Crystalizing Essence Self through the Waves

I believe gratitude is indeed the key foundation to anything worth having or doing. The very integral trust in the universe and to your key purpose in life is ingrained in the love filled true bred honoring of gratitude to that which you feel you really belong to and that which you truly want to bring more of in your life. The so far unspoken or uncalled for or even non negotiated territories of miracles in your life, are all fodder for the gratitude level unbeknown still but more to be brought into life through your own breathing of bliss into that. every day child self heart enriched awe+wonder that you are, tending the same to rest of world brings realness =s birthing of passion from your own truth call Integrity: at the end of the day, the most valuable thing to me is following that integral call of self and divine negotiated spontaneous birthing of intuition ~ the follow of it is momentary shifts and breathing in truly in the NOW, going by what FEELS ...