
Showing posts from April, 2013

Crystalizing Essence Self through the Waves

I believe gratitude is indeed the key foundation to anything worth having or doing. The very integral trust in the universe and to your key purpose in life is ingrained in the love filled true bred honoring of gratitude to that which you feel you really belong to and that which you truly want to bring more of in your life. The so far unspoken or uncalled for or even non negotiated territories of miracles in your life, are all fodder for the gratitude level unbeknown still but more to be brought into life through your own breathing of bliss into that. every day child self heart enriched awe+wonder that you are, tending the same to rest of world brings realness =s birthing of passion from your own truth call Integrity: at the end of the day, the most valuable thing to me is following that integral call of self and divine negotiated spontaneous birthing of intuition ~ the follow of it is momentary shifts and breathing in truly in the NOW, going by what FEELS ...

The Gift of Believing in our Heart Dreams

With the dream weaving she-shaman glorious heart opening path exploration what she and I could remind each other were precisely of this: There are twins yes there are and there are soul mate and near-twin frequencies forever and you would be taken to the very next dimensions of any relating as pre ordained for earth time meeting according to the higher self choice. Your higher self can indeed take in new directions and dimensions any time you make a new energetic choice. The further clear you are upon your dream, surrendered to highest authentic guidance and truly tuning in deep to your courage alignment and path The biggest deepest gift you can give and bring to any or each other whether twin or to a vision or a dream or to a friend of light or fellow family member of any forms is the gift of believing. Believe in their truth. Believe in their destiny that is clearly higher and way over the top than where they are, where they are directing themselves into and where they...

Message for all True Heart Aligned Lightworkers ~*~

For my family of light workers and empath friends working at from where you are as being keepers, brothers and sisters of light ~ Deepest love and gratitude to you all ~ There is a pertaining aspect of the energetic balance that needs being addressed or reiterated even though we know the answer why, always helpful too to bring back the understanding in shared responsibility for we know we are not trying to through the triads alone, ever. So, why are so many lightworkers facing tests of their truth essence through contradictory experiences right now? it is indeed because we are being called to stand true and more in tune to our core power real truth call. that comes called forth in multiple directions and is what is most needed to balance the imbued peripheral polarity diversions in the realm. time is more evident than ever now. that is why more and more of such experiences show up. all for healing and clearance ~ much love strength and light to my peace and light keeping brothers and ...

The Immediate Times for True Heart Empaths

This is my place to soothe us true centered heart aligned HSPs and empaths I understand you and we do for each other and we are here to encourage the real core of humanity to wake up to the layers of sensitivities and heart activation that is really possible. There are many layers of utilized abilities that can come from being the sensitive one, the weirder one, the loony one and the most misunderstood. These do not have to come purposefully packaged with the fast food mechanism or techy heralding of the rest of the world. There are too many things going on already that have far gone beyond the natural aspect of being adding more and more of chemical trail and DNA depleting human nature destroying vaccine raping along with the carnage blown over day to day toward mother earth and all of its environmental norms. It is still a wonder that the earth has survived and lived and allowed us to bloom. It is still a surprise that HSPs and empaths are coming together and following their own...

Twin Union Consciousness Merging through the Waves

Within twin level intoned dimensions of coming together one is always reminded over and over again, there are the waves of connecting. One meets merges, relates or comes to a peak of uniting and then again takes place in a separation mode of quiet, reclusion through the stages of many of these twin relating.  This may even occur in a day to day basis even if twins are living together for instance. Not all twin relating meet in the waves of fluid entities meeting in earth time lives but this is getting more and more possible now. In fact the nature of waves is to come and move in the meeting process of one another in absolute merging. However one does indeed go through the waves of coming, merging, meeting with the twin essence, coming at peaks of self realization as well as union consciousness of each other and then receding back too, each one upon their path, to take and carry on the purpose of their pivotal very specific energetic merging on their very special life purp...

A Spell of Grace for the Broken

Oh yes, universe, thanks for all these and so much more. These pain body explorations through the muck and constantly being pulled and stuck in the web serves no purpose. Wastage of time and heart space but the true heart-centered being only comes and spills undone in love. Well, there has to be a way and one is coming ever more opened in the realms of the hopeless flutter into the vacuum. One as the “I” or outward human has no expectation or hope left. With nothing to work for anymore and no dramas to fight one is just surrendering to this profound state of complete lack of ability to give or do or be. This part of the outer mantles that need to let go. When there is nothing else to do or be or even a glimmer or inch of hope left one is indeed taken into the stream of letting go and let it simply be. It is all ok then we indeed need indeed come there in that space... just completely surrendered and no nothing in between and all those gaping dark spaces all consuming the fears and...

The Process of Union Cohesion of Energy Fields in the New Birth

  Each one upon their unique journey to bring union cohesion and expansion to our humanity birthing, also the earth times from where it has been led forth to. One guesses we are each being led exactly from where we are upon this spirally journey outward and upward, through our own unique purpose and passions, to bring the balance back. Heaven -earth alignment, divine feminine masculine balance and realization of the multidimensional balancing co creation in the human levels of our expansion. Each one of us tending through own multidimensional passions all ways move the collective in the rearing cesspools out of the stuck zones to meet the new incarnated divine balance of heaven on earth. The heaven on earth in the union cohesion unit is essential the divine feminine masculine balance coming through. The honored opening of twinflame love as we do see as many are in the on going experiencing of thus in the process or expanding into new realms of expansion and reunion of the di...

Some Views on Veganism: What it Does and what it certainly Doesn't Guarantee

Veganism is a path and choice many embark and embrace upon on their chosen lives. Some for a very prolonged period, some not so much and each is exactly perfectly directed upon their path from their very chosen fields vegan or not. Each one of us is just following the calls and directions of our very unique drum beat. What irks me most is the judgment of being vegan or not, judging on someone’s path to be good or better or better than not. We often misconduct ourselves berating selves and others and especially when we know, they ought to be knowing or doing better especially after seeing all of what is going on. We can see and cant they? They are many paths to bring union consciousness to earth life and one is not enough and here I might be even being at cross realms with some of my very dear friends following vegan path but I am really not. And indeed I am neither trying to inculcate more compassion towards one kind over another, even though veganism at any consci...