on where your Saturn is in your unique chart and the Vedic alignment of how Saturn retro is affecting in concurrence you would have a clearer understanding of how you are being helped in busting through the learning of the affectation. The Saturn retrograde times are usually times of challenge of resolving the crisis calls of that which needs to be paid attention to. Usually the areas in our lives which seem to be called forth backwards or in rut zones come up in the open for attention to their clearings have not been paid deep enough and that is one of the real calls for Saturn retrograde times where we would be asked for bigger doses of helpful service rendered through our works and deeds. It is of no surprise that the Karmic cleansing balancing healing...